Lishui County, the national army has occupied it.

The first to attack Lishui was the reorganized Second Division, which had all been equipped with fine weapons and equipment. They"defeated" a battalion of the 934th Regiment of the 312th Division of the Kyushu Army in front of them. The battalion quickly evacuated its position as soon as the battle began.

"Look, sir, what is that?"A national soldier saw a large iron lump painted olive green parked not far away. He called to his commander.

"Um? tank?"A national army platoon leader came over to check the situation.

Yes, what they saw was a"Mo" tank that was deliberately abandoned by the Kyushu Army. This tank had long since suffered a major mechanical failure and has been waiting for repair in the repair shop. , this time the show with the National Army was also brought in to make up for it. The Kyushu soldiers had destroyed important equipment in the tank. At this time, the track on the right side of the tank was also deliberately blown up by the Kyushu soldiers.

"Such a big tank is twice as big as ours." More and more National Army soldiers came to watch this badly damaged tank.

Before the massive military aid from Country M arrived, the National Army's tanks could only be imported from Britain. The Vickers 6-ton tank, the CV33 ultra-light tank imported from Italy and the No. 1 tank imported from Germany are not many in number and their performance is acceptable, but compared with the"Mo" tank, they are Just like the model. The big"Mo" tank can destroy these types of tanks and chariots of the National Army without even firing a gun and direct collision.

In the Battle of Songhu and the Battle of Jinling, the National Army's tank troops were completely lost.

Later, all tanks of the National Army were lost. The tanks aided by Country M to Chiang Kai-shek are the M2 medium tank and another light tank called the M2. The former has a total combat weight of just over 20 tons and its main weapon is only a 37mm gun; the latter has a total combat weight of 11 tons and is more It only has one 7.62mm machine gun.

With this size and firepower, if you go head-to-head with a"Mo" tank, there will be no other result than being beaten into a pile of scrap metal.

However, these two models are already the most popular models currently in service in the M country. Good tanks.

In 1938, Country M was affected by the sequelae of the domestic economic crisis and the trend of isolationism, and was not interested in updating and expanding its armaments.

After the full-scale war on Rooster Land, although the Army of Country M had symbolically expanded to 150 One hundred thousand people, but the equipment is outdated and backward, and there are only more than 470 tanks.

The rapid and comprehensive retreat and heavy losses of the national army caught the M country, which secretly supported them, by surprise. If the M army troops still go out in this state In response to the crisis of a world war, it was undoubtedly a joke on the lives of young men in the United States, so the Congress of the country M immediately agreed to increase hundreds of millions of dollars in military spending. It had to improve the status and equipment of the troops by selling iron, and the two M2 tanks were Under the background of eliminating old equipment and developing new equipment, they were sent to the national army in batches.

The project of the M Army at this time is an M3 tank of about 30 tons. It is being designed and developed. This vehicle is nicknamed the"Seven" in reality. The Brother Coffin Grant Lee medium tank. The tank has a unique appearance, but is not very practical.

The large number of"mo" tanks of the Kyushu Army on the battlefield made the M3 tank project in the hands of the M country completely lose the need to exist. The new M4 tank The research and development project is about to be launched.

A large group of National Army soldiers gathered around the wreckage of the"Mo" tank and pointed.

Some National Army soldiers even climbed onto the tank and looked inside through the open hatch.

Wuhan's M Country Advisory Group learned After hearing the news about the seizure of a Kyushu Army tank, they requested that the tank be immediately brought back to Wuhan for analysis by the M country's technical consultants, so that some of the technologies can be used to help the research and development of M country's new tanks.

In addition to this"moon" type Tanks, the national army cleaning the battlefield also seized tons of logistics supplies, such as various cans and biscuits, as well as some fresh meat.

But since it was already May, the national army leaders were worried about the fresh meat The meat will go bad. In line with the principle of not wasting, the soldiers were allowed to eat the captured fresh meat on the spot. The soldiers stewed the meat happily to improve the food. In the temporary capital of Wuhan, in the press hall of the temporary official residence of the Chairman.

1 A press conference is taking place

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet, please be quiet." General He Yingqin, Chief of General Staff of the National Army, motioned to the reporters below to be quiet. He was about to speak.

