"Madam, the Emperor is resting. The Empress, please go back and wait for the Emperor's summons." The maid came out and replied to Pei Nanwei

"The emperor has not seen Wang Ziwei for a long time. Can the emperor summon Wei'er?" Pei Nanwei did not leave immediately, but wanted his son to go in and see the situation.

"Um, this.."My Lady, please wait a moment. I will go and inform the Emperor and the Empress." The palace maid was embarrassed, but she still went back to inform the Emperor.

"The emperor and empress, Concubine Pei asked the emperor to summon Wang Ziwei." The palace maid came in to report to the emperor and empress.

"Didn't you tell her to go back? Why are you still pestering her?" The empress was very unhappy with Pei Nanwei's behavior.

"Yes, I will reply right now." The palace maid turned around and left.

""Slowly" Wang Yu said to stop the palace maid.

"What is the emperor's will?" The palace maid turned around and waited for instructions.

"The word"Wei" is very inappropriate. From now on, Prince Wei will be renamed"Sickle","Sickle of Sickle". I hope he can become a sickle to harvest enemies," Wang Yu ordered. This is the name change for the thirteenth old Wang Wei.

""Yes." The palace maid went to deliver the message.

She came outside the palace

"Is the Emperor going to summon Wei'er?"Pei Nanwei looked at the palace maid expectantly.

"Madam, the emperor asks you and the prince to go back first; in addition, the emperor renamed the prince a sickle. The emperor hopes that the prince can become a sickle to harvest enemies," the palace maid said

""Yes, I'll come back to see you another day," Pei Nanwei replied, and left with his son.

Wang Lian was born in 1914 and is now twenty-seven years old. Compared with his brothers, his qualifications are really It's too mediocre.

Wang Yu hasn't seen Wang Yan for a long time. He has been so busy arranging war plans these years that he has almost forgotten about his son.

""Mother and concubine, why don't you see us?" Wang Yan asked his mother when he returned to the Lanyue Palace.

This Lanyue Palace is Pei Nanwei's palace. Its area is smaller than that of the Moon Palace and the Banished Immortal Palace, but it is larger than Lin'an Palace. Big.

Whether it is the Grand Master's Palace or the Immortal Emperor's Palace, the palaces and palaces are the same, but the names are different, and generally there is no subordinate relationship. Only the palaces of the Great Zhou Empire have palaces containing palaces, or Several adjacent halls are collectively called a palace. For example, the"Santai Palace" where the Emperor of Zhou usually lived is the collective name of Taishi Palace, Taichu Palace and Taiyi Palace.

"It must be the emperor and the empress who hindered us from seeing your father. It's really abominable," Pei Nanwei said.

Since having a son, Pei Nanwei's temper has become louder. In addition, the emperor and empress have beaten her several times in the past two years. , Pei Nanwei gradually began to want to compete with the emperor and the empress for favor.

Everyone knew that Wang Yu liked children and would not allow sibling cannibalism, let alone palace fights with the purpose of murdering other people's children, so Pei Nanwei became emboldened. Anyone Nothing could be hidden from Wang Yu's eyes. If the emperor and the empress had used means to kill Pei Nanwei and Wang Lian, Wang Yu would be able to tell it at a glance, and the empress and empress would have to be buried with him. This is more accurate than what was written.

"What should we do?" Wang Jian asked

"If we go to see you again tomorrow, I don’t believe that the emperor can still haunt your father forever," Pei Nanwei said.

""Yes." Wang Yan responded.

Time soon came to night. After dinner at the Moon Temple, Wang Yu was ready to take a bath. Of course, the emperor and the empress were with him throughout the process.

"Emperor, how do you feel?" In Tangquan Palace, Wang Yu was lying on the couch, and the emperor and empress personally massaged him

"I will never forget your skill, it feels very good," Wang Yu said

"The emperor's liking is the greatest compliment to me," the empress said

"Hahaha, among these women, you are the most popular with me." Wang Yu said, and touched the queen's pretty face. It felt so good.

"Haha." The emperor smiled

"Your son is also the most popular with me. If I get tired of it in the future, I will consider passing on the position of emperor to your son," Wang Yu said

"Um, this.. Emperor, please stop talking nonsense. Your power will be with heaven and earth." The empress quickly said something nice. In fact, she didn't want to change from empress to empress dowager. She was currently enjoying the pleasure of power.

