"I'm going back first." Chi Lian stood up and was about to leave.

"I think it's getting late, so why don't you stay and have a meal before leaving?" Wang Yu looked at the clock and found that it was almost eleven o'clock, so he invited Chi Lian to stay for a meal.

"Okay, I wonder what delicious food you have prepared for me?" Chi Lian asked

"It depends on what you like to eat," Wang Yu said with a smile.

"Just watch and do it," Chi Lian said.

""Okay." Wang Yu nodded.

At noon, various dishes were brought to the large dining table by the maids, a total of sixty-six dishes. It means six or six smooth dishes.

"What day is it today and why have I cooked so many dishes?" Chi Lian asked

"Now that you are here, it will be a good day." Wang Yu smiled and said

"Then I have to thank you," Chi Lian responded.

"Hahaha." Wang Yu smiled and said nothing.

"Um.. It tastes good. Your chef here is getting better and better at cooking." Chi Lian took a bite of Mapo Tofu and said

"You must be tired of eating dishes cooked by Liu Angxing or Lan Feihong every day. It would be nice to change the taste," Wang Yu said with a smile.

"You guessed it wrong, and I don’t know why. I have eaten the dishes made by Liu Angxing and Xiao Lanzi for so many years, and I never feel tired of them. The dishes they make always arouse my appetite," said Chi Lian

"These two boys have turned the cooking profession into martial arts masters. They are rare top talents in the field of cooking from all walks of life," Wang Yu said.

This is also true. Xiao Dangjia, Lan Feihong and others have turned the chef into a martial arts master. You will know the sense of déjà vu just by looking at Gangbang Jielu making siomai.

Chi Lian nodded after hearing this, and then continued to immerse himself in eating.

"This is sake from the Japanese country. It was given to me by the leader of the Japanese people stationed in North China. He said he has been keeping it for twenty years. You can try it." Wang Yu pointed to the sake bottle in the hand of a maid and said.

"After dealing with these short-legged shrimps for so many years, I have never seriously tasted their wine," Chi Lian said.

Wang Yu made a gesture, and the maid took another wine prince and poured sake for Chi Lian.

"Um.. Not good." Chi Lian took a sip, frowned and curled his lips, feeling bad.

"Then I won't leave it for you, come here." After Wang Yu finished speaking, he asked the maid to pour the sake for him.

A small bottle of sake went into Wang Yu's stomach.

"I'm going to go back and mobilize troops." After sending away the maid, Wang Yu said to Chi Lian

"How much? Chi Lian asked

"In the second half of this year, I will mobilize at least one million more troops to come to North China, and we will also increase troops in Central and South China," Wang Yu said

"In addition, I am also planning to take away all the antiques, treasures and various books in the Old Summer Palace and the Forbidden City," Wang Yu continued.

"Does this mean you want to give up North China? Chi Lian asked

"Yes, if the plan goes well, we will control the Northeast, Central China, South China and Jiangnan, and squeeze North China from the north and the south," Wang Yu said

"It sounds good," Chi Lian said

"This is just an idea of ​​mine. Whether it will be realized depends on the development of the war situation. Now the Japanese in Central China, South China and North China are sending troops to the Pacific Ocean or their homeland. Their defense lines here are becoming weaker and weaker. This is exactly That's why I increased my troops," Wang Yu said.

""Yeah." Chi Lian nodded after hearing this.

After eating, Chi Lian returned to the Presidential Palace in the Forbidden City and began to order people to pack the antiques, calligraphy, paintings and books from various palaces in the Forbidden City and place them in boxes, waiting for Wang Yu to come and collect them.

But Wang Yu Later, he changed his mind and destroyed all these antique calligraphy and painting books. At the same time, he ordered Jixiantang killers to assassinate the Xunqing royal family, the old and young, the children of old warlords, etc., and even some famous big entrepreneurs. On the assassination list.

By September 1945, except for the Puppet Manchukuo Emperor Puyi and Queen Wanrong and Pujie, all other influential members of the Xunqing royal family or the elderly and children who could be found had been eliminated. Later, with the Puppet Manchukuo After the collapse, Puyi and Wanrong finally had to die. Pujie and Sagahao returned to Japan and survived.

Let's take a look at the war in the Pacific. At this time, the M country's army was still fighting hard.

As early as the Battle of Guadalcanal was still going on. During this period, in 1943, the M Army relied on its strong strength to launch a series of landing operations and naval battles such as the Bismarck Islands Operation and the New Guinea Operation. At present, the M Army has approached the Japanese"absolute defense circle"."——Saipan. The time is nearly half a month later than in reality.

