On the outskirts of the capital, at the foot of Tianshou Mountain.

This is the"cemetery" of the Ming Dynasty emperors on Gongjilu Land. From Ming Chengzu Zhu Di to Ming Sizong Zhu Youjian, a total of thirteen emperors are buried here, so it is called the Ming Tombs.

Wang Beixuan drove Lan Ping to the Changling Tomb of Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty.

Wang Beixuan parked the car and got out of the car with Lan Ping. The dilapidated Changling that appeared in front of him was completely different from what Wang Beixuanhun saw before he passed through.

The shrine paved with stone slabs was buried in the soil without a trace, and there was no vegetation around it. The bare red door was seriously discolored, and a large number of eaves and roofs were peeled off.

"Let's go in and take a look." Wang Beixuan led Lan Ping into the mausoleum area of ​​Changling from the Dahongmen. The Shenggong

Shengde Stele Tower, which houses the stone stele recording the achievements of Ming Dynasty Emperor Chengzu, is not only severely discolored and the eaves are falling off, but also looks shaky.

"This is the tomb of Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty," Lan Ping said.

"Haha, you know too much," Wang Beixuan joked

"I heard the teacher say that the tomb of Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty is at the foot of the main peak of Tianshoushan Mountain." Lan Ping looked like she knew everything.

"Haha, she is indeed a talented girl from Tsinghua University." Wang Beixuan smiled.

"Of course." Lan Ping pretended to be innocent.

"Let's go to the Xiangdian Hall." Wang Beixuan took Lan Ping's hand and went to the Xiangdian Hall.

However, the condition of the Xiangdian Hall was no different from the buildings outside. It was still dilapidated. A large number of tiles on the roof of the double-eaves hall had fallen off, and there was no bright light inside the hall. The memorial tablets of Cheng Zu are still missing. Spider webs are all over the corners of the hall.

Some rotten and dry plant roots are also scattered inside and outside the hall.

"Since Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, no one has taken care of this huge mausoleum anymore." Wang Beixuan looked around at the dilapidated scene in the palace and said

"Isn't it said that emperors' tombs like this have tomb-keepers? They have been guarding the tombs for generations. How could they let this hall become so dilapidated?" Lan Ping asked

"Times have changed, and sometimes the descendants of the mausoleum guardians are unable to do so," Wang Beixuan said.

Since the Kyushu soldiers have been entrenched in the Beijing-Tianjin area for a long time, the mausoleums around the capital are very well preserved. In reality, the"Donngling Robbery" case that shocked China and foreign countries did not occur..

On the contrary, the Qingxi Mausoleums in Yixian County, Hebei Province were robbed crazily ten years ago in 1928. All four imperial mausoleums of Yongzheng Tailing, Jiaqing Changling, Daoguang Muling, and Guangxu Chongling were almost stolen. The remains of Emperor Guangxu He was also thrown outside the mausoleum, which also revealed the mystery of Emperor Guangxu's death.

However, the Anton Governor's Office did not investigate the matter with great fanfare, but Wang Qi also sent people to help representatives of the Xunqing royal family and the elderly The young survivors collected the torn remains in the mausoleum and paid for new coffins to be built for the remains in accordance with the regulations of the former Qing Dynasty. They also expressed condolences to Puyi and his family.

This"Xiling Robbery" case I still have no clue, let alone sayAs for the murderer, the matter also went unsolved as the Japanese negotiated with the Duhufu to move Puyi to the northeast.

As for the Ming Tombs, this huge group of imperial tombs has not been robbed, but it is just that it has been neglected for a long time and has caused the building components in the mausoleum area to collapse and fall off.

"oh"Lan Ping nodded.

After they left Xiangdian, they went to Fangcheng Minglou in the back.

The two ventured to the Ming Tower

"You see, this is the sealing earth, commonly known as the tomb," Wang Beixuan said, pointing to the huge circular mound of sealing earth.

"Is Zhu Di's body down here? Lan Ping asked

"Yes, Zhu Di, his queen and thirty concubines and maidens were buried dozens of meters underground," Wang Beixuan said.

"oh"Lan Ping nodded

"Let's go down." After staying on the tower for a while, Wang Beixuan and Lan Ping came down from Ming Tower.

After leaving Changling, Wang Beixuan took Lan Ping back to the capital.

