June of the thirty-seventh year of the Great Zhou Empire’s Xiangying Period (the thirty-fourth year of the Republic of China, 1945 AD).

The Pacific War is still in full swing. At the end of April, the Allied forces conquered Saipan and broke through the"absolute defense circle." Although they completely wiped out the Japs on the island, they also paid the price of 130,000 killed and 172,000 injured. , of which 85,000 people were killed in the 34th Group Army of the Chinese Army, which completely lost its combat effectiveness and was forced to withdraw from the battlefield.

When the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar. People in the country of M put pressure on the Truman administration, which had just taken office, demanding that he immediately stop this war that had become meaningless.

Truman has one head and two heads at this time. If he obeys the people's wishes, country M will not only gain no benefits, but will also lose the trust and support of its allies.

After the end of World War I, Britain, which was once the number one country in the world, has shown signs of fatigue. Country M, which made a lot of money during the war, has a tendency to replace Britain as the number one country in the world.

After the outbreak of World War II, faced with the rapid offensive of the German army, the British and Gallic armies retreated one after another. It was not until the M country entered the war that they barely stopped their decline.

In Asia, as Britain's power in Asia was wiped out by the devils, the opportunity for Country M to replace Britain came. As long as it quickly defeated the devils in the Pacific, it could seize all the interests in the Pacific.

But the Roosevelt administration at that time obviously underestimated the Japanese will to fight, and also underestimated the Kyushu Army's efforts to assist the Japanese. The small Guadalcanal actually fought for a year and a half, and 50,000 young men from the M country were buried in Guadalcanal. It was a blow to the Roosevelt administration.

After the second phase of the National Army Expeditionary Force joined the Pacific battlefield, Roosevelt believed that he had found the key to defeat the Japanese at the minimum cost. However, the Battle of Saipan became more brutal and bloody. Although it only lasted for more than half a year, there were still tens of thousands of M The young Chinese man was buried here together with more than 100,000 Chinese soldiers.

Roosevelt died suddenly in distress, and Truman, who succeeded him, was not confident that he could break the deadlock quickly. Amid internal and external difficulties, the war in the Pacific fell into a stalemate again.

On June 1, 1945, a large number of Japanese warships, including the battleship"Yamato", suddenly sailed out of various ports in the Japanese mainland. The huge Japanese fleet had only one destination for this trip: major ports in the Northeast region.

In reality, the Japanese Navy's battleship force should have only half-dead Nagato, Ise, Haruna, and Hyuga left at this time. They were moored in the home port and served as forts, and were bombarded by M army aircraft indiscriminately.

However, the war in the Pacific Islands here was extremely intense, and some major naval battles had not yet had time to break out or did not break out at all, such as Leyte Gulf and Ryukyu's"Kikusui Special Attack." Therefore, the Japanese navy's battleship force is still relatively complete at this time. The two"Yamato", two"Ise", two"Fuso" and the battleships Nagato, Kongo, and Haruna are still safe and sound.

The two battleships Hiei and Kirishima were lost in the waters of Guadalcanal and the Solomon Islands, and the battleship Mutsu sank in an explosion accident at the anchorage.

As early as 1932 before the war, Wang Yu had taken a fancy to the ports of Huludao, Yingkou, and Lushun in the Northeast, and spent huge sums of money to build a large-scale modern comprehensive naval base with the Japanese.

Among them, the hardware facilities of the shipyard in Lushun Port even have the ability to build"Yamato" class battleships, but later all the Japanese technical personnel of the shipyard were transferred back to the mainland.

Before the start of the Pacific War, Wang Yu once proposed that the Japanese navy transfer half of its warships to major naval bases in the Northeast to prepare for emergencies, but the Japanese did not obey at the time. Now there is a problem with the fuel supply in the Japanese mainland. In order to preserve their strength, they have to force Let the main fleet assembled in the mainland move to the northeastern port to rest and recuperate.

In addition to naval officers and soldiers, the Japanese warships also carried some technical personnel and even some members of the royal family.

Wang Yu had long discovered the location of the Northeast oil fields, but he did not tell the Japs. He was afraid that if he told the Japs in advance, they would not launch the Pacific War, and Wang Yu's plan to consume the Western world would be in vain.

Therefore, it was not until 1943 that Wang Yu revealed the specific locations of major oil fields in the Northeast. However, the Japanese Navy in the Northeast only had an artillery fleet and no main fleet. These oil fields were quickly controlled by the Japanese Army.

This time the main fleet of the Japanese navy moved to the northeast, which also meant competing with the army for oil fields.

At that time, Wang Yu proposed that the Japanese Navy transfer half of its combat power to the Northeast. If Country M and the Japanese went to war in the future, and the Japanese could not bear to surrender or withdraw from the war, the Kyushu Army stationed in the Northeast could attack the Japanese warships parked in the port. Carry out disarmament operations.

The disarmament operation was not only targeted at the Japanese Navy, but also applied to the Japanese Army within the Republic of China.

