It was about 10:20 in the morning on March 22, 1945.

The First Battalion of the 138th Regiment of the 46th Division of the Kyushu Army took the lead in attacking the northern city of Chengdu. When they were clearing the giant horses, they were shot by an ambushed National Army machine gun team. The entire battalion was crowded together and suppressed on the edge of the city..

Two national army machine guns fired from the houses on both sides of the street. At this time, the Juma had not been completely cleared, and the half-track armored artillery vehicles and other support weapons were still blocked by the Juma and could not get close to support.

Moreover, most of the houses on both sides of this street are small buildings of two or three stories. The national army machine gun team occupying the commanding heights temporarily suppressed the enemy who were hundreds of times their number.

"Call me!"The battalion commander was holding an automatic rifle and shooting at a two-story building on the left. Just now, he saw with his own eyes a figure in a window on the second floor.


"Da da da.. Da da da da da da"

"Snapped.. Snapped"

Kyushu soldiers shouted while attacking the small building with automatic or semi-automatic rifles.

"Commander, our first battalion is suppressed on the edge of Beicheng District and cannot move. They are attacking forward with difficulty." A second lieutenant reported the battle situation to Colonel Xie Hui, commander of the 138th Regiment of the 46th Division of the Kyushu Army.

"Ask them to withdraw immediately." Xie Hui immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered at the same time.

"yes!"The second lieutenant sent someone to pass the order.

After learning that the first battalion had returned,

"Hey, hey! I am the 138th Regiment. We are suppressed on the edge of Beicheng District and cannot move. Please ask artillery to bomb Beicheng District. The coordinates are"Xie Hui used a walkie-talkie to talk to the artillery regiment of the 46th Division and requested that the Beicheng District be bombarded with 105mm mountain artillery.

Dense 105 artillery shells fell in Beicheng District, destroying a large number of houses. The national army ambushes on many streets had nowhere to hide. Although they quickly evacuated the ambush, they still suffered heavy casualties.

Just as the Jiuzhou Army was bombing vigorously, a group of Nationalist Army aircraft attacked the Jiuzhou Army. They were 12 Kuomintang Air Force B24 bombers and 16 P40 fighter jets flying from the airport near Xikang.

In addition to the Kuomintang pilots flying the plane, there were also pilots from the 14th Air Force of Country M. Two brigades of the 14th Air Force of Country M are stationed at Xikang Airport. These P40 fighter jets are flown by pilots from Country M.

Apparently these planes were assigned by Liu Wenhui to bomb the Kyushu Army.

Nationalist bombers dropped bombs, while fighter jets dived and strafed

"Hurry and take cover!"

"Da da da da da da"

The Kyushu soldiers either sought cover or fired at the aircraft with their weapons. They fell into temporary chaos.

An aerial bomb fell on the Kyushu Army's ranks and exploded, killing and injuring many soldiers.

After the Kuomintang fleet flew away, the scene was in chaos. The Kyushu Army was killed and injured more than a thousand people, nine 105mm mountain guns were blown up, five half-track armored artillery vehicles were blown up, and other heavy equipment also suffered some losses.

After finally clearing the scene, the 138th Regiment continued to attack. At this time, the Beicheng District of Chengdu was full of ruins left by collapsed houses, and the ground was full of damaged building components. If the Kuomintang planes had not suddenly attacked, Beicheng District would have been attacked. More serious damage.

The First Battalion of the 138th Regiment continued to move the giant horses that had not been cleared away, and the half-track armored artillery vehicles and various barrel artillery behind them began to slowly enter the city from here.

Kyushu soldiers walked through the bombed streets of Beicheng District with guns in hand. They walked carefully, looked around, and opened fire when they encountered the slightest movement.



Suddenly a gunshot rang out and a Kyushu soldier was hit.

"what happened!"The companions around him became more alert.



Gunshots rang out again, and another Kyushu soldier was killed.

"Where! There's someone behind the wall!"

"Da da da da da da"

"Snapped.. Snapped"

Then a burst of gunshots fired at the broken brick wall.

When a group of Kyushu soldiers gathered around and took a look, there was no one behind the wall.

"Be careful! There is still an ambush here," the platoon leader shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, gunshots were heard from a dilapidated small building. The platoon leader was hit in the head and died on the spot.

"Pay attention to those private houses on the left!"

