"Your Majesty, a large number of soldiers have mysteriously disappeared in the barracks. This is a serious matter and I dare not fail to report it," Han Fei said.

"It was me who sent King Dong to mobilize troops to support the emperor. Before leaving, the emperor told me that this war would last for many years. I was worried about this, so I sent troops to go there," the empress said.

"That's it. Thank you empress for clearing up the confusion." Han Fei responded.

""Yeah." The empress nodded.

After waiting for a while, and seeing that no ministers were reporting any more, the empress announced her retreat.

Returning to the Moon Temple, the empress did not see Wang Yu, so she asked the other maids and was told that Wang Yu was there. Pei Nanwei went to Lanyue Palace. After hearing this, the emperor sighed and said nothing else.

One night, at the Dongwang Mansion

""Ah" Dong Wang was thrown on the bed, and she groaned.

Just when she was about to struggle, a hand held her head and pushed her back to the bed.

"Great Emperor, can you untie the rope tied to my hands?" Dong Wang shook his hands tied behind his back by a blue light rope and said

"I just like to see you, the prey, struggling and begging for mercy." Wang YuHe lay down and stared into Dong Wang’s eyes and said

"Doesn’t the Emperor know that a skilled hunter often appears as a prey?" Dong Wang winked and said with a smile.

"oh? I'd like to hear the details; if it doesn't make sense, I'll hang you like this all night," Wang Yu said

"The emperor thought that I was the prey, but little did he know that when you were alone with me for the first time, the identities of the prey and the hunter had already changed," said King Dong.

"snort! The only thing you have in your body is your stubbornness." Wang Yu snorted coldly.

Then he turned Dong Wang over to face him.

"Emperor.. Well.. Spare your life.."Hmm." Dong Wang wanted to speak, but his mouth was sealed and he couldn't say it happily.

The screen went black, and two and a half hours later,

Dong Wang collapsed on the side and gasped for air. Wang Yu was playing with Dong Wang's feet at the end of the bed at this time. He was really enjoying himself. in

"I'm leaving, you have a good rest." After playing for a while, Wang Yu got out of bed and got dressed.

"Great Emperor, I am"Dong Wang quickly turned his back to Wang Yu to show him his hands that had been tied up all night.

Wang Yu waved his hand, and the blue light rope shattered and then dissipated.

"Ah, it hurts"Dong Wang hurriedly rubbed her wrists. She had suffered a lot this night, and her hands were almost broken after being tied up all night.

When Dong Wang looked up at Wang Yu, he found that he had disappeared.

Time turned and it was November 1941. Wang Yu hugged Pei Nanwei in Lanyue Palace and touched her belly from time to time.

Concubine Li was nearly three months pregnant. Wang Yu was very happy and praised her greatly. Because Pei Nanwei was pregnant, the news that Wang Yu had returned to the Imperial Palace in the Divine Capital was officially revealed. Ministers who had been kept secret for several months asked to meet with him, but Wang Yu refused.

The purpose of Wang Yu's return this time was not to meet the ministers, but to get Pei Nanwei pregnant and have a baby. Now that his goal is achieved, Wang Yu is about to leave here and return to the battlefield over there.

In early December of the 33rd year of Xiangying of the Great Zhou Empire (the 30th year of the Republic of China, 1941 AD), Wang Yu returned to Luoyi Taishi Mansion.

At this time, Da Siming also returned with his son Wang Yue and daughter Wang Qian, but the other six daughters stayed in the Republic of China.

Today, the world situation has undergone new changes.

In July 1941, Germany dispatched more than four million troops to fully attack the Red Goose Country, thus kicking off the war in Eastern Europe.

Gaul in Western Europe surrendered in May last year, and the Western European Corps deployed a division of troops to cooperate with the German army in encircling and suppressing the Allied forces retreating to Dunkirk. Soon after, nearly 400,000 Allied troops were wiped out at Dunkirk, and Britain's"Generator" plan to withdraw to the mainland to preserve its strength completely went bankrupt.

The German army's"Sea Lion" operation plan to land on the British mainland seems to be implementable and has a high probability of victory. However, with the failure of the British air battle and the German navy's repeated defeats at the hands of Britain, Operation"Sea Lion" was postponed indefinitely.

The battlefield in Western Europe fell into silence.