The camera returned to the capital of the Republic of China. News of Germany's withdrawal from the war came. Qi Meng opened the space tunnel and led the 23rd Corps back to the capital.

After returning to the capital, the 23rd Corps formed the North China Corps with the foreign corps, which was responsible for the defense of North China, especially around the capital.

At this time, the Kyushu Army's strength in North China was relatively weak, with only two incomplete regiments, about 500,000 people, and more than 200"Mogai" tanks.

As the vice president, Wang Qi transferred two divisions stationed in Chaoxian to cross the Yalu River and return to North China through the northeast. These two divisions originally belonged to the Corps stationed abroad.

After the Kyushu Army withdrew from Chaoxian, a raging independence movement broke out in the area.

After Germany withdrew from the war, European Allied forces began to be transferred to the Pacific one after another, which boosted the morale of the Pacific M Army and the Kuomintang army that were struggling.

On July 12, 1945, the 3rd Army under the First Army of the M Country landed in Guangzhou. Jiang, who had been battered by the Kyushu Army, and the M Army advisory group stranded here warmly welcomed this unit.

The commander of Country M's 3rd Army is Major General Van Fleet, whom everyone is very familiar with. His 3rd Army has three divisions, namely the 1st Cavalry Division, 1st Infantry Division and 4th Armored Division. The three troops are all famous"ruthless characters".

The arrival of the 3rd Army of Country M has greatly strengthened Guangzhou's defense strength. At this time, a forward division of the South China Corps of the Kyushu Army has reached a place about 40 kilometers away from the suburbs of Guangzhou. If nothing unexpected happens, it will take at most two or three days. In a short time, the Kyushu Army will be able to invade the suburbs of Guangzhou and then bombard the city of Guangzhou.

But if nothing else, is this possible?

The 3rd Army of Country M disembarked in Guangzhou after a long voyage. At this time, it was exhausted and had to rest for a period of time before entering the battle. Therefore, the Kuomintang army had to face the attack of the Kyushu Army alone for the time being.

Fortunately, the accident really happened at this time.

The 349th Division, the forward force of the South China Corps of the Kyushu Army, encountered fierce resistance from the Kuomintang troops and local people when it attacked Sanyuanli. The entire 349th Division, with more than 20,000 people, was actually blocked in Sanyuanli and unable to advance.

The terrain in Sanyuanli is complex, with ravines and highlands everywhere. It started to rain again in Guangzhou in mid-July, and the roads became muddy. Heavy equipment, especially the 150mm cannon, was seriously lagging behind and unable to provide fire support. The infantry of the 349th Division could only He can use various firearms, rocket launchers, and mortars to deal with the national army in Sanyuanli.

The Chinese army has deployed a division of troops in Sanyuanli. There are three M101 105mm howitzers on the position, and there are M country aircraft in the air to assist. Therefore, it makes sense that the 349th Division of the Kyushu Army is trapped in Sanyuanli and cannot advance. middle.

From July 13th to 20th, one division of the National Army with less than 10,000 men, with the help of Sanyuanli villagers, withstood the fierce attack of the 349th Division of the Kyushu Army. However, the National Army suffered heavy losses and urgently needed reinforcements. Kyushu The 349th Division of the South China Corps of the Army is affiliated to the 74th Army under the 18th Corps. This army is also the most advanced unit in the middle cluster of the South China Corps.

The four corps under the South China Corps are divided into three clusters: east, middle and west. The 17th Corps on the East Road is the East Cluster, the 18th and 19th Corps on the Middle Road are the Middle Cluster, and the 16th Corps on the West Road is the West Cluster.

The East Cluster starts from Hunan, passes through Jiangxi, then enters Fujian, and finally enters Guangdong; the Middle Cluster directly attacks Guangdong from Hunan, and the West Cluster transfers from Hunan to Guizhou, enters Guangxi, and then invades Guangdong.

Among the three armies, the Western Cluster has the longest offensive route and encounters the most fierce resistance. The Guangxi army in Guangxi has formed a very strong combat effectiveness after several years of reconstruction. They are frantically resisting the Kyushu Army in South China. The XPCC's Western Cluster is still fighting against the Guangxi clique in Guangxi. Although a large number of Guangxi clique troops have been annihilated, the progress is still slow.

General Lu Wuqin, commander-in-chief of the South China Corps, and headquarters personnel followed the center cluster operation.

At noon on July 21, the 348th Division under the 74th Army of the South China Corps followed up. Almost at the same time, the 349th Division Artillery Regiment, which had been lagging behind, also caught up.

With the roar of 150mm cannons, the national army position in Sanyuanli fell into a sea of ​​fire. In just two hours, Sanyuanli was reduced to scorched earth under the bombardment of dozens of howitzers and cannons.

The two divisions of the 74th Army of the South China Corps continued to advance towards the suburbs of Guangzhou via Sanyuanli. They were bombed by M aircraft on the way. Although they suffered losses, they did not harm the overall situation. The offensive momentum of the Kyushu Army in the center has become unstoppable, and the national army on the periphery is about to be unable to withstand it.

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