Just as the Wuhan battle was going on, far away in the uninhabited land of Lop Nur, Rooster Land.

Time and space fluctuations appeared one after another, and then groups of soldiers and equipment walked out of the time and space tunnel one after another.

This is a special force. In addition to the accompanying soldiers, there are also some special talents. They arrived in Lop Nur's no-man's land this time to test one, or to be precise, two new weapons.

These are nuclear weapons and medium- and long-range rockets.

This special force was personally led by Wang Yu and Chu Bufan and came from Jiuzhou Wanguo Dadi Industrial City

"This is an uninhabited land. We can experiment with weapons here without worrying about being discovered," Chu Bufan said.

In fact, this place was chosen by Wang Yu. At first, Chu Bufan planned to conduct experiments in the most remote uninhabited land in the land of Kyushu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms. But Wang Yu felt that Lop Nur on the Rooster Land was a treasure land, so he decided to use it as a temporary testing ground.

Since Chu Bufan failed to develop and launch satellites, he turned his development direction to medium and long-range rockets, but Wang Yu proposed to prepare a large number of Nuclear bombs to cope with the coming world war.

Chu Bufan did not expect that Wang Yu was so crazy that he would actually use such a powerful weapon in the war.

But Wang Yu's nuclear warhead has a characteristic, that is, after the nuclear explosion, there will be no Radiation is not harmful to the human body.

However, it has huge destructive power on the environment and ecosystem of the area hit by nuclear strikes. In other words, as long as there is a nuclear strike, the place will be completely destroyed and no crops will grow. , so this is probably more severe than radiation.

"Your Highness, do you really want to use this kind of weapon? Chu Bufan asked

"Yes, sometimes we have to use science and civilization to talk to the world," Wang Yu said.

Hearing this, Chu Bufan was speechless. I'm afraid there would be no such thing as civilization at that time.

"In this war, I want more than 20 million Westerners to die," Wang Yu added.

"Your Highness's hegemony will definitely succeed." What else could Chu Bufan say, he could only agree with Wang Yu's words.

The future situation is also as Wang Yu said. Hundreds of millions of people were killed by the Allied forces in the east and west, and some countries actually only The name of the country is left but no person is left. There is no winner in World War II except Wang Yu.

This directly changed the world and made some opportunistic politicians who tried to gain benefits through the war lose their pants.

"Yes, it will definitely happen," Wang Yu said, his eyes glowing red, and then returned to normal.

The team set up camp and rested for a few days to prepare and assemble various facilities.

Five days later, the relevant personnel began to build bunkers and carry out operations. Preparations before various tests. On

July 15, 1938, everything was ready and the nuclear test officially started.

A mushroom cloud slowly rose in the vast Lop Nur. This was an atomic bomb with a yield of 120,000 tons.

Nuclear bomb The first test explosion was successful, which greatly strengthened Wang Yu's determination to manufacture and use this weapon in large quantities. He planned to drop a large number of nuclear warheads in future operations in the Far East and Eastern Europe to replace conventional shelling, and then deploy troops for mopping up operations..In early August of the same year, a huge rocket was successfully launched. Its target was Midway Island, thousands of nautical miles away.

At this time, Midway Island was still in the hands of Country M. Wang Yu set the target here to experiment with long-range rockets. Increase the power of the nuclear warhead.

Yes, this is a nuclear rocket. If it successfully hits the target, Midway Island will be turned into powder in an instant.

But this huge nuclear rocket did not hit the target, it hit near Midway Island A piece of reef, but the huge power still blew up Midway Island. All the M troops on the island were destroyed and all the ships were blown up.

After talking about this episode, let’s take a look at the battle situation on Rooster Land.

The Japanese 116th Division When a regiment of the regiment attacked Wuhan for the first time, it was counterattacked by the National Army's reorganized 11th Division. The fierce bombardment caught the Japanese by surprise, and they were forced to retreat to the starting point of the attack and reorganize the attack. Lieutenant

General Shimizu Yoshige, commander of the 116th Division He decided to ask for help from the dispatched army headquarters and requested reinforcements from the heavy artillery regiment. His purpose was to have his own heavy artillery suppress the national army's artillery, and then send troops to attack.

