"ah? Do you still want to recognize your godfather?"After Chu Bufan came back, he told Zhang Yuxi about the matter, and the latter exclaimed

"I think this is nothing, this kind of thing happened all the time in our old world, but the godfather you want to recognize has a great background, he is a real hereditary noble," Chu Bufan said

"What you say is so good, who is he?"Zhang Yuxi asked

"This is Zhao Guogong, his surname is Ying, he is a descendant of Ying Zheng; you should know who Ying Zheng is, right?" Chu Bufan said

"ah? real?"Zhang Yuxi was shocked.

"Of course it is true. The nobles of the Great Zhou Empire attach great importance to bloodline, and there is absolutely no possibility of impersonation. For you to recognize Zhao Guogong as your godfather, the regent is already showing mercy outside the law because I have served him for many years." Chu Bufan said

""Okay, let me talk to Cheng Xiao and the others." Zhang Yuxi then called for Cheng Xiao and Zhang Zifeng.

As for the box of pills that Chu Bufan brought, he did not plan to distribute them to everyone now. He planned to wait with Zhang Yuxi. From now on, the three girls will cook the rice and give the elixir to each other.

"What? What kind of rules are these? Are there any human rights?"Cheng Xiao couldn't help complaining after hearing Zhang Yuxi's words.

"No way, this is the rule here. The regent thinks that female artists are just toys. Even if they marry into a noble family, they can only be concubines. No matter how talented their children are, they will not get inheritance rights or even be allowed to be officials." Chu Bufan said

"I"Cheng Xiao is angry

"Does your regent have any grudge against the artist?" Zhang Yuxi asked

"I don’t know, maybe there’s an unknown story here." Chu Bufan shook his head.

"Bear with it, we are not human beings in the eyes of the regent." Zhang Zifeng was also indignant.

Although Chu Bufan was telling the truth, it was somewhat exaggerated. He wanted to create an environment in which Zhang Yuxi's three daughters could not survive without him..

In fact, it is not necessary for Chu Bufan to create it. Zhang Yuxi’s three daughters may not be able to survive without him, so it is almost certain that the three women will rely on Chu Bufan. The relationship between Chu Bufan and Zhang Yuxi has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few months, and it is basically confirmed Lover relationship

"Then I would like to ask, doesn’t the regent’s concubine have a background as an artist? Cheng Xiao asked. He was very courageous.

"Haha, this is really not the case." Chu Bufan laughed.

"ah?"Cheng Xiao was surprised

"In the regent's harem there are princesses from the Zhou royal family, princesses from princes' families, and even a queen," Chu Bufan said. These people correspond to Yueshen, Pei Nanwei and Da Siming. Chu Bufan wanted to express himself better. , the Moon Goddess is said to be a princess of the Zhou royal family. After all, the Moon Goddess’ surname is Ji, and she was originally affiliated with the Zhou royal family before establishing the later Great Zhou Empire.

As for the identity of the queen of Da Siming, it is not surprising. She was in the Great Zhou Empire. In the year when the country was founded, she was named the Queen of Yu State, but she was not mentioned very often, so she seemed a little unfamiliar.

After hearing Chu Bufan talk about the origins of these women, Cheng Xiao completely lost his temper. The concubines were all princesses of the vassal states. , the main wife is a princess, what kind of fairy family is this?

"Why don't you talk?" Seeing that the women didn't speak for a long time, Chu Bufan asked

""Um, it's nothing, nothing." Cheng Xiao waved his hand.

Chu Bufan nodded.

Later, Wang Yu and Chu Bufan took the three daughters back to a Duke's Mansion in Luoyi, the Great Zhou Empire, to meet with Duke Zhao and Zhang Yuxi's three daughters to become their godfather. That was it. The three girls were renamed Ying Yuxi, Ying Zifeng and Ying Xiao respectively.

Then Wang Yu named the three girls county queens in the name of Emperor Zhou and gave them to Chu Bufan.

That was done. , after Wang Yu sent a few people back to the Republic of China, he returned to the land of Jiuzhou and Wanguo to see Pei Nanwei. He estimated that the time was almost over.

Sure enough, in February 1946, Pei Nanwei gave birth to a son to Wang Yu, named Wang Zin. This was Wang Yu's sixteenth son.

After seeing Pei Nanwei and his son, Wang Yu immediately returned to the Republic of China to continue to pay attention to the war situation.

The thirty-eighth year of the Great Zhou Empire (the thirty-fifth year of the Republic of China, 1946 AD) year) July

"Frightened Salamander, you must give me a big fat boy this time, hahaha"Wang Yu was so proud.

It turns out that Jing Salamander is pregnant and has been pregnant for more than three months.

"Your Highness, I think it’s better to get rid of this child. I’m afraid that the Grand Master won’t be able to tolerate him in the future," Jing Salaman said worriedly.

"This is nonsense. I have said it many times. I am the head of the family. Anyone who dares to harm my son will not be spared." Wang Yu stood up and scolded


"If there is no but, just give birth to the child with peace of mind, don't think about so many useless things."

