"Your Highness does not know that the conflict between our country’s army and navy has been going on for a long time. This battle between the north and the south is actually a battle between the land and the sea, and there will be no results for a while," Kawashima Yoshiko said

"Your country's military mothers and mothers are really unhappy. They are so indecisive. How can they fight a war? I think your country's army and navy should find an opportunity to bow their heads and make peace with the Kuomintang." Wang Yu provoked

"I"Yoshiko Kawashima was speechless

"Miss Kawashima, according to the military information we have, the Kuomintang still has nearly one million troops in the southwest. If you include the Communist Party, then this country’s army still has more than 1.2 million people. With such a large force, Kawashima How do you think the lady should deal with it?" Wang Yu said

"Well this"Yoshiko Kawashima's head hurt after hearing this

"Well, I won’t embarrass Miss Kawashima, leave these Kuomintang troops to me, and the Communist Party people will leave them alone for the time being," Wang Yu said

"Why?"Kawashima Yoshiko said

"I'm waiting for a suitable opportunity," Wang Yu said pretending to be mysterious.

"Can you reveal some details?" Yoshiko Kawashima asked tentatively.

"This is a military secret and I cannot disclose it." Wang Yu refused.

He had no plan. He was just pretending to be mysterious to fool Yoshiko Kawashima.

"Okay, then I won’t interfere anymore," Kawashima Yoshiko said.

Now deep in the uninhabited land of Lop Nur on Rooster Land, Chu Bufan is directing troops and personnel in related fields to secretly build a"one-stop industry."

Here is both nuclear weapons assembly, Storage, solid fuel production and the final launch base.

Currently, this"one-stop industry" is under intensive construction. The launch base is the first to be completed, and the solid fuel production base is also under intensive construction.

If all construction is completed, here It can launch twenty intercontinental nuclear rockets at the same time. The rocket that blew up Midway Island was an intercontinental rocket, but it was just a test product.

This comprehensive base was built to carry out long-range nuclear strikes against the Far East and even Eastern Europe. Wang Yu wants to use these intercontinental rockets to wipe out at least 160 million people in Goose Country. Basically, Goose Country and its younger brothers will be wiped out.

Some people say is Lop Nur safe? What if Lop Nur is discovered and bombed?

So what do you think in 1930 ? In the 1940s, when there were no satellites and bombers had limited range, who could discover and bomb the nuclear rocket base deep in Lop Nur?

As for the herdsmen grazing nearby... Who would be sick and go to the depths of the sea of ​​death in no-man's land to graze? They don't want to live. There’s no need to torment yourself like this.

Let’s get back to the subject.

After talking about the world situation with Yoshiko Kawashima, Wang Yu made excuses to go elsewhere with his daughter.

"Twelve, come here." Wang Yu saw the old Twelve Wang Yi and waved to him.

""Father" Wang Yi came over and responded.

"Take the time to go back to Luoyi in a few days, your mother misses you very much," Wang Yu said

"Yes, I will return to Luoyi tomorrow," Wang Yi said

""Don't worry, you can set off after arranging the army's affairs," Wang Yu said.

""Yes" Wang Yi responded

"I thought about it, you'd better gather about one million troops to launch a major offensive to open up the road to Guangdong and Guangxi." Wang Yu returned to Chilian and said

"When?" Chi Lian asked

"You will deploy operations after the New Year," Wang Yu said.

This military operation is the last large-scale military operation launched by the Kyushu Army before the outbreak of World War II: the Battle of Hengbao.

This battle will involve two complete corps of the Kyushu Army. After the battle, the Kyushu Army opened a channel from the northeast to the sea off Qinzhou, threatening the southern lifeline of country M to assist the Kuomintang army. This move also forced country M to come to the forefront to negotiate with the Great Zhou Empire.

"Okay, I will personally command this battle." Chi Lian nodded and agreed.

"Try to wipe out all the Kuomintang troops and kill or injure their effective forces, but never kill prisoners," Wang Yu said

""Yes," Chi Lian responded.

At this time, Song Genling was sitting between the two of them. She listened really, but she could do nothing about it.

While Wang Yu was joking about deploying military operations, other forces could not sleep all night.

Song Genling was captured together. During the major political event, Jiang and his military agents had been deploying rescue operations, but at first they didn't even know where Song Genling was being held. Later, he hooked up with Lan Ping, a female spy who had been lurking in the capital before the war.

Wang Bei The Kyushu Army's actions of shutting down and demolishing various universities, middle schools and primary schools in North China and purging knowledgeable people also caused heavy losses to other lurking military commanders. The deployment of the Military Commander in the capital was completely disrupted, and the rescue operation of Song Jinling was forced to do so. Stranded.

