When Jun Takeshita led the Japanese special forces to the scene, they only saw dozens of corpses lying in the grass or leaning under the trees.

These corpses all had marks scratched by sharp blades. Their movements were clean and neat, and it was obvious that these corpses had put up a fierce resistance during their lives, but in the end they all died heroically.

Yan Lingji, who was responsible for this case, has returned to the capital with six Jixiantang killers, and her trip to Qingdao has come to an end.

Far away in the Pacific Theater.

Beginning in August 1944, the Kuomintang troops successively arrived by ship or plane at M Army's strongholds in the Pacific.

However, many Kuomintang soldiers fell ill because they could not adapt to the climate in the Pacific, and the attack on the Japanese"absolute defense circle" was delayed.

On September 1 of the same year, just one day before Wang Yu's"general attack" began, the Allied forces finally began the combat operation against the Japanese"absolute defense circle", and the Mariana Islands campaign began. The core of the campaign was to attack and capture Saipan, allowing Allied long-range bombers to directly bomb Japanese cities, including Tokyo.

In addition to the tragic landing operations in the Battle of Saipan, sea and air operations were also a very important part. To tell a not-so-funny thing, as of September 1944, the M Army had not yet fully achieved air and sea control in the Pacific.

On August 19, before the landing operations began, the M Navy's Third Fleet launched the Mariana Sea Battle aimed at wiping out the main force of the Japanese naval aviation force.

The battle lasted for four days, and the Navy of the country M lost"commandos""、"new york city"、"New Lexington" three aircraft carriers and more than 400 aircraft. Among them, New York City and New Lexington were both"Essex" class large aircraft carriers that were commissioned in 1943.

M Army also sunk in this battle Devil"Dafeng""、"flying eagle"、"Shokaku"、"Zuifeng"、"Chitose" has a total of five aircraft carriers and shot down more than 300 Japanese aircraft.

Although in air combat, the pilots of the M country can easily shoot down the Japanese aircraft. They call it the"Mariana Turkey Hunting Competition".

But once they enter the attack During the combat phase of the Japanese aircraft carrier, the M Army pilots were not happy, because the airspace where the aircraft carrier was located was almost completely covered by anti-aircraft shells, especially the 25mm rotating cannon, which never missed, and once fired, there would be gains. This is why the M Army suffered such losses. The main reason for the large number of aircraft.

In addition to being sunk by aircraft carriers, nearly 80% of the aircraft lost by the M Army were shot down by anti-aircraft fire or exploded in the air when attacking the Japanese aircraft carrier. The

M Army lost more than 400 aircraft, while the Japanese only lost 300 aircraft. With multiple aircraft, it seems that the Japanese have the advantage. In fact, the overall number of Japanese aircraft is small. The nine aircraft carriers in this battle only carried a total of 539 aircraft. On the other hand, the dozen aircraft carriers of the US military had a total of 895 aircraft.

Saipan as The most important island in the Japanese"absolute defense circle" has been strengthening various defense facilities in the past few years. The Kyushu Army has also provided assistance with a large amount of materials, including but not limited to reinforced concrete and various other building materials and components. Needless to say, daily necessities such as machine guns and cannon insulation suits, heavy artillery tanks and artillery oil, food, drink and toiletries.

By August 20, 1944, Saipan had become a complete fortress. From underground to above ground, everything There are countless bunkers, fortresses, artillery nests, and tunnels extending in all directions. These facilities can completely withstand battleship-level firepower.

In the past two years, it has been very difficult for the M people to attack the islands held by the Japanese. The reason is that the M army's heavy artillery cannot blast them. In the Japanese concrete fortress, the flamethrowers could not quickly deal with the Japanese machine gunners wearing heat-insulating suits. On the contrary, the flamethrowers of the M Army suffered great losses, because the three hours of fire protection time was enough for the Japanese machine gunners or other companions to deal with them. The fire-breathing soldiers of the M army.

So the M people had to use fire-breathing tanks to fight against the Japanese machine gunners wearing heat-insulating suits in the bunkers, but the effect was not very good. Most of the bunkers were located in complex terrain, and there were still people in front of the bunkers. Obstacles, the tank could not get close, or the fire-breathing tank had not killed the Japanese machine gunners when it got close, and the fire-breathing tank was blown up by other Japanese soldiers from the side and rear in a suicide attack. The

M people wanted to quickly capture the enemy's position. The island will have to endure a large number of casualties in a very short period of time; if it is attacked slowly, it will also cause heavy casualties. What's more, it will seriously slow down the process of the war. This is absolutely unacceptable to the government of country M. Country M The people of China cannot allow their government to be stuck in the quagmire of war for a long time, so they choose the lesser of two evils. The lives of soldiers become a series of numbers in the eyes of those M country politicians.