After the main force of the German army arrived in Baji, Luo He's Western European Corps took the initiative to withdraw from Baji and handed over all the city defenses and sealed assets to the German army.

From the surrender of Gaul in 1940 to the launch of the Allied counterattack in early 1944, the Western European Corps had been stationed in the suburbs of Baju City, mainly responsible for clearing out saboteurs from the suburbs to the edges of the city and cutting off the opponent's weapons delivery channels. In February 1944, all the Western European Corps moved to Normandy and were stationed in the shallow and deep areas of the Atlantic Defense Line.

The Western European Corps of the Kyushu Army began in 1942 and was called the"R Armored Army" in German army data. This unit has a large number of people and well-equipped equipment. Coupled with an armored division with 640"Mogai" tanks, it is a force with extremely strong mobility.

The above is the German army's evaluation.

The German offensive in Eastern Europe went smoothly and with overwhelming force, encircling, annihilating and capturing millions of Goose troops who hadtily entered the battle, and soon arrived in Mosk, the capital of Goose.

However, because the Kyushu Army deployed millions of troops in the Far East, and the dozens of Goose Divisions stationed in the Ural Military District and the Far East Special Military District did not dare to leave easily, the Mosk defense battle was fierce.

The German army broke through the Goose Army's defense line in multiple ways. Because the situation was so critical, Comrade Stalin did not live and die with Mosk. Instead, under the protection of the agents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he secretly broke out and left Mosk for Volgograd to continue commanding the troops to fight against the German army.

On January 9, 1942, the German army occupied Mosk. To celebrate this great victory, the mustached head of state took a special plane from Berlin to Moscow and held a grand military parade in Red Square.

Although the German army occupied Mosk, they also paid the price of nearly one million casualties.

At the celebration party, diplomats from the Axis or slave countries expressed congratulations to the mustached head of state.

"Spain salutes you, Führer"

"Today Japan is celebrating your victory"

"Our Turkish President Ismail sent me to convey to you his admiration for the great victory of your armed forces."

This is the scene where various slave countries or allies of the Axis powers congratulate the mustache. And Mustache also shook hands with them one by one.

What does occupying the capital of Goose Country mean? It means that the Mustache Head of State has accomplished what even Napoleon could not do. It means that the big brother of the communist camp has suffered a huge setback and the future is uncertain. At the same time, the fall of the capital of Goose Country has also hit all countries. The morale of the communist movement and progressives.

Not long after, in March 1942, the Communist International announced its dissolution, and the international communist movement fell into a low ebb.

"Head of state, on behalf of the Prince Regent, I would like to congratulate you. He admires the tenacity shown by your troops. We sincerely hope that your two armies can join forces in the Ural region and completely eliminate the Goose Kingdom." This is what Qi Meng said in Hehe What the Mustache Head of State said when shaking hands.

She was the last diplomatic envoy to express congratulations to Mustache. As the so-called"grand finale" was at the end, Qi Meng was the last to congratulate Mustache.

"I am very grateful to your country for supporting me over the years. It is also my wish to meet in the Urals," Mustache responded.

The camera returned to the Republic of China on Rooster Land.

With the massive deployment of the Kyushu Army to the Far East, the military pressure in the pass seems to be It has decreased a bit.

In February, the thirty-fourth year of the Great Zhou Empire’s Xiangying period (the thirty-first year of the Republic of China, 1942 AD), five more regiments of the Kyushu Army were transferred to the battlefield of the Republic of China.

They were the third, fourth, and fourth regiments. The 5th, 10th and 14th Corps.

These five corps have small establishments. Each corps has only three corps and twelve divisions. The average combat strength of a corps is about 340,000.

The five corps directly constitute""Sichuan-Sichuan Corps". The unit is commander-in-chief, General Li Hei, commander of the Third Corps, and will be fully responsible for future military operations to attack

Sichuan and Sichuan. The troops are stationed in Hunan, adjacent to the first section of the Japanese South China Expeditionary Force.

After the formation of the Sichuan-Shu Corps, Li Hei began to plan the best route into Sichuan. Since Hunan was more than a thousand kilometers away from Sichuan and the roads were in poor condition, Li Hei immediately organized soldiers to start building roads and bridges and even filling in some ravines and rivers in order to improve the road conditions. Otherwise some heavy mechanization will not work.

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