"Hurry up!"

A group of Kyushu soldiers began to enter private houses to clear out the ambush soldiers.

"boom.. boom"

When the soldiers entered the small building, grenades were constantly thrown at them

"Hurry and take cover! There's someone upstairs! Call me!"The squad leader hurriedly hid behind a pillar in disgrace and then shot at the corridor upstairs with his automatic rifle.

"Ah!" With a scream, a woman fell down

"woman?"The squad leader was puzzled.

It turns out that there is a courtyard and other houses behind this two-story building. It covers a large area. It is a place similar to a"widow's courtyard". Its official name is"Cleaning Hall". They are all widows or girls who were abandoned since childhood.

Once these people enter the Cleansing Hall, they cannot remarry, and those abandoned girls who were raised by the Cleansing Hall are deprived of the right to marry.

So this The Clean Hall is a place where women are tortured physically and mentally. There is nothing to say about this place.

After the Kyushu Army came to the city, the National Army sent them several boxes of grenades to teach them how to use them, and then asked them to move. However, there were several women in the Clean Hall. They had an affair with the officers and soldiers in the army, and they were unwilling to leave, so they threw grenades here to resist the Kyushu soldiers. There were also a few national soldiers hidden in the small building of the Cleansing Hall, and they were the ones who fired the black gun just now

"There was a gunshot.

Another Kyushu soldier was killed.

"Get out! quick!"The squad leader decisively ordered the evacuation of the small building.

At this time, a half-track armored gun truck drove past the small building.

"Hey Hey hey! Stop it!"The squad leader stopped the artillery truck

"What's up!"The captain asked through the window.

"There are enemies in that building, fight there." The squad leader pointed to the small building just now.

"Okay." The commander did not refuse.

The armored gun truck slowly turned around and faced the small building. Then the artilleryman on the car loaded a grenade on the 75mm anti-tank gun.

"Whoosh.."Bang" the shell burst out of the barrel and hit the small building opposite. Smoke and dust suddenly billowed inside the building, and some building components were blown away.

After a while, two national soldiers came out covered in smoke.

"Snapped.. Snapped"A burst of gunfire from the Kyushu Army killed the two men.

""Ahem, uh." A few more women crawled out with injuries all over their bodies.

This made things difficult for the Kyushu soldiers.

The captain ordered the soldiers to look up at the sky, and then fired at the women on the ground. As for whether a few women could survive the gun, it all depended on God's will.

After a burst of gunfire, the bullets did not hit them, and the women finally survived. The group of Kyushu soldiers ignored them and continued to attack the city. The attack advanced.

On the other side, the 137th Regiment of the 46th Division of the Kyushu Army entered the city and attacked to the east of the city. It was soon blocked by the newly formed 43rd Division under the 78th Army of the National Army.

Compared with the 86th Army, the 78th Army was more powerful. Strong, the entire army has three divisions, namely the new 42nd Division, the new 43rd Division and the new 44th Division. Among them, the new 44th Division is a reconstruction unit. As early as the Battle of Songhu and the Battle of Chongqing, this unit was After being annihilated for the first time, it was rebuilt on the spot in Sichuan and joined the Sichuan Army. The 78th Army of the National Army has a total strength of 32,500 people. The newly established 43rd Division has a total of 11,000 people, fully equipped with American weapons and equipment, and six 105mm howitzers. This unit has the fighting will Very tenacious, it gave the 137th Regiment of the Kyushu Army a disastrous attack, and the regiment had to retreat to seek support. On

March 23, the 48th Division of the 12th Army of the Kyushu Army invaded Chengdu, and then attacked the eastern city, fighting with The new 43rd Division of the National Army fought head-on.

The two sides fought for two days and two nights. The Nationalist Army retreated and the New 43rd Division lost more than 5,600 people.

As more and more Kyushu troops and heavy equipment entered the city, by April 9, 1945 On the morning of April 12, Chengdu fell. In the early morning of April 12, the Zhengfu of Sichuan Province in Chengdu.

A huge flag with a black background and a golden phoenix pattern slowly rose from the Zhengfu compound.

As the Kyushu Army occupied Chengdu, Wang Lingji led the national army More than 20,000 remnants of the 30th Group Army moved into southern Sichuan to join Liu Wenhui and Deng Xihou to plan another big event.

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