"The official is right, let's just do this and let these devils get busy," Liu Hong said, slapping the table.

"The last mission to intercept the railgun failed, causing the entire Lunan Military Region to be almost wiped out. I have been holding a breath in my heart; comrades, this time we must protect these progressive people from danger at all costs, comrades. Confidence!"Hong Zhenhai boosted morale.


"Captain, I will complete this mission even if I die."

"Brother, we will fight the devils!"

The morale of the team members is very high.

"good! Everyone, get ready, let's take action!"Hong Zhenhai stood up and said.

For a while, the entire Lunan area became chaotic. The activities of the railway team and other anti-war forces attracted the attention of the Japanese, and many progressive people who fled to Lunan successfully escaped. In the

Taiyue Mountain area, Eight Route Army Headquarters

"Chief, according to the intelligence we currently have and various reports, the Japs are systematically destroying university campuses in North China. Many unemployed teachers and dropouts are fleeing North China, but the Japs stationed in Shandong, Central China, and Northwestern Shanxi We are hunting down these escaped teachers, students and progressives. Many people have been killed so far." Comrades from the telecommunications department handed a report to the commander of the Eighth Route Army Headquarters.

"This is another conspiracy of the Japanese against the anti-Japanese forces and progressive people. We must do our best to destroy the Japanese conspiracy; comrades, with the complete defeat of the Kuomintang on the frontal battlefield, the Japanese will soon carry out raids on our base areas behind enemy lines. The struggle will be even more difficult," said the commander of the headquarters.

During the Battle of Chongqing, news of the annihilation of nearly one million Nationalist troops reached the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army. The leaders immediately thought it was an intelligence error, although they knew that the Nationalist army could not count on it. But it is impossible for nearly a million troops to be wiped out.

Later, after verification from many parties, the intelligence was accurate. More than 900,000 national troops were surrounded and annihilated in the area from Dianjiang to Wushan. Chiang fled in panic and disappeared. , Song Jinling and many important military and political officials of the Kuomintang were captured. This news shocked the heads of the headquarters who had experienced hundreds of battles. You must know that in reality, the PLA during the civil war only divided and surrounded the enemy's heavy military groups and then annihilated them, but the Kyushu soldiers Encircling and annihilating more than 900,000 national troops at one time, this kind of achievement should be recorded in the history of world wars. The strong firepower and sufficient soldiers and supplies of the Kyushu soldiers once again refreshed the three views of the head of the headquarters and even all parties.

I thought The Japanese devils are already well-equipped, but now it seems that the Japanese devils are just that.

"Please give instructions from the chief," the comrades said.

"I think we can order each base area to send troops to cover the progressives in escaping, escort them to the base area and then transfer them to Yancheng," said the commander of the headquarters.

""Yes." Comrades responded.

The Eight Route Army troops from all over the country took action.

Back to the capital, the Presidential Palace in the Forbidden City.

Chi Lian was presiding over the meeting.

"President, according to the intelligence provided by the Japanese, there are a large number of communist troops in North China, destroying Japanese strongholds everywhere, and our troops have also been attacked. I ask the President to order the mobilization of artillery units, especially rail guns, to use mountain-mounted shells for bombing. Taiyue Mountain Area," Wang Duo said, taking out a piece of paper from the folder and handing it to Chi Lian

"This matter is not urgent, let the Japanese deal with it on their own. They have taken so many benefits from us, so they should share our worries; besides, the railgun is far away on the Guangdong-Hankou Railway, and it will take some time to bring them back." Chi Lian continued After the report, he said.

After the Chongqing Battle, the rail gun unit did not follow Chi Lian back to North China. Instead, it stopped on a branch line of the Wuhan section of the Guangdong-Han Railway and was heavily guarded by Japanese Japanese troops stationed in central China.

"Then, we should also express our position on the current situation in North China," Wang Duo added.

"Let’s stay still for the time being and see how much noise these Communist Party members can make," Chi Lian said.

"Okay." Wang Zheng nodded.

""Wang Yi, why don't you speak?" Chi Lian asked.