But just when Wang Beixuan parked the car in front of a hotel. Another Steyr 1500 bulletproof car happened to pass by

"Mom, look, that’s my eldest brother’s car, huh? Who is that woman?" A handsome young man in the car pointed to the window and said to his mother

"Um?"Li Xiaoman followed the direction of his second son Wang Pu and looked

"this.. Beixuan? He actually.. This kid!"Li Xiaoman saw something.

She saw Wang Beixuan holding the hand of a female student and walking into the hotel. What does this mean? It means that his son is having an affair. It has only been less than three months since they got married, and Wang Beixuan is having an affair.

"Fucking a womanIn terms of performance, the eldest brother is indeed a master."

"concentric! shut up! Wang

Pu teased, but was interrupted by his mother scolding him.

Today, Li Xiaoman took his second son to visit a luxury store in the capital, and happened to see this wonderful scene. If this matter spreads, it will definitely be a royal scandal. scandal

""Park the car," Li Xiaoman told the driver.

He found a place out of the way and parked the car."Madam, what do you want me to do?" the driver asked.

"Do you still remember the restaurant we passed by just now?" Li Xiaoman asked

"Remember, it's Tongde Restaurant," the driver replied

"Go over and see if Beixuan is inside, be careful not to be discovered," Li Xiaoman ordered.

""Yes, ma'am." The driver got out of the car.

About two-quarters of an hour later, the driver came back.

"How is it?" Li Xiaoman asked

"Madam, I didn't see the eldest son in the restaurant, but there is a private room on the second floor of the restaurant. I think the eldest son is in a certain private room, but I didn't dare to check because I was afraid of being discovered," the driver said

"Okay, let's go," Li Xiaoman said

"Did you hear what Tongxin and I just said?"Li Xiaoman asked the driver

"The lady didn’t speak just now, I didn’t hear anything." The driver is too smart.

"Very good, keep your mouth shut. When you go back, go to the finance department to get one hundred silver dollars. I will reward you." Li Xiaoman said

"Thank you madam for the reward. Madam, don't worry, I have a strict mouth." The driver thanked him.

Then the car continued to drive.

After visiting the luxury store with his second son, Li Xiaoman returned to the Old Summer Palace with a dark face to find Wang Qi alone.

"Why are you back so soon?" Wang Qi asked

"It's nothing, I just saw Beixuan outside," Li Xiaoman said

"Did you see Beixuan? It's nothing, he can just go out for a walk. Why didn't Beixuan come back with you?"Wang Qi didn't care at first, and then asked

"Husband, Beixuan is with another woman," Li Xiaoman said

"What! You can’t read it wrong, right?" Wang Qi was surprised

"Yes, Tongxin and I saw with our own eyes that Beixuan walked into a restaurant holding the hand of a female student," Li Xiaoman said

"This traitor! How dare he.. Where did you see it? I will immediately send someone to capture him," Wang Qi said.

"Husband, don't be anxious first; I don't want this matter to alarm Beixuan first, the most urgent task is to find out which school the female student is from, and then deal with the matter," Li Xiaoman said

"Well, if this kind of thing spreads, it will be a huge scandal. If the princess knows about it, and then brings trouble to his father, the consequences can be imagined." Wang Qi was very upset. Unexpectedly, his son had only been married for less than three months, and he would actually do it If the girls outside are taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives, it will probably be a huge disturbance.

"So let’s deal with it quietly," Li Xiaoman said.

"I will send capable personnel to keep an eye on Beixuan tomorrow to see where the woman next to him is from," Wang Qi said.

"OK." Li Xiaoman nodded.

"The princess must not let her know about Beixuan's scandal," Wang Qi said

"Don't worry, I'll leave this matter to youLet me do it," Li Xiaoman said.

"snort! That traitor has really embarrassed me." Wang Qi cursed again.

"Okay, okay, don't worry too much, I think this matter will be properly handled soon," Li Xiaoman said.

At night, Wang Beixuan didn't go home to spend the night again.

"Master, it’s already very late, why don’t you go to bed first?" the personal maid said to Ji Yizhen

"Why.."That's it, wait for me to undress and go to bed." Ji Yizhen sighed, asked the maid to help her undress, and then went to sleep.

Wang Beixuan and Lan Ping lingered in a hotel at night. In the morning, he sent Lan Ping back to school before returning to the Old Summer Palace.

But Unfortunately, a reporter from the Beijing-Tianjin Daily secretly photographed this scene, which was immediately published in the newspapers and caused a storm.

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