Return to the capital at the end of March 1939.

On the evening of the 28th, news came out at the banquet to welcome the Soong Ching Ling delegation that Wang Yu suddenly contracted a cold and became seriously ill.

Everyone in the delegation was talking a lot, and an unknown premonition came to their minds. It seemed that this negotiation would definitely go through some twists and turns.

In the palace of Yuanmingyuan

"How long are you going to pretend to be sick?" Da Siming asked

"My plan has just begun and you are impatient." Wang Yu responded

"I just think it’s boring and hypocritical for you to do this," Da Siming said.

"I think I don’t have enough sons, please give me a few more." Wang Yu suddenly grabbed Da Siming’s hand and changed the subject.

"I don’t want to give birth." Da Siming shook his head and refused.

"What's wrong with you? You worked hard to give birth to a child back then, why now?"Wang Yu asked

"I have given birth to ten children, and I am not a sow," Da Siming said.

"Okay, then I will have a baby with someone else," Wang Yu said

"roll!"Da Siming immediately withdrew his hand, scolded him and stopped looking at Wang Yu.

"Hahaha"Wang Yu smiled evilly.

In another bedroom

"where did you go?"Seeing that Ji Yizhen was going out, Wang Beixuan asked

"My grandfather is sick, I'm going to visit him," Ji Yizhen said.

"No need, grandpa needs to rest. If necessary, he will send someone to call you." Wang Beixuan stopped Ji Yizhen.

"Oh." Ji Yizhen thought it right and came back.

"It's getting late, I'll go to bed first, I have something to do tomorrow," Wang Cong said

""Yeah." Ji Yizhen nodded.

Then the maid undressed the couple.

After the maids exited, the two went to bed.

On the bed, Wang Cong and Ji Yizhen slept back to back and did not communicate with each other.

It has been several months since Lan Ping was executed. Time, this is how the couple lived. Ji Yizhen felt a little aggrieved. She hoped that her husband could get closer to her instead of maintaining this state of not saying a few words during the day and sleeping back to back at night. After dawn the next day , Wang Beixuan came to the Forbidden City, and he was responsible for guiding Kong Lingkan and Kong Lingjun brothers and sisters to visit the Old Summer Palace

"Mr. Wang" Kong Lingkan greeted Wang Cong

"Mr. Kong and Miss Kong, hello. As ordered by my father, I will be responsible for entertaining you two to visit the Old Summer Palace today." Wang Beixuan responded politely and shook hands with the Kong brothers and sisters.

""I'm ready," Kong Lingkan responded.

After arriving in the capital, Kong Lingkan discovered that his status as the eldest son of the Kong family of the"Four Great Families" was nothing at all.

He was quite self-aware. You, the son of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of China, are nothing. , these are all princes and nobles with military power. If you don’t agree, let’s touch them.

Not to mention Kong Lingkan, even Mr. Zhongshan’s son"Prince" Sun Ke wouldn’t dare to stab him.

"It's okay, let's get in the car." Wang Cong greeted the brothers and sisters to get in the car.

Wang Cong personally drove his Steyr 1500 bulletproof car to carry the Kong brothers and sisters to the Old Summer Palace.

Behind his car were two trucks of Kyushu soldiers. Responsible for security work along the way.

After arriving at the Old Summer Palace, the two trucks of Kyushu soldiers accompanying the Yuanmingyuan did not enter the garden. Instead, they handed over the security work to the Kyushu soldiers stationed in the Old Summer Palace. Then they rested outside the garden and waited for Wang Cong to come out.

On the way

"I wonder how the regent's condition is?" Kong Lingkan asked

"I don’t know the specific situation yet, my father didn’t tell me," Wang Cong said. He was also telling the truth.

"I hope your country’s regent will recover soon," Kong Lingkan said.

""Thank you, Mr. Kong." Wang Cong expressed his thanks.

At the gate of the Old Summer Palace, two electric 13.2mm 8-barrel rotary machine guns were arranged on the machine gun positions on both sides. There was also a temporary watchtower inside the gate, and the Kyushu soldiers standing guard carried automatic rifles on their backs.

