On April 20, 1945, deep in Lop Nur, Rooster Land, the Republic of China, the Kyushu Army Strategic Weapons Launch and Experiment Base

"total.. reason?"Cheng Xiao listened to Chu Bufan's words and opened his mouth.

"You do not believe?"Chu Bufan asked back.

"this.."Isn't it too exaggerated?" Cheng Xiao couldn't believe it. Others didn't believe it either.

"In this case, I won't explain much. As time goes by, you will understand my status little by little. Let me know you, my name is Chu Bufan." Wang Yu stretched out his right hand.

"My name is Lu Dong"

"Liu Wen"

"My name is Qiao Hong."

Three men shook hands with Chu Bufan one after another. Among them, Lu Dong is the deputy director, Qiao Hong is the photographer and Lu Dong is on the same crew. Liu Wen is the field staff of the"Longing" program team

"As for you, there is no need to introduce them. Zhang Yuxi, Zhang Zifeng, and Cheng Xiao." Chu Bufan also shook hands with the three girls of Zhang Yuxi one by one.

"Although I can guarantee your personal safety, I also want to hear your own plans." After sitting down again, Chu Bufan asked

"I want to go back, but I can't find the way back." Zhang Zifeng's expression dimmed.

"what about you?"Chu Bufan nodded, and then asked other people

"I would like to learn about this world and take some video materials by the way, because I feel that this world is different from ours." Lu Dong and photographer Qiao Hong looked at each other and the former said

"Hahaha.. Without the regent, this world would be like your original world," Chu Bufan said.

"General, who is the regent? Lu Dong asked. Among the six people, Lu Dong was in his forties and was the oldest.

"I am the ruler of the empire. What I want to tell you is that the country I am in is an agricultural empire of slavery," Chu Bufan said.

"Ah this"Everyone was speechless.

What Chu Bufan said was so shocking that they couldn't believe it.

"how? Chu Bufan asked

"Nothing, nothing" everyone replied

"I'll go back to Changchun in a few days. You guys can go back with me," Chu Bufan said.

"Okay." Everyone responded.

Zhang Yuxi, Zhang Zifeng and Cheng Xiao were placed in one barracks.

Lu Dong, Qiao Hong and Liu Wen were placed in another barracks.

These people couldn't sleep at night, they were all there Thinking about the future.

The knowledge and skills mastered by these people are useful here, but they seem a bit useless. In the early morning of May 7, 1945, the"Bufan" special plane flew to Changchun carrying Chu Bufan, Zhang Yuxi and others. Lin Before leaving, Chu Bufan temporarily handed over the major and minor affairs of the base to the deputy commander and chief of staff.

Changchun Airport, upon learning of Chu Bufan's arrival, headed by President Chi Lian, including Wang Zheng, the military and political chief of Northeast China, all those in Changchun All lieutenant generals and officers above came to the airport to greet them.

"After the Bufan landed and stopped, the cabin door was opened and airport staff set up the gangway.

"Let's go." Chu Bufan greeted Zhang Yuxi and others who were carrying Li and got off the plane.

In fact, the so-called luggage was some equipment they brought as well as the military uniforms and shoes Chu Bufan gave them to change.

"Long time no see, President." Chu Bufan walked up to Chi Lian and gave a military salute.

"Yes, we haven’t seen each other for several years. Is everything okay?"Chi Lian also shook off the military salute and responded.

"I'm fine, how about you?" Chu Bufan asked

"I am also very good and have won several battles," Chi Lian said.

"Oh, I congratulate you." Chu Bufan nodded in response


""Prime Minister" and then several princes and military commanders headed by Wang Zheng greeted Chu Bufan with military salutes.

Chu Bufan also returned the salute and shook hands one by one.

"Teacher, who are they?"Wang Zheng asked Chu Bufan

"My relatives, find two cars and temporarily place them in your residence building. I will take them back to the capital later," Chu Bufan said

""Yes, teacher" Wang Zheng responded.

Chu Bufan and Chi Lian were in the same car.

"President, why did the Regent suddenly change the battle plan against Goose Country?" Chu Bufan asked Chi Lian

"He has a new plan," Chi Lian said

"oh? Can you tell me something?" Chu Bufan asked

"Let’s talk in detail when we return to the camp," Chi Lian said.