At this time, Song Ailing, Song Ailing's eldest sister, sent a message to Jiang through her husband, Kong Xiangxi, Minister of Finance of the Republic of China, hoping that Jiang could negotiate with the Kyushu Army in an attempt to rescue Soong Ailing.

In addition, Song Ailing also gave the widow a The second sister Soong Ching Ling from Guangzhou wrote a letter, hoping that she could use her status as the mother of the country to call on some non-party progressives or leftists in the Kuomintang, people from other parties and even the Communist Party to jointly write a letter to the Presidential Palace in Beijing, requesting the other party to release the third sister. Song Qingling.

But after receiving the letter from her eldest sister, Soong Ching Ling did not respond. She has left the Kuomintang, and her relationship with her eldest sister and third sister has become more and more alienated after so many years. But as the second sister, Soong Qingling still cares about her deeply. That worried third sister.

As for the Gong Communist Party, although they do not have a good impression of Song Geng Ling, considering that the current situation is difficult and they have to maintain the united front of the Anti-Japanese War, they must also find a way to rescue Song Geng Ling from the overall situation.

The camera returns Arrive at the Old Summer Palace in the capital.

The banquet went on until midnight, and the guests dispersed one after another.

Wang Yu also went back to the palace with Da Siming.

"Just stop making trouble tonight and let me rest for two days, okay?" Da Siming thought about the tossing and turning for more than three hours last night, and she was a little scared.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Wang Yu agreed to the commander's orders.

As for finding maids to sleep with him, Wang Yu felt that the quality of the maids here was not as good as those in Luoyi Taishi's Mansion, so he tolerated it for the time being.

In Wang Qi's palace, Li Xiaoman and her husband complain about their sister-in-law

"I didn’t expect my little sister to have such strength." Wang Qi couldn’t help but be speechless after hearing Li Xiaoman’s complaints.

A walk in Old Summer Palace almost killed his wife, which was something Wang Qi never expected.

"I won’t serve you next time, it’s too difficult." Li Xiaoman got into Wang Qi’s arms and said

"My little sister can’t always come, don’t worry." Wang Qi hugged Li Xiaoman and patted her back, saying

"Why"Li Xiaoman sighed. I serve my parents at the top, my husband in the middle, and my sisters-in-law and several children at the bottom. Life is really not easy. time flies. In the blink of an eye, the Lantern Festival in the thirty-first year of Xiangying (the twenty-eighth year of the Republic of China, 1939 AD) has arrived.

However, a major and vicious incident occurred in the capital. It turned out that while watching the lanterns, someone shouted"Eight Road is coming", causing chaos in the crowd and causing a stampede.

Kyushu soldiers rushed to the scene to maintain order, but more than 30 people died in the stampede. Afterwards, the Anton Governor's Office issued an obituary to commemorate the unfortunate citizens of the capital. At the same time, Wang Qi also sent people to visit the families of the deceased. He expressed condolences and distributed some silver coins and grain.

If the Japanese were to handle this matter, they might just shoot to save trouble. They are capable of such things.

It was March 3rd in the thirty-first year of the Great Zhou Empire's auspicious reign (the twenty-eighth year of the Republic of China, 1939 AD).

Jingshi Xiyuan Airport.

There are many large four-engine transport aircraft parked on several wide runways. These aircraft are painted in yellow, green and black camouflage, and each aircraft has its own number.

These aircraft are the"Condor" large military transport aircraft that Qi Meng ordered from Germany when he signed the"Four-Nation Axis Treaty" in Berlin a few years ago. A total of 600 aircraft have been ordered, 400 of which have been delivered in the past two years. Since the Kyushu Army does not plan to train so many transport aircraft pilots, these aircraft are all driven by Japanese pilots. Currently, there are many Several aircraft have flown to the Japanese mainland and been handed over to the Japanese for use, but the Kyushu Army has the right to deploy these aircraft and Japanese pilots at any time.

These 600"Vulture" aircraft have been manufactured in accordance with military standards from the beginning. The fuselage and internal structure are very strong. Not to mention its sturdiness compared with transport aircraft, even bombers of the same size are not as strong as these"Vultures" Strong and sturdy, each Vulture is very expensive to build.

Among the orders for 600"Vulture" transport aircraft, nine are"noble planes." This small batch of aircraft are piloted by Kyushu Army pilots. These crews, like the Japanese, were trained in Germany. Then fly the plane back to the rooster land. Of course, the journey is long, and there will definitely be transitions along the way.

"The interior decoration of"Aristocratic Plane" is exquisite, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a hotel in the sky.

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