Right there When Wang Cong's car approached, the two crossbars to intercept the vehicle were lowered.

"Stop and check!"A squad leader walked to the car and said

"It's me." Wang Cong stopped the car, rolled down the bulletproof glass and stuck his head out.

"Sir, we are also acting under orders, please forgive me," the squad leader said

"It doesn't matter, this is an extraordinary period, I can understand," Wang Cong said

"yes!"Let it go," the squad leader responded, then turned around and shouted.

The crossbar was erected, and Wang Cong drove into the Old Summer Palace.

The squad leader recognized Wang Cong's car, but the superiors strictly ordered that every incoming car must be inspected, including Wang Qi's and even Wang Yu's. Cars were no exception. Therefore, the squad leader did not dare to be careless and could only execute the order.

Just when Wang Cong took the Kong brothers and sisters into the Old Summer Palace, the palace where Mr. Qing Ling stayed suddenly became chaotic, and many Kyushu soldiers surrounded the palace.

Qing Qing Mr. Ling heard the noise and opened the door to check.

But what did she see? What exactly did she see?

Two bright bayonets crossed in front of her, blocking the way.

"What are you doing?!"Mr. Qingling asked.

But the Jiuzhou Army standing guard was unmoved and only blocked the way.

"Mrs. Sun, I'm really sorry; there are military commanders' spies in your delegation, and they are spying on intelligence. We suspect that you are involved in this matter. It is a pity that you have been arrested." A Kyushu Army major walked over with a folder. In front of me, I took out an arrest warrant from the folder and gave it to Mr. Qingling.

"you.. You are trying to inflict a crime!"Mr. Qingling was very angry.

"You have the right to remain silent now, but from now on your scope of activities is limited to this small courtyard." After saying that, the major left.

Just outside the palace where Mr. Qingling stayed, Kyushu soldiers pulled up a blockade at the outer door. Temporary machine gun positions were set up, machine guns were set up on the roof, and all connections with the outside world were cut off.

A phone in the palace can only make calls to the Presidential Palace.

Mr. Qingling was detained on"unfounded" charges. Got it

"I want to see your eighth prince, and I want to ask him why he treats us unarmed and peace-loving people like this," Mr. Qingling shouted to the Kyushu soldiers at the door.

But he ignored him.

This really echoed what Chu Cai and Yang Liren said, This time is really bad.

These two guys are currently visiting a training ground of Jiuzhou Soldiers on the outskirts of the capital city.

This training ground is not far from Nanyuan Airport. It is a large comprehensive venue where both infantry and tanks are trained.

"Liren, look at these soldiers, they are all equipped with automatic firearms, how can our troops be opponents?" Chu Cai pointed at a group of Kyushu soldiers undergoing shooting training.

These Kyushu soldiers belong to the guard brigade of the Ninth Corps. They are in the Corps. During the establishment, all security brigades of each corps are equipped with automatic rifles. Yes, each of the 12,000 combatants in the brigade is equipped with an automatic rifle. This thing is no joke when fighting.

"How many bullets does a portable machine gun cost?" Yang Liren said

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, are all your troops equipped with automatic firearms?"Chu Cai asked the Kyushu Army translator who accompanied the visit.

"No, only the security brigades of the Corps Headquarters will be fully equipped with automatic rifles," the translator replied

"So how many people are there in a security brigade?" Chu Cai asked again.

"The combat strength is 12,000, and two regiments are organized," the translator said.

"this"Chu Cai and Yang Liren were speechless.

One division of the national army only has 10,000 men, and many divisions have only 8,9,000 or even less. Here, one brigade only has 12,000. Isn’t this a joke?

"What's wrong with you two?"Seeing the strange expressions on their faces, the translator asked

"A division of your army"

"The number of combat personnel in a division of our army is about 23,000 to 26,000." The translator gave a rough estimate.

"I"Chu Cai and Yang Liren were speechless.

This kind of number is almost the same as one soldier of the National Army, or even more than one soldier of the National Army.

When this thing is fought, it is"one division sweeping away the national army and one army".

These things revealed by the translator are not military secrets here in the Kyushu Army and can be said anywhere.

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