"Well, I have been on the border of the Western Region for a long time and don’t know much about the war situation in the Pacific and the mainland of the Republic of China. Can the president tell me something?" Chu Bufan asked again

"According to the news from the Japanese, the M people just captured Saipan at the end of April. In more than half a year, they paid the price of hundreds of thousands of people dying in battle. I don’t know if this is accurate, but it’s not much different. , because the defense facilities on Saipan were built with the help of our people," Chi Lian said

"It seems that the end of the Pacific War is still far away, and the Japanese can still consume more M people." Chu Bufan nodded slightly and said

"On the 16th of last month, our army had captured Sichuan and was pursuing the fleeing enemy. Two days ago, I received a battle report from the capital. Our army had made a major breakthrough in its general attack in South China. The three-pronged army attacked Entering Guangdong and Guangxi, hundreds of thousands of enemy troops were vulnerable. They fled in panic and were all squeezed by us around Guangzhou," Chi Lian said.

She was talking about the Sichuan-Shu Corps and the South China Corps of the Kyushu Army.

In addition, there were Yunnan and Burma. The Corps has penetrated deep into Yunnan from abroad and captured the Mengzi Airport, cutting off the Yunnan Army's way of obtaining U.S. aid supplies by air or moving elsewhere.

Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province, is already within the range of the heavy artillery of the Yunnan-Burma Corps.

From September 1944 The general attack that started on the 2nd has swept through most of the Republic of China. This"ploughing" operation from north to south and east to west has achieved great results. Hundreds of thousands of local warlords from the Kuomintang army who had not been attacked before The troops have been annihilated, and the various regiments of the Kyushu Army are still under rapid attack.

"If I can catch Mr. Jiang, I must see what kind of guy this bald guy is." Chu Bufan responded after hearing this. He knew that Mr. Jiang was beaten and fled in embarrassment, and now he has temporarily settled in Guangzhou, and he also hopes to catch him. Jiang someone

"I almost caught him last time in Chongqing, but unfortunately he escaped," Chi Lian said.

"Jiang is the best at escaping. This time our army captures Guangzhou, let’s see where he runs," Chu Bufan said

"Maybe he will go abroad," Chi Lian said

"Oh, by the way, is Song Jinling still in the capital?" Chu Bufan asked

"Here, what? Chi Lian asked

"I plan to take a break when I come back this time and go to the capital to stay for a few days, just to see what kind of condition Song Genling is in," Chu Bufan said

"You have to tell Lao Ba and the others in advance," Chi Lian said.

"I will call Lao Ba and the others tomorrow," Chu Bufan said.

Chi Lian nodded.

After returning to the office building, Chu Bufan and Chi Lian went to the war room. The former asked the latter about Wang Yu's latest plan and whereabouts

"Although this plan is risky, it is very exciting." After listening to Chi Lian's narration, Chu Bufan said

"Our army has a winning chance," Chi Lian is very confident.

"Nuclear rockets will make the people of Goose lose nothing," Chu Bufan said.

"Haha." Chi Lian smiled and said nothing.

While Chu Bufan and Chi Lian were talking in the war room, Wang Zheng sent someone to arrange accommodation for Zhang Yuxi and others.

""A few of you, these two houses are your residences, you can allocate them by yourself." A lieutenant took six people with luggage to see the residence.

""Okay, thank you, Mr. Lieutenant." Lu Dong thanked him.

Then the lieutenant left.

The two rooms were units, with bedrooms, living rooms, and separate bathrooms. It was a four-person room, but the space was not small. In the end, there were three women in one unit and three men. A unit

"Ah, I can finally take a break." Photographer Qiao Hong lay down on his bed and said

"It is already May 1945. According to the historical trend we have understood in the past, World War II should be almost over." Lu Dong moved a chair and sat down and said

"But the war seems to be still very fierce, and there is no end in sight." Qiao Hong sat up again and said

"Chu Bufan said that the regent changed everything," Liu Wen said

"I am very interested in this mysterious regent. It would be better if I could film the interview video," said Lu Dong

"Director Lu, we must not be able to go back, even if we take these videos, what is the use?" Qiao Hong said

"If by chance we go back again, these videos will be very precious information," said Lu Dong

"Director Lu, it’s already this time, what’s the use of saying all this, if we could really go back, we would have gone back long ago, will we still be stranded here?" Qiao Hong said

"Then you can't just wait to die like this," Lu Dong said

"The top priority is how to survive in this war-torn era, and we can talk about other things later," Qiao Hong said

"I think Master Qiao is right, we have to survive first." Liu Wen also agreed with Qiao Hong.

Among the three men, Liu Wen was the youngest, less than thirty years old.

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