But Shunroku Hata learned that the 116th Division's attack had failed, and he Very angry, he scolded Qingshui Xizhong for his incompetence, and rejected the other party's request, requiring Qingshui to break through the defense line of the national army within two days. After receiving the reply, Qingshui had no choice but to organize his troops again to launch an attack.

But the 116th Division took several days to Although they suffered a lot of casualties, they were still unable to fully break through the national army's positions, and only occupied a few small and unimportant positions of the reorganized 11th Division. Obviously, Hata Shunroku's order could no longer be completed. The artillery equipment of the Japanese 116th Division They are the 38-year-old 75mm field gun and the 91-type 105mm howitzer. One of these two artillery pieces is outdated, and although the other has good performance, it is somewhat inadequate in the face of the artillery of the reorganized 11th Division of the Chinese army, otherwise it would not be used by the Chinese army. Army artillery suppression.

The better Type 96 150mm howitzer and Type 89 150mm cannon are rare items at this time and will not be randomly distributed to division-level troops. The Type 92 105mm cannon has excellent performance, but its quantity is also very small. These types of artillery are equipped with independent heavy artillery regiments, and they are all directly affiliated artillery units at the corps level. Shunroku Hata's Central China Expedition Army has two independent field heavy artillery regiments, equipped with Type 92 105 mm cannon and Type 89 150 mm cannon.

Just when the 116th Division's attacks were repelled time and time again, and the division commander Qingshui Yizhong was in a state of distress, dense screams passed over his head.

Then a huge explosion came, and the shock wave spread everything around.

This is the appearance of the Kyushu Army's rail guns and large-caliber self-propelled cannons. What kind of operation is this?

It turns out that when the Japanese attacked Wuhan, the 50th, 51st, and 52nd armies of the"Chilian King Snake" Corps, the 11th independent heavy artillery brigade, the 31st and 32nd armies of the 9th Corps, and the 9th independent anti-aircraft artillery brigade The"Southwestern Corps" composed of other troops has arrived in Wuhan. This temporarily organized force was personally directed by Chi Lian to attack Chongqing, with the purpose of destroying or destroying Chiang's next possible foothold.

The troops had already secretly transferred in after the press conference on May 15th.

The railgun troops also followed the troops day and night. Wang Duo stayed at the Presidential Palace and took charge of the overall situation instead of Chi Lian.

This military operation of the Kyushu Army was in response to the"full bloom" strategy, and also to intimidate Chiang Kai-shek and other anti-war forces of the Republic of China.

After Wang Yu issued an order to launch a large-scale military operation in the northwest, the entire 12th Corps stationed in the Xubeng area and one army of the 9th Corps stationed in the Beijing-Tianjin area formed the"Northwest Corps", commanded by Wang Xuan, and responsible for the Qing Dynasty and the suppression of the Jin Dynasty. The Ma family warlord forces in the northwest and Ningxia and Qinghai.

In view of the fact that the Ma family warlords were suppressed by the Kyushu Army as early as before the war, their power was not as strong as before.

As soon as the Kyushu Army's Northwest Corps arrived, the Ma family's warlord power collapsed. Ma Bufang and Ma Hongkui were shot dead. Officers at all levels under their command fled to death. The soldiers were either wiped out, surrendered to the Kyushu Army and were handed over to the Japanese for disposal, or they went into the mountains and became bandits.

The Ma family warlords in Qing and Ning were completely wiped out. In order to prevent similar"extremist forces" from reappearing in the area, Wang Xuan ordered the demolition of all religious sites in Qing and Ning and vigorously cracked down on local sects.

In the northeastern region, an army of the Eighth Army went to the Far East to attack the Mongolian forces supported by Red Goose. They killed the Mongolian leader General Sukhbaatar and severely damaged the Mongolian army. This move angered the leader of Red Goose. Stalin, he wants to send troops to the Far East to teach the Kyushu Army a lesson.

But at this time, various"movements" were going on in Chi'e, and many outstanding generals and technical talents were dismissed, imprisoned, or even shot.

Stalin appointed General Zhukov as the commander of the Far East Special Military Region, and formed the Far East Special Army to compete with the Kyushu Army. War clouds were gathering in the Far East.

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