The twelfth-year-old Wang Yi was the son born to Wang Yu by the Moon God. He had been taciturn since he was a child, and his voice was very soft even when he spoke. In fact, he was not suitable for the army, but her The mother still begged Wang Yu to arrange for him the position of the commander of the foreign corps. In fact, Yue Shen could not stand the idea of ​​other women's children holding military power, so she was willing to let her little son leave her.

Luna is now brewing a war with him. Wang Yu talked about getting his eldest son Wang Ying back, but he didn't have the right opportunity.

"I will not express my own opinion on this matter, but I will obey the orders of the president and my second brother," Wang Yi said

"Well, this matter has been decided," Chi Lian said.

"President, I have an idea," Wang Qi said

"Tell me," Chi Lian said.

"Why don't we compete with the Communist Party in the newspaper to see whose pen is sharper?" Wang Qi said

"Second brother, this is really a good idea." Wang Duo immediately agreed

"But we don’t have those sycophant writers, so who will write this article?" Chi Lian said

"President, haven't Wang Zhaoji and Zhou Fohuan been publishing capitulationist remarks in Yuenan, which is under the control of our army? Can we let the Japanese have contact with them? These people are all famous writers," said Wang Duo

"Very good, I will call Gen Sugiyama after the meeting and listen to what he means," Chi Lian said.

General Sugiyama Genjun is the current commander of the North China Expeditionary Force. He should also be a war criminal. Hey, never mind, Everyone just remembers him.

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

"The recent period is a sensitive period. It is best for the second brother's family not to leave the Old Summer Palace. If they are targeted by someone with ulterior motives, they will be in trouble," Wang Duo said

"I have given an order that Xiaoman and several children are not allowed to leave the Old Summer Palace even half a step away. Even if they visit the Old Summer Palace, at least one battalion of troops must follow and protect them," Wang Qi said.

The movement was big enough, and Li Xiaoman left the camp area and went to other places in the Old Summer Palace. During the tour, in addition to the accompanying maids, there were also more than a thousand Kyushu soldiers with loaded guns and ammunition. I am afraid that no emperor in the past has been so exaggerated. In addition, there are at least one division of Kyushu soldiers patrolling the Old Summer Palace day and night, and machine guns and small and medium-caliber artillery are deployed in some areas. Heganglou

"The younger brother admires the second brother's careful deployment," Wang Duo said with a smile.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, let's adjourn the meeting," Chi Lian said.

Everyone dispersed.

Old Summer Palace, the headquarters of Anton Duhufu.

Li Xiaoman was serving tea and water to the two elders with all his heart, and at the same time, he also served a beautiful girl. Got some pastries and snacks

"Father, mother, husband, he went to the Forbidden City for a meeting and will be back soon." Li Xiaoman knelt on the carpet and replied respectfully.

"The ground is cold, please get up." Wang Yu raised his hand

""Yes." Only then did Li Xiaoman dare to stand up.

Wang Yu and Da Siming arrived so suddenly that Li Xiaoman didn't even have time to change the black cheongsam into a horse skirt and a wide-sleeved top.

She thought she was going to be beaten again. After scolding her for a while, her parents-in-law said that this was not Luoyi, so it was okay to dress casually. Li Xiaoman felt relieved.

As for the girl wearing a horse-faced skirt sitting on the right side of Da Siming, she was the current king. Yu's youngest daughter, Wang Qian, is the seventh daughter born to Wang Yu by Siming. She ranks sixteenth among all the daughters, or eighteenth to be exact, because Moyu Qilin and Ayan are the second eldest sisters. Sister, Wang Yu’s biological daughters will be ranked lower in the list.

Because Wang Qian is the youngest daughter, she is the favorite of the family in Luoyi. Parents Wang Yu and Da Siming dote on this daughter even more. This time I come here Rooster Land, Wang Yu and Da Siming also brought their most favored daughter with them

"When will the second brother come back?" Wang Qian said. Her voice sounded a little like a clip, very girlish. It is worth noting that this little princess is also a girl who is almost ninety years old.

"Your second brother will be back soon." Da Siming looked at his little daughter dotingly and said

"Second sister-in-law, go and have a look." Wang Qian actually ordered Li Xiaoman to come

"OK, I'll go take a look." Li Xiaoman had no choice but to go out and see if her husband had come back. Who said this sister-in-law was the apple of her parents-in-law's eye and couldn't be offended.

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