Later, Zhang Yuxi, Li Xiaoman and others were invited to rest in the side hall. Only Wang Yu, his two sons and Chu Bufan were left in the main hall.

"Your Highness, I have a question, I wonder if you can explain it?" Chu Bufan said

"Let’s talk," Wang Yu said

"Why was the attack on Goose Kingdom suddenly postponed?" Chu Bufan asked

"Because I have a new way of dealing with Goose Country," Wang Yu said

"this"Chu Bufan is puzzled

"I have decided to completely destroy this country and turn it into an overseas fiefdom and frontline fortress of my Great Zhou Empire," Wang Yu said

"this.. With more than 20 million square kilometers of land, how many nobles will be enfeoffed?" Chu Bufan said

"After wiping out the Goose Kingdom, I will issue a massacre order. No one will be left in any Goose Kingdom or its servant countries, and our nobles will replace their leaders," Wang Yu said

"Your Highness, do you mean that Poland, Romania and other countries will also be wiped out?"Wang Yu asked

"This is my plan, but for now, I still focus on destroying the Goose Kingdom first," Wang Yu said

"Yes, I understand." Chu Bufan nodded.

"After the Goose Kingdom is eliminated, its slave countries will inevitably undergo coups, and the situation in Eastern Europe will also undergo huge and unpredictable changes by then," Wang Yu said

""Father, you have wiped out all the people of the Goose Kingdom. How should our nobles govern this empty and uninhabited fiefdom?" Wang Qi asked.

"There are more than 400 million people in the Republic of China. Many of them sold their sons and daughters and were forced to do heavy labor, but they still faced starvation. Can't these people become subjects under the rule of the nobles?" Wang Yu said

"My father is wise, but the Republic of China will not last long." Wang Duo narrowed his eyes and said

"The Japanese people can also become subjects under the rule of the nobles, and I can support the Huns, so why can’t I raise the Japanese evil dogs and cause some trouble in this dirty world?" Wang Yu said

"What the father said is absolutely true." Wang Qi and Wang Duo looked at each other and responded.

"Um, this"Chu Bufan didn't expect that Wang Yu was harboring such a big conspiracy.

In the final analysis, the Republic of China was still a traditional agricultural country. It is not an exaggeration to think of it as the Qing Dynasty with its pigtails cut off. Therefore, the people of the Republic of China could seamlessly connect with each other. Isn't it just farming?

After the Goose Kingdom and its slave states are eliminated in the future, Wang Yu will transform the land of more than 20 million square kilometers so that it will be full of fertile fields and equipped with grains used by the Zhou Empire. When the time comes, he will spread the news to attract the Republic of China. The people came to seek refuge.

If the Japanese declare surrender or withdraw from the war at this time, the Japanese expatriates stranded in the Republic of China can also take these fiefdoms to replenish their income.

"Let's talk about this matter here. The specific situation depends on the direction of the war." Wang Yu ended the topic.

In the side hall, Li Xiaoman and others came in and found Ayan sitting here drinking tea.

"Second sister"

""Second Aunt"

Li Xiaoman and her sons hurriedly greeted her

"Well, you guys sit down," Ayan nodded and said.

"OK." Li Xiaoman and his sons took their seats.

"These are"Ayan looked at Zhang Yuxi and others and asked

"Second sister, these are the family members of the Prime Minister. His Royal Highness the Regent is giving a banquet tonight, so let them rest here first." Li Xiaoman stood up and introduced Ayan.

"Everyone, this is the second daughter of His Highness the Regent." Then Li Xiaoman introduced her to the embarrassed Zhang Yuxi and others.

"Hello, princess." Zhang Yuxi and others bowed to say hello.

"Wrong, I am not a princess, I am a princess," Ayan corrected

"Forehead.. Hello, Princess!" Zhang Yuxi and others were very embarrassed and had to say hello again.

"Since you are Mr. Chu's family, please stop standing and sit down," Ayan said.

Zhang Yuxi and others then sat down.

There are quite a lot of seats in this side hall.

Ayan has been in a bad mood these days because he has been Wang Yu has been with her mother Jingyihu and left her here. Ayan actually started to be jealous of his biological mother

"When did the second sister arrive?" Li Xiaoman chatted with Ayan

"I came back with my father on August 2nd, and my mother is also here," Ayan said. His tone seemed a bit arrogant.

"oh.. Second sister, thank you for your hard work. Please stay here longer this time," Li Xiaoman said.

"It all depends on what my father wants. One day he gets unhappy and drives my mother and I away." Ayan's words were thorny.

"No, my father usually loves his second sister the most, how could he drive you away for no reason?" Li Xiaoman smiled and said

"Ever since our father had Little Nineteen, us daughters have fallen out of favor overnight. The Eighteenth Sister cursed in the house and said that her father had abandoned her." Although Ayan was unhappy, he was not stupid enough to reveal his fault, so he transferred The topic changed. What she was talking about was that after Wang Teng was born, she quickly replaced Wang Qian and became the favorite of the family. Now that Wang Teng is four years old, everyone in the Taishi Mansion holds her in their hands. Wang Qian is very dissatisfied with this. Her half-sister took away her father's love for her, so she always acted like Wang Teng in front of others and behind others.

