"Where is Shu Heng?"After Wang Yu and Tada Shun finished talking, they came to Da Siming.

"Shu Heng was hungry, so the wet nurse took him away to nurse him," Da Siming said.

"Let's take the opportunity to have another baby." Wang Yu winked and said to Da Siming.

"go!"Da Siming pulled Wang Yu's hand away and stepped on him.

""Hiss, it's cruel enough." Wang Yu pretended to be in pain and teased the other party.

"You have evil intentions," Da Siming said

"You and I have been married for so many years, and you actually said that I have evil intentions. I feel so sad," Wang Yu said.

"You treat me like a sow giving birth, don't you think you have evil intentions?"Da Siming said proudly

"Hum, I will ask the Moon God to give birth to me when I get back. From now on, don’t let me visit you again!"Wang Yu deliberately frightened Da Siming.

"Who cares about you?" Da Siming responded

"I.. I can't spare you," Wang Yu pretended to be vicious and said to her.

Da Siming gave Wang Yu a blank look after hearing this, but said nothing.

"You neither execute us nor release us, what do you mean?" Song Genling asked Chi Lian

"It’s not interesting." Chi Lian shook his head and said.

"What do you mean,"It's not interesting?" Song Genling asked again

"It's just not interesting. Since Mrs. Song is here, why rush back? Maybe we will bring Mr. Jiang to reunite with you next time," Chi Lian said

"You invaders are so outrageous!"This is Soong Ching Ling talking

"I have my hands in my pockets now, and I don’t know who my opponent is," Chi Lian said.

She heard this from Chu Bufan, and now she says it here.

"Um? What does it mean?"Song Qingling can't understand

"If the regent hadn't ordered us not to use our full strength, do you think Mr. Jiang would still have a place?" Chi Lian said

"The invaders will definitely be driven out. Now I will let you be rampant for a few days," Song Qingling said

"Haha, the only people in this world who can drive us away are ourselves," Chi Lian said

""Shameless" Soong Qingling scolded.

Chi Lian curled his lips and did not respond. He just went elsewhere.

After Wang Yu came over, he said a few words to Soong Qingling and Song Genling, and he even shook hands with Song Genling on purpose.

Then it had been arranged. Fortunately, a photographer lurking in the crowd suddenly took a picture of this scene with a portable camera.

"You are despicable!"Song Geng Ling knew what this meant at a glance.

Once this photo was published in the newspapers and was embellished and jealous, Song Geng Ling would be thought by the people who did not know the truth that she had surrendered to the enemy, and she would be criticized verbally and in writing.

Wang Yu's move can be used to some extent. Destroying the morale of the Kuomintang troops

"He who is petty is not a gentleman, and he who is not poisonous is not a husband; he will do whatever he can during the war," Wang Yu said

"You won't succeed," Song Genling said

"As the king of a country, your behavior is disgusting." Soong Ching Ling did not hesitate to use such words.

""Hehe, future generations will judge the merits and demerits," Wang Yu sneered, and then he left.

Then he ordered the detained persons to be sent back to the Forbidden City.

The banquet ended at almost midnight.

After returning to the palace ,

"Go, take your dog's paws away." Da Siming got angry again.

"Hey, you’re trying to trick me, right?" Wang Yu said while hugging her tightly.

"Let me go, it's already midnight, go to bed early." Da Siming's posture at this time was with his back to Wang Yu, and she was hugged tightly as soon as possible

"What happened in the second half of the night? Do you and I still have time to share between husband and wife?" Wang Yu said

"you.. That’s so shameless," Da Siming said.

"You said that as a compliment to me," Wang Yu said with a bad smile.

Immediately, he quickly changed his posture

"I.. Well.. let me go.. Well"Da Siming still resisted, but was restrained immediately.

Then as soon as the screen goes dark, it's time to charge. Please contact the protagonist for details.

After dawn

"If you don't kill me, it won't be over, right?" Da Siming said to Wang Yu as he collapsed on the bed and gasped for air.

"Many women want me to kill them, but unfortunately they are not qualified enough." Wang Yu, who was getting dressed at this time, joked.

"Are you taking advantage of me? I know you best. There are countless women who have been harmed by you. Do you think I don’t know what you are doing when you go out this time?" Da Siming said

"Haha, but you and Luna will always be in the most important position in my heart." Wang Yu immediately hugged Da Siming again.