Jing Salamang continued to say, but was interrupted by Wang Yu

""Yes" the Frightened Salamander could only respond.

"That's right, as my woman, you should learn to be submissive." Wang Yu sat back on the bed and hugged Jing Salamander.

""Okay." Jing Salad nodded.

Since returning to the capital last year, Wang Yu has been with Jing Sala and completely left A Yan aside. A Yan was very dissatisfied with this.

"It turns out that my father still remembers my daughter." This is A Yan and Wang Yu talking.

"Ayan, there is a thorn in your words." Wang Yu said and sat on the edge of the bed. When

Ayan saw Wang Yu sitting down, he immediately stood up and distanced himself.

"What's going on?" Wang Yu got up again and walked over to hug A Yan's shoulders.

"Father, please show some respect." Ayan struggled for a moment and said

"Ah! Getting angry with me?"Wang Yu asked

"Humph." Ayan snorted coldly and turned his back.

"Ayan, if I have offended you, you have to make it clear to me," Wang Yu said

"You know it yourself, so why ask even though you already know it?" Ayan said

"Hey, that's it.. It's really my fault, so don't be angry." Wang Yu said and forcefully hugged Ayan.

Although Ayan resisted, he was quickly hugged by Wang Yu.

"Mother has your child, so when can I be pregnant with your child?"Ayan asked

""It's not urgent about the child, it's not urgent, you are still young," Wang Yu said perfunctorily.

Once Ayan becomes pregnant, she must end this unethical relationship with Wang Yu, and then Ayan will have to marry with the child. Man, this is unacceptable to Ayan, and it is also difficult for Wang Yu. After all, we have to consider the impact and possible consequences of this matter. If not, neither Ayan nor the child will survive, and neither can Wang Yu. Accept this result.

So as long as Ayan continues this unethical relationship with Wang Yu, she is destined to be unable to get pregnant and have children.

"My father is used to dealing with me," Ayan said.

"You have to consider the consequences," Wang Yu said

"My father has great magical powers, why should I be afraid of the consequences?" Ayan said

"So in what capacity will your and my child be born? If the Moon God knows about it, you will definitely not be able to live, and neither will your child." Wang Yu said

""Father can resurrect Ayao, why can't he resurrect me and the child?" Ayan said

"Why go to the trouble of resurrecting from the dead when you can live? Aren't you causing trouble for yourself?" Wang Yu said

"I"Arabic language stuck

"Okay, Ayan, I'll pamper you as much as possible from now on, okay? Let's put the children aside for now," Wang Yu said.

Ayan nodded reluctantly. In

November 1946, the war in the Pacific was completely clear, and the United States Chiang Kai-shek's coalition forces approached the Japanese mainland, but they also paid a huge price in the death of hundreds of thousands of people and nearly one million injuries. The three armies of the second phase of the National Army's Expeditionary Force have become completely empty frames, and the bones of 300,000 Nationalist troops are buried in the On various islands in the Pacific battlefield.

Chiang, who was far away in Australia, called on the domestic people to rise up to fight, and at the same time planned with the M people to seize an island or a remote port and replenish troops. Chiang urgently needed to rebuild the army, so he carefully selected Taiwan became their target.

It was ceded to the Zhou Empire during the Qing Dynasty, and was soon handed over to the Japanese by Wang Yu. Now there is a Japanese brigade stationed on the island. On

November 20, the US-Chiang Kai-shek coalition launched a landing Battle in Taiwan. Half a month later, the coalition forces annihilated the Japanese who defended the island and successfully occupied Taiwan. Chiang also led his troops from Australia to move to Taiwan, and he set foot on the soil of the Republic of China. After retaking Taiwan, the M Army also began to use Taiwan airport, where targets on the other side can be bombed

""Father, the M people have occupied Taiwan, and those with the surname Chiang have also moved from Australia to Taiwan. The Kuomintang army is being rebuilt," Wang Qi said to his father.

"oh? Planning to counterattack? Okay, I'll wait for him." Wang Yu heard this and said

"Your Highness, because the war situation in the Pacific is very bad, the Japanese seem to want to imitate Germany," said Foreign Affairs Director Qi Meng

"oh? Also want to withdraw from the war?"Wang Yu asked

"Yes, it’s just the people from the military who want to fight to the last man, while other government officials demand armistice negotiations on the grounds of saving the lives of Tianhuang and the people," Qi Meng said

"Let them quarrel, I will destroy the Goose Kingdom first," Wang Yu said

""Yes" everyone responded

"Your Highness, the First Japanese Legion in Northwestern Shanxi has been completely defeated by the Communist Party of China. They are retreating to North China in embarrassment." Chu Bufan reported the battle situation to Wang Yu.

"It’s no big deal if you just throw it away in the backcountry," Wang Yu said.

"Your Highness, if the Communist Party of China launches a large-scale attack on cities in North China, what should we do?" Chu Bufan asked

"Let’s talk about it then." Wang Yu waved his hand.

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