"Dear reporters, just now, the Chinese army launched a counterattack against Lishui County in Jinling. Under the rapid attack of our army, the enemy's 312th Division entrenched in Lishui County suffered heavy casualties and was completely driven away by our heroic soldiers."Out of Lishui County, the national army is currently stabilizing the local situation and cleaning up the battlefield," He Yingqin said

"So, may I ask, Mr. Chief of General Staff, how many casualties were suffered by the national army and how many were the enemy’s casualties in this battle?" a reporter asked

"Since the battle has just ended and our army is cleaning the battlefield, the specific figures have not been calculated yet," He Yingqin said.

"Dear Mr. General, I am a British reporter. I would like to ask if this counterattack against Lishui is a prelude to a large-scale counterattack in the future." asked the British reporter

"This matter still needs to be discussed. Everyone knows the status of our troops. After the two battles of Songhu and Jinling, many troops are seriously short of personnel and weapons and equipment. In order to launch this counterattack, our army has All the elite troops have been assembled," He Yingqin said. This was meant for the M country and the British people. If you want the country's army to fight a big war, please send us weapons and equipment first. He also said some insignificant things. He made an excuse and left.

In the Chairman's Office, Major General Marshall, the head of the M Country Advisory Group, was talking to someone about Jiang.

"I sincerely admire the heroic fighting and tenacious will of your army. They have shown the world the hope of defeating the enemy." Marshall was obviously deceived.

If it were a real fight, the national army of these six divisions would suffer heavy losses. Is there any hope of defeating the enemy?"

"Thank you General Marshall for your praise of our army. Our soldiers are all brave, but they lack enough good weapons and equipment," said Jiang.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Chiang, Country M will never abandon its allies," Marshall said

"Then I would like to thank our friends from country M for their strong support." Jiang said thank you.

Wuhan, Liaison Office of the Eighth Route Army.

When they first heard the news about the national army's counterattack against Lishui, they thought it was another failure of the national army, but the news spread After arriving, everyone was silent.

It was not that the Eighth Route Army hoped that the Kuomintang army's counterattack would fail. In this moment of national danger, despite the many conflicts and discord between the two parties in the past and present, the Eighth Route Army also hoped that the Kuomintang army would win. It's a good way to boost morale.

However, the Chinese army lost even its underpants in the two major battles last year. In addition, the Lunan Military Region suffered a devastating blow not long ago, which made some people in the Eight Route Army have a pessimistic attitude.

"I didn’t expect that the Kuomintang really had the guts to take back a county town from the hands of the Zhou Jains," said a comrade from the Liaison Office.

"I'm afraid this matter is not that simple. I have a vague feeling that there must be some unknown inside story," said Yang Liqing, Director of the Liaison Office.

After the Battle of Pingxingguan, he was transferred to Jinling by his superiors to serve as Director of the Liaison Office of the Eighth Route Army, and later withdrew from Jinling. Come to Wuhan. Yang Liqing is the younger brother of military special agent Yang Liren. The two brothers belong to two camps, but their stories are not our focus.

"Um?"Other comrades were puzzled

"Oh, it’s nothing, everyone does their job well. Since they won, we also want to congratulate them." Yang Liqing then changed the topic.

""Yes," comrades responded.

North China, Presidential Palace in the Forbidden City, Beijing

"President, local telegram." The telegraph officer handed a newly translated telegram to Chi Lian.

"Well, go ahead." Chi Lian took the telegram and waved away the officer.

"President, is this my father’s will?" Wang Duo asked

"Yes, he wants us to plan and eliminate the enemy's troops with strong combat effectiveness in future operations." Chi Lian read the message and said

"Well, this can effectively dampen their will to fight," Wang Duo said.

"Take a look." Chi Lian handed the telegram to Wang Duo

"We are also required to destroy all the enemy's troops in northwest Shanxi and at the same time attack the warlord forces in Qinghuan and Ningxia." Wang Duo took the telegram and read it carefully.

"Yes, launch a big enough battle. It seems that your father’s goal is to mobilize the north of the Yangtze River and both sides of the Yellow River," Chi Lian said

"I suggest publishing another list of war criminals to create more obstacles for them," Wang Duo said.

"Um?"Tell me about it." Chi Lian is very interested.

"Foreigners especially like to do this kind of thing, so we might as well learn from it and put high-level enemy military and political personnel on this list and publish it through newspapers, which is disgusting and disgusting to them," Wang Duo said

"Um"After listening to Wang Duo's suggestion, the corners of Chi Lian's mouth rose. Life is so boring, Sister Lian wants to do the whole job to entertain everyone.

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