In the past year or so of combat, although the M Army annihilated the Japanese in several islands, it also paid a huge price, with a total of nearly 100,000 killed and more than 230,000 injured.

Everywhere the M army went, they were bound to encounter resolute and tough resistance. The crazy Japanese even launched suicide attacks and died together with the M army soldiers.

Although the M Army was still on the offensive, the huge casualties made the morale of the troops low. With the news of the failure of the European Allied Forces to land in Normandy, and the thought of the madness of the Japanese in the past battles, this made the M Army in the Pacific Theater The low morale became even lower. No one knew whether they would be able to see the sun tomorrow.

In country M, the Roosevelt administration also encountered a crisis of confidence. The people of country M could not accept such huge casualties. Many families lost their sons, husbands and fathers. People took to the streets and gathered in front of the white house to demand practical solutions from the government. The solution is even more extreme, demanding that the government step down or immediately negotiate a truce. The young men of country M can no longer die so meaninglessly on that humid and hot Pacific island that God does not want to go to.

After discussions between Roosevelt and his official team, they actually worked out a"practical" method, which was to transport the Kuomintang troops by sea and air to the Pacific islands to participate in the landing operations, so that the Kuomintang troops would take the lead, and the M Army would follow up.. This is the origin of the"Second Kuomintang Expeditionary Force".

This plan was quickly sent via telegram to General Stilwell, the Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of China Theater in Guangzhou. Stilwell conveyed it to someone in Chiang Kai-shek. At the same time, Roosevelt was afraid that Stilwell would not be able to handle it, so he specially dispatched a military commander who had been promoted to M. General Marshall, the Army Chief of Staff, went to Guangzhou to discuss the matter with Jiang.

The full name of General Marshall was George Marshall. He served as the head of the military advisory group of Country M in the Republic of China from 1937 to 1939. It was from him that the work of comprehensively mechanizing the national army began. Marshall is also an old acquaintance, having appeared more than once in previous chapters.

Jiang was naturally unwilling to let the hundreds of thousands of direct troops he had painstakingly rebuilt be lost again, so he immediately rejected the plan.

However, Marshall brought a letter written by Roosevelt, in which Roosevelt promised that if the Kuomintang troops participated in the Pacific Islands operations, he would give the Kuomintang troops participating in the war the best weapons, on-call naval and air support, and the highest priority logistics. supplies and $2.5 billion in free economic aid to the Kuomintang.

The price was really not low, so Jiang had no choice but to be tempted. Country M was so devastated that it had to spend money on it.

According to M country's plan, the first batch will transport no less than 300,000 Kuomintang troops to Australia by air and sea, and then move to various island strongholds in the Pacific that M troops have captured. They will rest for a while and then take ships to complete the assembly at sea. Launch an attack on the Japanese"absolute defense circle".

Jiang finally agreed to Country M's plan, but he said that his direct troops were fighting very hard. Many troops had been rebuilt several times, but some local warlords were unscathed and did not contribute. Jiang someoneThe Qiuchuan Army mobilized 200,000 people to participate in the battle on the Pacific Islands, and his own direct line dispatched 100,000 people.

The people of M country also agreed to Jiang’s plan. This is the reason why the Sichuan army resisted in this story.

Liu Wenhui and Deng Xihou, who were in charge of Sichuan and Shu, were not ambiguous and immediately mobilized troops to prepare to leave Sichuan to participate in the war. Dechuan's troops formed the 22nd and 23rd Army. Sichuan Army General Yang Sen is the commander of the 22nd Group Army, and Pan Wenhua is the commander of the 23rd Group Army.

The movements of the Sichuan Army were not hidden from the Kyushu Army, but the Sichuan-Shu Corps of the Kyushu Army was far away and had not received orders from the Presidential Palace in Beijing or Wang Yu, so they did not move lightly.

The 200,000 Sichuan troops were transported by rail, by road, or by air from M country aircraft. In short, there was a lot of movement. They must rush to Guangzhou as soon as possible and then board a ship to sail to Australia.

The direct unit that Chiang sent to the Pacific Islands was Huang Wei's 34th Army, and Huang Wei also served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the expedition. The commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force was Wei Lihuang, and Tang Yao was the chief of staff.

This is the general situation of the"Second Expeditionary Force". At this time, all Southeast Asia had been occupied by the Japanese, local Western forces had been completely eliminated, and all land routes leading to the Republic of China were blocked. Since Indu was also occupied by the Japanese, the hump route was out of the question.

Currently, Country M can only use cargo ships to transport weapons, equipment and various supplies from Australia or the mainland of Country M to Guangzhou for unloading to support the Kuomintang in dealing with the Kyushu Army at home.

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