"There is not a word of truth in your mouth like a dog." Da Siming rolled his eyes at him.

"I dare to swear," Wang Yu said. He will not swear easily.

"Forget it, why are you talking so much useless stuff?" Da Siming responded.

"Hahaha"Wang Yu smiled proudly.

In the morning, Wang Yu had breakfast and came to the office hall of the Duhu Mansion.

""Father" Wang Qi is already here. He greeted his father respectfully.

"By the way, has there been any news about your third brother recently?" Wang Yu suddenly thought of his third brother who was fighting in Qinghuan and Ningxia, so he asked Wang Qi

""Father, there's no news yet," Wang Qi asked.

"You contact him and I'll talk to him," Wang Yu said.

In modern times, Wang Yu's family used the sound transmission spell less, but that didn't mean they didn't know how to use it.

After the call was answered, Wang Yu learned that Wang Xuan had not After the local fighting was over, he became furious and ordered Wang Xuan to immediately evacuate the Qingning area and move to the northeast, under the control of Wang Zheng, the governor of the Northeast.

Then Wang Yu contacted Chu Bufan, who was far away in the no-man's land of Lop Nur, and asked about the nuclear weapons comprehensive After learning that the base was fully completed, he ordered Chu Bufan to launch two nuclear rockets into the Qingning area to completely solve the problem. Chu Bufan hesitated for a moment, but still carried out Wang Yu’s order. Since then, the Qingning area has been There is no life, even when tardigrades come, they won’t do anything.

Northeastern region, Changchun

"You are your mother's good son, but you are not a good general for the country. I am very disappointed." In the Northeast Hall, Wang Yu scolded his son.

"Father, I know my fault." Wang Xuan lowered his head and said cautiously.

"Are there very powerful enemies in Qingning?"Wang Yu asked

"without.. No," Wang Xuan hesitated and said.

"Why has the local war not ended after two years of fighting?" Wang Yu asked

"The local people are very stubborn, and it is difficult to distinguish between the military and civilians, and they do not believe in the notices to calm the people, so the war continues," Wang Xuan said

"Is this the reason why you can’t win after two years of playing?"Lao Ba and you were born from the same mother, you should learn from your eighth brother" Wang Yu asked

"What my father taught me is that my sons must learn from my eighth brother," Wang Xuan said.

"Make a note of it this time, and next time you go back to your mother," Wang Yu said

"Yes, thank you father." Wang Xuan immediately knelt down and thanked him.

"I want to go back to see your mother. You write a letter and I will bring it to her for you," Wang Yu said.

"Yes, I will write a letter immediately." Wang Xuan stood up and went to write a letter.

"Why.. This stupid son is really"Wang Yu stroked his forehead and sighed

"Father, what is it that makes you so troubled?" After a while, Wang Zheng came in. Seeing that his father was not in a good mood, he asked

"You six brothers were born from the same mother. The eighth brother is the most like me, followed by you, but look at what the third and ninth brothers are like. They are hesitant about military and national affairs, which makes me very disappointed." Wang Yu said

"Father, the third brother and the ninth brother have their own personalities, so you don’t have to worry, I think everything will be fine," Wang Zheng said

"I heard that you were entangled with a dancer recently, what's going on?" Wang Yu asked

"This is.. It's just a rumor," Wang Zheng denied.

"Yeah? Hum, I hope so," Wang Yu said

"Yes, I dare not deceive my father." Wang Zheng broke into a cold sweat.

"snort! You know whether it's true or false, don't let anyone know about it," Wang Yu said.

""Yes, I'm awake," Wang Zheng responded respectfully. Almost no one knew about his ambiguous relationship with a beautiful dancer, only Wang Kang, the tenth brother, knew about it.

Wang Duo suspected that his tenth brother stabbed him in the back.

"After all, if you were not born of the same mother, how can you be of one mind?" This is what Lao Liu Wangzheng said in his heart.

"Um? what's on your mind?"Wang Yu saw that his son had a strange expression.

"I will keep myself clean and not get involved with bitches," Wang Zheng quickly promised.

""Yeah." Wang Yu listened and nodded.

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