"Extraordinary nickname, the Zhou devils will devote 16 corps to march southward"

"Despite the nickname, President Zhou Guohan Honglian persuaded Mr. Chiang and the Gong Communist Party to surrender"

"come and give me a newspaper"

"Give me one too"

"I'll have one too."

This is a scene of a group of newspaper boys selling newspapers at a joint in Wuhan, and passers-by buy them one after another.

Temporary official residence of the Chairman of the Standing Committee

"Niang Xipi! This is a blatant insult to me and an insult to the party and state! It's so unreasonable that you can become a leader or even an emperor just by surrendering first!"Jiang read the newspaper and slammed the table angrily.

"Chairman, the Zhou devils have sinister intentions. They are destroying the morale of the national army and the people," said General Chen Cheng, Commander-in-Chief of the Wuhan Garrison.

"There are even more outrageous ones, take a look." Jiang picked up another newspaper and handed it to Chen Cheng.

"this.. This is so shameless. The invaders actually said that we are war criminals for violating peace!"Chen Cheng held up the newspaper with trembling hands.

"Darling, what's wrong?"Mrs. Chiang and Song Meiling brought tea.

"Madam, please read today’s newspapers." Jiang handed several newspapers to Song Genling.

"this.. this"Song Genling read the newspaper and was stunned.

"snort! The Japanese Japs want me to surrender and become a traitor. That is just wishful thinking!"Jiang must still show such an attitude.

"Chairman, recently I heard that Mr. Wang seems to have a different view on the situation," Chen Cheng said

"Um? Wang Zhaoke must be promoting his kind of peaceful argument again, there is nothing surprising about it." Jiang knew this guy very well.

Wang Zhaoke was also a passionate progressive when he was young. Before the Xinhai Revolution, he single-handedly assassinated the former Qing regent Zaifeng, who was Puyi's father..

Later, Wang became a speculative politician. Although he had a high status in the Kuomintang, many people scorned his"peace" argument and considered him a capitulationist. The national army suffered a disastrous defeat in two battles, and a group of capitulationists in the Kuomintang led by Wang Zhaoke returned. They started to raise their heads and gave speeches everywhere to promote their so-called"peace" arguments.

This is another reason why Jiang wanted to put on a show with the Kyushu Army.

Some people said that the victory of the National Army in the Battle of Taierzhuang was not enough to boost morale. But don’t forget that the troops of the Lunan Military Region of the Eighth Route Army suffered a devastating blow immediately afterwards. The morale of Taierzhuang’s victory fell again before it could be inspired.

"Chairman, Mr. Wang is so unscrupulous in promoting his so-called peace, which will be very detrimental to us in the long run," Chen Cheng said

"Send someone to warn him secretly and ask him to stop saying a few words," Jiang said.

"Yes, I will go see Director Dai immediately," Chen Cheng said.

Then he left the office

"Darling, why don't you speak?"After seeing Jiang being silent for a long time, Song Genling asked

"I'm worried about the increase of troops by the Japanese soldiers. If it is true as the newspaper said, 16 regiments and 9 million troops will be mobilized, then my death has come." Jiang said, the last part of the sentence was very discouraging.

"I really didn’t expect that this woman is actually their commander-in-chief." Song Genling took a newspaper with Chi Lian’s photo and looked at it.

"This woman is so ruthless that she beat me to the point of losing my armor. I will never let go of her." Jiang said this like a child out of anger.

"Darling, I think this is just the other side's propaganda and intimidation method. The newspaper said that their country's princess is going to get married, and all combat operations will be suspended for a month. Darling, do you think someone will put all their military action plans together? Do you want your opponents to know about it in the newspapers?" Song Jinling said

"The Zhou devils are unpredictable, I'm afraid they will use this abnormal method to deceive people and then attack suddenly," Jiang said

"Darling, I think they will launch some offensives, but they are definitely not as exaggerated as the newspapers said, and these offensives are just to deal with their regent. As for clamoring to end the war this year, it is even more nonsense." Song Genling added

"That regent is a lunatic, always doing things that go against common sense, which makes people have to be on guard," Jiang said.

