On the morning of June 3, 1939, outside Nanning

"Commander, our army has also surrounded Nanning, and the two divisions sent by the president will arrive the day after tomorrow," a lieutenant officer said to Liu Wei

"Okay, order the 273rd and 276th Divisions to attack Nanning from the east and west. I will spend the night in Nanning City tonight," Liu Wei said

"Yes," the lieutenant responded.



After receiving the order, the artillery of the 273rd and 276th Divisions began to shell the city defenses of Nanning.

Nanning City. One hour after the shelling

"Division Commander, the position of our Ninth Security Regiment on the periphery was completely destroyed by enemy artillery fire. The Ninth Security Regiment suffered hundreds of casualties. They have withdrawn into the city." A Kuomintang officer told Tan Haoyun, commander of the 142nd Division of the Guangxi Faction, about the current battle situation.

"Anyone who lets them leave their position without authorization will let them go back immediately!"Tan Haoyun is very dissatisfied with the behavior of the security team.

"But division commander, the enemy's shelling is too fierce."

"Afraid of enemies?! Then why are they soldiers? Immediately order them to return to their positions, and those who disobey will be shot!"

Before the officer finished speaking, he was scolded by Tan Haoyun.

But the Ninth Security Regiment had to return to the position that had been destroyed by the bomb and rebuild a new position.

In front of the Ninth Security Regiment of the Guangxi Army was the 273rd Division of the 94th Army. After the shelling stopped, the 817th Regiment of the 273rd Division began to attack.

The Ninth Guangxi Security Regiment had 1,200 people. In addition to rifles, it was also equipped with some machine guns that had been eliminated by the regular army. The whole regiment had a total of five civilian 24-type heavy machine guns.

The shelling just now The security group lost more than 300 people and one heavy machine gun.

Originally, they wanted to withdraw to the city, but under Tan Haoyun's order, they reluctantly returned to the outer positions.

After the 817th Regiment of the 273rd Division attacked, the Guangxi clique The Ninth Security Regiment also launched a counterattack.

However, the hundreds of members of the security regiment were no match for the 817 Regiment. In just 20 minutes, the position of the Ninth Security Regiment of the Guangxi Faction was declared lost. More than half of the security regiment was wiped out, and the rest fled.

Guizhou's Ninth Security Regiment was defeated. Tan Haoyun, the commander of the 142nd Division, was the commander of the city defense. He was a thief. He deployed all five security groups in the city on the two outer lines of defense, allowing the security groups to act as cannon fodder to resist the enemy. The main force of the 142nd Division was deployed in the city, waiting for the security guards. After the outer positions of the regiment were breached, the 142nd Division would fight the enemy.

When the 94th Army was besieging Nanning, the remnants of the 241st Division of the Guangxi 124th Army and the two divisions of the 126th Army that had ambushed them earlier suddenly launched an attack on the 94th Army's flanks and rear.

After being suddenly attacked, the 94th Army of the Southern Front Corps fell into chaos. Liu Wei ordered the 273rd and 276th Divisions to step up the attack on Nanning. He personally directed the remaining 270th Division and the remnants of the 269th Division to attack two and a half units of the Guangxi 124th and 126th Army on the spot. The two sides fought fiercely for several hours, and the Guangxi Clan suffered heavy losses. The remnants of the 241st Division of the 124th Army were completely wiped out. In addition to the 228th Division that was destroyed at Kunlun Pass, the 124th Army of the Guangxi Clan was completely wiped out. The 126th Army of the Guangxi Clan,

239 and 254, were completely wiped out. The division was severely damaged and the remnants fled.

Liu Wei's 270th Division of the 94th Army suffered 2,100 casualties, and the remnants of the 269th Division suffered 523 casualties.

They repelled the surprise attack by two and a half divisions of the Guangxi Army from the rear. News also came from Nanning that 273, The 276th Division has completely broken through the outer defense line, and they are advancing towards the city of Nanning.

Liu Wei then sent reinforcements with the 809th Regiment of the 270th Division, hoping to occupy Nanning as soon as possible.

After entering the city, the Guangxi garrison 142nd Division and several remaining security groups relied on street buildings and The 273rd and 276th Divisions of the Southern Front Corps were engaged in street fighting.

It was already past 3 pm on June 3, and Liu Wei's plan to spend the night in the city must have failed unless something unexpected happened.

"Da da da"

"Snapped.. Snapped"


"Quick, bazooka, blow up that balcony for me!"