"Haha, look I scare you, I haven’t had enough fun yet, let’s wait until I have enough fun," Wang Yu said with a smile.

""Yes" the emperor responded

"Great Emperor, do you want to meet with the nobles and ministers tomorrow?" Then, the Empress asked

"Since you and King Dong are in charge of the government for me, I will not see them and mention King Dong.. How is she doing these days?" Wang Yu said and asked suddenly.

When the emperor and the empress heard this, they rolled their eyes. She knew that this was the standard ending. The beauty of Dongwang was no less than that of the empress. What if Wang Yu got angry one day? , what should I do if I give Dong Wang too.

Moreover, the empress clearly knew that Dong Wang had seduced Wang Yu openly or covertly before, but Wang Yu declined it at that time. But times have changed, and after so many years, who can Guarantee that Wang Yu will not regret it, but who can guarantee that Wang Yu will not secretly have an affair with Dong Wang? What if he gets a son and a half daughter again?

What? Dong Wang refuses? Not to mention Dong Wang Will he change his temper and reject Wang Yu? Just say that Wang Yu is coming and he is determined to have sex with her. Which woman can resist him now? The emperor and the empress thought about all this.

"Um? Why don't you speak? What are you thinking about?"Wang Yu noticed that the emperor had not responded for a long time, so he asked

""Uh-huh, I'm thinking about things in the court. Everything is well with the Eastern King. If she knows the news about the emperor's return, she will definitely be very happy." The empress suddenly came back to her senses and said

"Dongwang is a good woman," Wang Yu praised

"Yes, she is very diligent and loyal, and she is a very good assistant to the government." The emperor and the empress agreed inconsistently. Haha, what good is she, a former traitor of the Yin and Yang family, do you want to put her in the bowl too? Eat it inside, this is what the emperor and empress wanted in their hearts

"But she is also a poor woman. Just like you back then, this empire is my home for you," Wang Yu said

"Thank you to the emperor for taking my concubine." The emperor and the empress only talked about themselves, but did not mention the Eastern King.

"Look, you are thanking me all day long, it looks like you are raw, this is not good," Wang Yu scolded

"Yes, I made a mistake," the empress said

"Okay, let's go back soon," Wang Yu said

""I serve the emperor to dress." The emperor and the empress helped Wang Yu get dressed.

Returning to the palace of the Moon Temple, the time at this time is roughly equivalent to our modern day of 8:30 in the evening.

After driving out all the maids

"Come, let me take a good look at you." Wang Yu threw the emperor and the empress down, and the two of them were almost touching each other face to face.

"Emperor.. you.. What do you want to do?"The emperor blushed and asked knowingly.

"I want you to give me another son"


With that said, the two of them became bored.

The next step is the charging process, please contact the protagonist yourself.

After much tossing in the middle of the night, Wang Yu fell into a deep sleep with the emperor and empress in his arms.

Early the next morning, the female official was ordered to go to the Shengji Palace to deliver a message, saying that the emperor and empress were feeling ill and would not come to court today. The court meeting would be hosted by King Dong.

"Humph, you can deceive others but you can't deceive me." After hearing this, King Dong immediately knew what was going on. She had some informants in the imperial palace, and she already knew the news about Wang Yu's return. The emperor and the empress must not come to court today. It was because I played with Wang Yu too late last night and couldn't get up.

"Dongwang, if the emperor and the empress do not come, where can we start?" Li Hanyi, the commander of the Second Route of the Left Army of the Undead Army asked

"Just say what you want to say, oh, I think the high priest seems to have something to say, please speak." Dong Wang replied to Li Hanyi, and then met with a man opposite who was wearing a mask, holding a scepter with a small bell, and wearing a colorful dress. The beautiful barefoot woman said.

This woman is"Augu" Yelu Zhigu. She is a princess of the Liao Kingdom and also serves as the high priest of the Zhongzhou Divine Kingdom. She is mainly responsible for divination and presiding over the temple's sacrificial activities.

Zhongzhou Divine Kingdom does not believe in Shamans, the people here believe in Wang Yu himself, the divine bird Phoenix and the Golden Crow Sun God, so Yelu Zhigu is a high priest here instead of a high shaman. Her mother Shuluping brought her here for To show the loyalty of the Liao Kingdom, she also serves as the spokesperson of the Liao Kingdom's interests in the court.

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