"UmNo, this is a trap!"Suddenly, Song Gengling realized something

"trap?"Jiang was a little surprised.

""Darling the order, the circulation of newspapers must be stopped as soon as possible, otherwise what will happen if the soldiers of the national army read the newspapers?" Song Genling asked Jiang

"meeting.. Niang Xipi! I fell into their trap again! I immediately ordered Chen Cheng to send troops to confiscate the newspapers and strictly inspect the newspaper office." Jiang said and picked up the phone to call the office of the garrison commander. After the order was issued, Wuhan was in a state of chaos. A large number of national troops snatched newspapers from passers-by and children selling newspapers, and also investigated and punished the printing presses. Factories and newspapers asked them not to print and distribute this kind of newspaper. It caused a big stir for a while.

Although it took a while, many soldiers of the national army saw the newspaper, and they passed it on ten times. Hundreds, the morale brought about by the"capture" of Lishui County just now was diluted by the news in the newspapers that the Kyushu Army generals were marching southward.

People in the army were panicked, and Jiang had to work hard to appease the morale of the army. It was really busy. There must be no open fight.

On the contrary, the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party of China immediately noticed the huge conspiracy after reading the newspaper and launched a counterattack. The headquarters of the Eighth Route Army also issued an announcement saying that the imperialists of the Zhou Dynasty brazenly invaded other countries and also Taking pains to create a list of so-called"war criminals" is a shameless and despicable act, and the public persuasion of senior leaders of the two parties to surrender is an attempt to instigate the unity of patriotic progressives and anti-Japanese forces in an attempt to undermine the morale of the people in the anti-Japanese war. It is a conspiracy of the Japanese devils. It will never succeed. The peace-loving force of justice will definitely win the final victory of the War of Resistance.

The Eighth Route Army's proclamation spread throughout the country through radio and newspapers, which is in sharp contrast to the Kuomintang's seizure of printing plants and confiscation of newspapers. The party's direct tit-for-tat approach won praise and support from many patriotic progressives, non-partisans or people from other parties.

At this time, Wang Zhaoke ignored Jiang's secret warning and not only continued to openly promote the capitulationist tactics He spread fallacies and revealed things that Jiang secretly warned him about. The Kuomintang suddenly fell into chaos. Wang sent troops to attack Jiang in newspapers, which made the whole city panic. This time,

Jiang became even more worried. Worried

"Niang Xipi! Dai Yunong is incompetent! Chen Cixiu is stupid!"Jiang read the newspaper about the attacks and abuses made by the capitulation party within the Kuomintang, and he angrily cursed Dai Li and Chen Cheng.

"Daring, it's obvious that Mr. Wang can't look back. It won't help if you scold Dai Yunong and Chen Cixiu now. It's better to find a way to calm down the trouble in front of you." Song Genling looked at the attack on her husband sent by Wang in the newspaper, and her expression was very serious. Not good-looking

"However, at this critical moment, the Communist Party of China also came to cause trouble. Many neutral people inside and outside the party were praising the Communist Party of China for having the backbone and being the backbone of the nation. This is really unreasonable. I think they have something wrong with their eyes. From the beginning of the war to the present, , it is the national army who is fighting bloody battles, it is the national army who is defending the homeland and protecting them!"Jiang said

"But the Communist Party of China won a battle when we lost Shanghuan, which shows that the national army is inferior to the Communist Party of China," Song Genling said

"Didn’t the Communist Party of Gong just make a smooth pass? With this little credit, they dare to speak nonsense and attack me for passively resisting the war. Then I will order them to launch an offensive in North China now and let them go to Beijing and Tianjin to fight against the Japanese Japs. I want to see it Let’s see if these so-called real anti-war guys dare to go to Beijing and Tianjin," Jiang said.

"Haha, Darling, you know very well that this is impossible. The Gong Kuomintang is not a fool. The Zhou people in the Beijing-Tianjin area have heavily hoarded troops, and there are also Japanese troops dispatched from North China. If the Gong Kuomintang really goes, it will be like dying in vain." Song Genling smiled.

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