"It's already dark, why don't we go back to the palace to take a bath and change clothes, and then we can talk," Wang Yu said, holding the shoulder of the Moon God. The couple went to Sun Moon Lake to take a bath.

This Sun Moon Lake is not a tourist attraction in Taiwan, but a Taishi There is a secret passage between Sun Moon Lake and the Taiyin Temple's dormitory, where the Moon Goddess takes a bath in the mansion. It is a beautiful and relatively private place.

"Ah, it's so beautiful." Wang Yu looked at the graceful jade body of the Moon God, and his eyes couldn't help but shine.

This made the Moon God very embarrassed. They have been a married couple for so many years, and yet they still do this.

""It's so comfortable." Wang Yu soaked in the pool, closing his eyes and enjoying the pleasure of the bath.

When the couple took a bath here, the personal maid could only wait outside, and would call them in if necessary.

"Moon God, I find that you look more beautiful without the gauze," Wang Yu said.

Moon God rolled his eyes at him.

"How long do you plan to stay when you come back this time? asked the moon god

"No matter what, we have to live until winterNo, this is my home too. Why does it feel like I’m an outsider?"Yu said, then the conversation changed

"You turned yourself into an outsider by virtue of your strength," Moon God teased.

I undoubtedly heard this from Chu Bufan.

"Humph, later I will ask you to live or die." Wang Yu threatened the Moon God

"Did you come back just to vent your desires to me? Who do you think I am?" Moon Goddess Liu raised his eyebrows and asked Wang Yu

"Look, look, you are angry again, you are too stubborn, angry, and have too many ideas, so you have such and such troubles," Wang Yu said

"Stop talking, I don’t want to hear it," Luna responded

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore," Wang Yu said helplessly.

After taking a bath, the couple returned to the palace through the secret passage.

On the large bed."Hey, what are you doing?" Moon God resisted Wang Yu

"You and I haven't seen each other for many days, what did you say I was going to do?" Wang Yu said and tore apart the other party's clothes.

"Don't do this"

"You promised me this afternoon, why doesn't it count now?"

"What did I promise you?"

"Promise to talk about the kids tonight"

"Just talk, I didn't ask you to do anything"

"As a wife, you should learn how to serve your husband"

"But so am I.. Well"

"Luna, you and I have been husband and wife for so many years, you should not resist my favor for you."

"Oh no.. Well"

"Moon God, you and I will have another son"

Wang Yu and Yue Shen started to fight and got tired of it. This is the last show tonight. Naturally, Wang Yu succeeded.

"You torture me like this and you want me to give you a son, what a dream!"After it was over, Luna gasped and accused Wang Yu

"I'm afraid you won't be happy, so I have to do this." Wang Yu turned over and hugged Moon God, and said

"Let me go." Luna resisted. But she obviously lacked strength.

"You and I are one person"

"Stop talking, you have said this to other women,"

Wang Yu said, but was interrupted by the Moon God.

"Well, I only told Da Siming," Wang Yu replied awkwardly.

After hearing this, Yueshen stopped talking, but still wanted to break away from Wang Yu's arms.

The couple fell asleep like this until dawn. At that time, the moon god wants to get up and go to court

"Beautiful, really beautiful." Wang Yu lay on the bed and watched the maid combing Luna's hair.

"If nothing happens, just leave quickly," Luna said

"I am your husband, can't I rest in your palace for a while?"Wang Yu asked back

"Not now," Luna said.

"Whatever is okay, I just say it is okay. If you can get me up, I will leave immediately." Wang Yu and Yueshen Mao went to bed

"I won't tell you anymore, the time is coming, I should go." After washing up, putting on clothes and gauze, the Moon God left the Taiyin Temple and went to the Qinzheng Hall to attend court. After

Wang Yu got up, he went to the Taiyin Temple alone. Walking in the garden, I happened to see the chief butler and a group of maids coming from the other direction.

""Stop!" Wang Yu stopped the girls.

""Your Highness," the chief of staff recognized Wang Yu and hurriedly stopped and bowed to greet him.

"No need, you come with me for a walk," Wang Yu signaled.

"Yes, you go down first." The chief responded, then waved the maid away.

"I remember that you have been serving the Grand Master since you were a child, right?" Wang Yu said to the leader as he walked.

"Yes, I was lucky enough to be selected by the Grand Master when I was ten years old and serve you closely," the leader said.

"Um.. It’s been almost thirty years now," Wang Yu said.

"It’s been twenty-eight years now," said the leader

"Time flies so fast, almost thirty years have passed in the blink of an eye, I remember that the Grand Master loved you the most during that time," Wang Yu said

"I am grateful for the Grand Master's favor," the leader said.

"How long have you been sitting in your current position?" Wang Yu nodded and asked again

""I have been trusted by the Grand Master and have been the leader for three years." The leader responded respectfully.

At this time, a group of maids passed by not far away.

"Haha, oh, this is really a Feng Shui treasure land for raising people, look at how charming these little girls are." Wang Yu pointed at the maids passing by and said

"It’s all the Grand Master who is kind and generous," said the leader.

"Hahaha, forget it, I know the temperament of the Grand Master best. When I came back yesterday, I heard that someone had been whipped dozens of times, so don’t cover it up for her." Wang Yu said with a smile. The Moon God has been doing this for a while She was feeling particularly irritable. On the one hand, she was worried that her eldest son, Wang Ying, wanted him to come back. On the other hand, Mr. Wang Yu was not at home, so her physical needs could not be met for a long time, so her temper became a little grumpy.

Don't look at the various resistances of the Moon God last night. , this is a trick of playing hard to get. She has been playing this trick for many years. Wang Yu knows this trick very well.

"this.. This slave didn’t hear anything." The leader quickly said that he was selectively deaf.

"Were you beaten too?" Wang Yu asked

"No, no, not at all." The first lady quickly denied it. Ten days before Wang Yu came back, the first lady was ordered to give her fifty lashes because she got distracted while talking to the Moon God. Now her back is still covered with whip marks. , it can be seen that the beating was quite severe at that time.

"It doesn't matter, she has been in a bad mood recently, please be patient and don't take it personally; it has been more than two thousand years since the grand master's residence was established, and how many generations have passed. Now the residence is full of children from my own family. In my case, Just say whatever you have here, don't be shy, I won't reveal a word to others. Don't worry," Wang Yu said

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your understanding of the slaves." The leader said and was about to kneel down.

"This is Jinchuang Pill. Taking it can speed up the recovery of injuries and strengthen the body. Take it." Wang Yu stopped the other party and handed her a pill.

""This servant thanks His Highness for the reward." The first one knelt down and accepted it.

""Hehehe, get up," Wang Yu said with a smile.

Unknowingly, Wang Yu and the first one walked to another garden.

This garden is called Yichun Garden, which is a public garden in Taishi Mansion. There is a large pond in the garden. A variety of flowers, plants and trees are planted everywhere, and rockeries and waterside pavilions are also arranged. It is a beautiful place.

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