(PS: You are such a grown-up person, and you are still arguing with a four or five-year-old child.

Wang Qian: What do you know!

PS : Okay, okay, I don’t understand, you understand.

Wang Qian: Get out of here!


Moon God naturally could not tolerate her own daughter being bullied by Wang Qian's words. Although she wanted to reprimand Wang Qian for venting her daughter's anger, considering that Wang Qian was Da Siming's daughter, she could only talk to Da Siming and let her He took good care of his daughter, but it obviously didn't work, because Da Siming himself had to take care of his youngest son Wang Yue, who was also five years old this year. Da Siming has no time to take care of Wang Qian now.

Now the great Siming has basically completed her transformation, becoming a housewife and playing the role of"Prince of Xining or Princess Regent". Half of her military power was given to the Moon God, and the other half was jointly controlled by Wei Zhuang and Yan Fei

"Um, this.. Haha, the second sister said something harsh," Li Xiaoman said, feeling a little embarrassed.

"You guys sit down, I'll go for a walk." After that, Ayan stood up and left.

"Madam, this princess seems to be in a bad mood," Cheng Xiao tentatively said to Li Xiaoman.

In the past few months in the capital, the three daughters of Zhang Yuxi and Li Xiaoman had established a good relationship. However, they are both modern people, and Li Xiaoman Man did not recognize Zhang Yuxi at all, or even had any impression of him. Obviously there are differences in different modern worlds.

"She is like this, the regent usually dotes on her," Li Xiaoman said

"oh"Cheng Xiao seemed to understand. She thought that Ayan was usually spoiled by his father, but this time he was taken away from his favor by other sisters and she felt unhappy.

(Ayan: My Qingyuan Sword can’t wait to drink blood.

Cheng Xiao: What are you going to do!

PS: You two, please listen to me.

Ayan: Shut up! Otherwise, I will stab you to death with my sword.


"How have you been living here during this time? Is there anything you don't feel comfortable with?" Li Xiaoman asked Zhang Yuxi and others again

"Thank you very much, madam, for taking care of us. We live very well, much better than before." Zhang Yuxi looked at Lu Dong and others, and replied to Li Xiaoman

"That’s good, just ask if you need anything, my husband is Mr. Chu’s student, Mr. Chu’s family is our family," Li Xiaoman said with a smile.

"Thank you, madam." Zhang Yuxi responded

"Mom, I want to go outside for a walk," Wang Tongxin said

"Go, don't go too far," Li Xiaoman said

"OK." Wang Tongxin stood up and went out.

"Mom, I don’t know what’s going on with our house in Jinling now," Wang Beixuan said.

"I heard from your father that Commander Niu sends people to clean it every day, so he should be able to move in at any time. What's wrong?"Li Xiaoman said

"Director Lu and Master Qiao, I was chatting with an interpreter a few days ago. He said that the Yangtze River defense line is basically completed. Will we go to Jiangnan in the future?" Liu Wen talked with Lu Dong and Qiao Hong.

During these few months in the capital, The two groups were merged, with Lu Dong as the director, Liu Wen as the assistant director, Qiao Hong as the photography director and photographer, and Zhang Yuxi, Cheng Xiao and Zhang Zifeng as the three protagonists. A few people were fine in the

Old Summer Palace Shoot a video or go to the military camp to visit and shoot.

Liu Wen only learned about the Yangtze River Defense Line while chatting with a military interpreter while filming the video in the military camp. This matter is not a secret. The M people, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party all know that the Kyushu Army built it Yangtze River Defense Line

"Oh, it’s nothing, I was thinking about when we should go to Jinling to see it," said Wang Beixuan and Li Xiaoman.

"There is so much chaos outside now. Although Jinling is not too far, it is not close either. We still have to cross the Yangtze River. When the situation stabilizes, we will go back and see how many days we can stay." Li Xiaoman responded to Wang Beixuan

"Yangtze River Defense Line? What's wrong?"Lu Dong was puzzled by Liu Wen's words.

"It’s nothing, I heard the translator said that the Yangtze River defense line is very strong and there are mines everywhere," Liu Wen said.

"how? Do you want to try stepping on landmines?"Qiao Hong joked

"No, I still want to live and enjoy life, though.."Hey," Liu Wen sighed.

"But what?" Lu Dong asked

"I disappeared suddenly, how worried my parents must be," Liu Wen said, lowering his head and covering his face.

"My dad was still in the hospital when I disappeared. Now I have no news. What will happen if my dad finds out that his condition worsens?" Lu Dong, as a middle-aged man, was more worried. After listening to

Liu Wen's words, several other people also Everyone became sad.

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