But in a short period of time, a huge number of people Casualties will also severely damage the morale of the troops. In less than half a month at the beginning of the Guadalcanal Campaign, the M Army killed thousands of people and injured more than 10,000 people, which directly affected the high morale of the young men in the M Country.

Therefore, Roosevelt’s administration After the Battle of Guadalcanal, when faced with public doubts and questions, he and a group of staff came up with a way to transport the Kuomintang troops by air or sea to the Pacific battlefield to replace the M country soldiers to consume the Japanese defense forces.

However, the Battle of Saipan had just begun. The sudden general attack by the Kyushu Army on the battlefield of the Republic of China caught the Kuomintang and friends of M country off guard. Millions of Kyushu soldiers launched a comprehensive attack on the National Army from different theaters at the same time. The national army units can hardly cooperate with each other, and they can only fight independently.

By November 1944, the main forces of the national army in the Hubei, Henan, Anhui and various theaters in South China were divided and surrounded by the Kyushu Army, and the situation took a turn for the worse. Chiang even made a plan to move overseas on M-country aircraft or warships if the national army could not hold the line of defense.

As for turning into Sichuan and then entering Tibetan areas through the Xikang area, Jiang would not even think about it. This is no different from throwing himself into a trap. Nearly two million people from the Kyushu Army are pouring into Sichuan. As November On the 15th, Jiannan Pass was razed, and the Kyushu Army rushed towards the hinterland of Sichuan like a black torrent with no end.

Admiral Marshall, who had not yet left Guangzhou at this time, was also very troubled by the sudden and violent offensive of the Kyushu Army. The M country's army was contained in the Pacific Ocean. The Allied forces in Southeast Asia had long been destroyed, and almost all land routes leading to the outside world were blocked. The Kyushu Army is closed. If the situation continues, it will only be a matter of time before the Kyushu Army invades Guangzhou. General Marshall did not want to be captured again like he was in Chongqing.

Returning to Saipan, October 5, 1944.

The battle has begun for more than a month, but the Allied forces are still lingering on the beach and in Asakin. The Japanese firepower is extremely fierce. The observers accompanying the M country are shocked. This is much scarier than Guadalcanal two years ago.

Huang Wei, commander of the 34th Group Army of the Chinese Army, was very familiar with this level of firepower, because he had experienced it as early as 1937. It was the Battle of Songhu at that time, and the 54th Army led by Huang Wei was attacked at Gaoqiao. Annihilated, he himself was slightly wounded and fled in embarrassment with a few surviving staff officers.

This landing on Saipan was led by the 53rd Army under the 34th Group Army. The 53rd Army organized three divisions and had a total strength of 35,000 troops. This level was definitely that of the direct descendants of Chiang Kai-shek in the national army.

As early as in Guangzhou, the 53rd Army had all been equipped with beautiful weapons. After arriving in Guadalcanal in July 1944, the 53rd Army conducted intensive assault training on island landing operations under the guidance of M country instructors, and then rushed to Guadalcanal by boat. Saipan joins the war.

Why the 53rd Army was chosen to be the first to land on Saipan? This is the opinion of the M country, because most of the soldiers in this unit come from the southwestern region of the Republic of China and even soldiers from the Guangdong and Guangxi regions. They are more able to adapt to the climate in the Pacific. Compared with those who appear next door, The 54th Army has a large number of sick people. The 53rd Army has a very complete organization and good personnel conditions. It is currently the strongest unit under Huang Wei's 34th Group Army.

As for the Sichuan Army's 22nd and 23rd Group Armies, which participated in the Pacific Island Operations together, these two units are not yet fully in place and have received very limited training.

The people of Country M prefer to use the Chiang Kai-shek troops rather than the troops of other local warlords in the Republic of China. Country M believes that the Chiang Kai-shek troops are well-equipped and have strong combat effectiveness and should undertake important combat missions.

It is precisely because of this understanding and usage of the M people that Huang Wei's 34th Group Army, which participated in the Pacific Island Operations, suffered heavy casualties. Instead, it stabbed Jiang in the back from another angle.

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