Hard street fighting was going on. A battalion of the 818th Regiment of the 273rd Division was suppressed by the defenders on one side of a street. On the two balconies diagonally opposite, two light machine guns of the Guangxi 142nd Division were firing non-stop.

The 818th Regiment. The soldiers of the battalion would be shot mercilessly if they showed up.

The battalion commander was so anxious that he shouted for a rocket launcher

""Here we come!" The soldier carrying the rocket launcher and his two companions heard the battalion commander's shout and quickly stepped forward to find a favorable position to target the enemy's firepower point.

"Da da da"A machine gun on the balcony spotted the rocket launcher, then changed its direction and started firing.

"Load it quickly, or I will be beaten into pieces by the machine gun." The soldier aiming the rocket launcher urged the loader.

"Okay." The loader loaded the rocket and stepped aside.

"Whoosh! The rocket exhales with white smoke.

"boom.. boom!"The rocket hit the target and several defenders fell off the balcony.

""Charge!" the battalion commander called to the soldiers to attack.

"Da da da.. Da da da"

"Ah poof!"

But within a few minutes, another machine gun on the balcony started firing again, and a dozen Kyushu soldiers were hit.

"Lie down!"The battalion commander hurriedly shouted loudly

"Da da da.. Da da da.. Da da da"The defenders' machine guns were still spitting out tongues of fire.

"Where's the bazooka!"The battalion commander shouted loudly

"Battalion Commander, where are you?"A soldier pointed.

It turned out that the soldier manipulating the rocket launcher had just been killed by the defender's machine gun. What he said before really came true.

"Codes! Focus your firepower on me! beat!"The battalion commander cursed and then shouted.

The soldiers shot at the balcony.

At this time, a group of Kyushu soldiers took the risk to set up their 120mm heavy mortars, and then began to load and shoot.

The most distinctive thing is this 120mm heavy mortar mm heavy mortar is actually loaded from the rear rather than the muzzle

"Whoosh.. Boom boom!"A 120mm mortar shell hit the building components near the balcony with a wonderful parabola. The scattered cement blocks killed the defenders who were still manipulating the machine gun fire just now. In the evening, the street was The 818th Regiment captured.

Similar scenes were staged in different places in the city. By noon on June 11, after nearly nine days of hard fighting, Nanning fell.

Tan Haoyun, commander of the 142nd Division of the 56th Army of the Guangxi Army, died in the battle, and all the following more than 10,000 soldiers Killed in action.

After the battle, the ruins of many buildings in the city were stained red with blood.

In order to capture Nanning, nearly 100,000 people died in the six divisions of the Southern Front Corps (four divisions of the 94th Army and two divisions of the 103rd Army). More than 4,600 people were injured and more than 6,900 were injured.

If the 94th Army’s casualties from the ambush coming out of Kunlun Pass are counted, then the army has killed nearly 8,000 people and injured more than 13,000 people, totaling 22,000 people. This is almost equivalent to Kyushu. The combat strength of one division of the army was reduced.

The 94th Army rested in Nanning due to heavy casualties. Chi Lian also contacted Wang Yu in the capital to open a time tunnel to replenish recruits, weapons and equipment and other combat supplies.

Chengdu, temporary official residence of the Chairman

"Chairman, Kunlun Pass and Nanning were lost." He Yingqin found Jiang.

"This is not surprising, what is the loss of the Gui family?" Jiang said

"The Guangxi 124th and 126th armies and a division of the 56th army were annihilated," He Yingqin said.

"Where is the Zhou devil?"Jiang asked

"There is no definite news about this yet," He Yingqin said.

"Order Ci Xiu and Jing Guo in Guangzhou to strengthen their defenses to prevent Zhou devils from entering Guangzhou." Jiang nodded and said

"Yes, Chairman, I have something to say and I don’t know whether I should say it or not." He Yingqin said

""Tell me," Jiang signaled.

"I request the Chairman to leave for Guangzhou as soon as possible to join Ci Xiu and the others," He Yingqin said

"Why?"Jiang asked

"Our troops are divided into two places. If something happens, it will be inconvenient to command. Moreover, Guangzhou was once the base camp of former Prime Minister Dr. Zhongshan's Tongren Association and has a good public base. Guangzhou is close to the sea, so it is more convenient to obtain M aid. In case of emergency, we can also go through M country."Evacuate the ships to other places," He Yingqin said.

After hearing this, Jiang felt that it made sense, and began to prepare various matters for going to Guangzhou.

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