Hutou Mountain, Independent Battalion Headquarters

"Battalion Commander, most of our troops in the Lunan Military Region were wiped out by the Japanese. It is said that most of the soldiers who died in our army were killed by a weapon called a railgun," Chiefs of Staff Zhang Chu and Zhou Weiguo said.

"Battalion Commander, what exactly is this rail gun? Why is it so powerful?"Company Commander Xu Hu asked

"When I was in Germany, I heard the instructor mention it, but they call rail guns train guns. These guns are huge and can only travel on railways. One gun can hit fifty or sixty kilometers, and most of the shells have a caliber above 200 mm." Zhou Weiguo was very knowledgeable and saw through the true identity of the rail gun at once. The train gun his German instructor said should be K5, which is a 280 mm caliber train gun with a maximum range of 62 kilometers. However, Did Zhou Weiguo have a K5 when he was studying abroad in 1936? Forget it, let’s just assume it was there.

"Good guy, one shot can hit this far," Xu Hu exclaimed.

Others were also very surprised.

"The rail guns of the Zhou Japs not only hit far, but are also extremely powerful. I heard that when they attacked Jinling last year, their rail guns blew up both the Purple Mountain and the Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty in Jinling with one shell," Zhou Weiguo said.Obviously this is a bit exaggerated. The Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum was indeed bombed, but only a small half of the Purple Mountain was destroyed.

"What? Blow up a mountain with one cannon?"Xu Hu and others were shocked again.

"We must not take this lightly. If the Japanese invaders borrow rail guns to deal with us, everyone will have to follow the footsteps of the Lunan Military Region. We must find a way to prevent their rail guns from functioning," Zhou Weiguo said

"The rail gun travels on the railway, and the nearest railway line here is hundreds of kilometers away. Comrade Weiguo said that the rail gun can hit fifty or sixty kilometers. Even if the Japanese borrow it, it will not be able to hit us," said instructor Chen Yi. This is a female Route Army soldier

"However, it is said that the rail gun of the Zhou Guojie can hit more than 100 kilometers. Last year, their rail gun fired from more than 100 kilometers away and hit a building near the old Chiang Kai-shek's official residence. This scared old Chiang Kai-shek and fled Jinling in panic." Zhou Weiguo glanced at Chen Yi and said.

In fact, Comrade Zhou Weiguo was conservative. The 150-kilometer range is the conventional shell of the Kyushu Army rail gun. If it is an extended-range shell or a mountain-drilling shell with strong charge, the range is at least 200 kilometers. More than fifty kilometers

"ah?"Everyone was horrified

"Well, now the Japanese have withdrawn one after another, I think it is unlikely that they will attack us in the short term," Zhou Weiguo said

"Battalion Commander, why not let our special forces go over and blow up their rail guns to completely eliminate this threat?" Xu Hu said.

At this time, the special forces of the Hutoushan Independent Battalion are still training and have not fully formed combat capabilities.

"no! The special operations team has not yet formed a strong combat effectiveness, and the Japanese must have heavily guarded the rail guns, and we don’t know how many rail guns the opponent has. Attacking rashly is tantamount to death." Zhou Weiguo immediately rejected Xu Hu's suggestion.

"What should we do?" Xu Hu was a little confused.

"At present, we can only wait for the next time the rail gun is launched again and find a way to engage it on the road," Zhou Weiguo said

"Is there any news from the Lunan Railway Team?"Then Zhou Weiguo asked again

"Not yet," Zhang Chu said

"That's it, let's break up the meeting. The troops will step up their training and be ready to go into battle at any time," Zhou Weiguo said. Everyone dispersed one after another.

The powerful power of the rail gun made the Eighth Route Army feel a strong existential crisis. Most of their main forces were in the mountainous areas. activities, now there is a weapon that can directly blow up mountains. This is equivalent to destroying the soil they rely on for survival. The results of a large-scale raid by the Japanese devils are not as good as a few shells from the rail gun, which is very terrifying..

Not only did the Eighth Route Army Independent Battalion in Hutoushan decide to take advantage of the opportunity to destroy the rail gun, the Eighth Route Army and related armed forces in various places also regarded the rail gun as an enemy more difficult to deal with than the Japanese devils. This enemy was hundreds of kilometers away. It can blow up their flesh and blood and even wipe out the whole army, so how to deal with the rail gun has become a more difficult problem than dealing with the Japanese Japanese devils. Because the reputation of the Kyushu Army's rail gun has spread, the bandits who gathered in the mountains and forests from all over the country are trembling. This directly led to many of these bandits defecting to the Japanese and becoming traitors and puppet soldiers nearby, which in turn increased the pressure on the Eighth Route Army and added some uncertainties to the situation of the Anti-Japanese War. Wuhan, official residence of the Chairman

"Chairman, there is news about the Gong Party's armed forces in southern Shandong." Dai Li came to the office to report to Jiang.

"oh?"Jiang extended his hand.

Dai Li handed over a report.

"Under the bombing of railguns and the raids of Japanese devils, the Communist Party of Lunan was almost completely wiped out, and its base areas were also uprooted," Dai Li said.

"Didn’t the Communist Party always say that I was passive in resisting the war, but they were active, hum!"Jiang said gloatingly while reading the report.

"Chairman, we have some clues about that matter." Dai Li made other points.

"oh?"Tell me about it." When Jiang heard this, he immediately became interested.

"Zhou Guizi said"Dai Li said to Jiang.

Let’s turn back time for now. Chu Cai, the veteran of the Military Command, read Dai Li's documents in the office of the Director of the Military Command, and then accepted the task.

After he returned, he disguised himself as a businessman and took a capable general, Yang Liren, from Wuhan to Shanglan.

At this time, Da Shang Huan was much more depressed than before the war, but the people's lives were still pretty good. Since the Qing Gang and other evil gangs were severely damaged or wiped out by the Kyushu Army, the security in Shang Huan was much better than before.

Chu Cai and Yang Liren came to Shanghuan, and first met up with the surviving personnel of the Juntong Shanghuan Station. Then Chu Cai personally observed the situation and prepared to find an opportunity to meet with Niu Jiao, commander of the Jiuzhou Army and Shanghai-Hangzhou Garrison, to discuss business.

""I'm back, what's going on outside?" After returning to the stronghold, Yang Liren asked Chu Cai

"Dashangyuan is much cleaner than before," Chu Cai said.

"I don’t know why they went crazy at the beginning of the year. They insisted on fighting against the Green Gang. The whole Shanghuang was full of gunfire, and many of our lurking personnel were shot as Green Gang members," said the latent agent of the military command who responded to Chu Cai.

"Confused! Who told you to lurk in the Qinggang? Don’t you know that you can’t put all your eggs in one basket?"Chu Cai immediately scolded him.

"The commander is teaching you a lesson," the agent responded.

"Okay, you can go out," Chu Cai said to the agent.

After the lurking agent went out,

"Let's discuss how we can see that bull dragon," Chu Cai said to Yang Liren.

It would be very unprofessional for a Military Command Bureau agent to not even know the name of the Ninghuhang Garrison Commander.

"I think we should go directly to the headquarters to explain our intention to him," Yang Liren said.

"It's a good idea, but I guess not only our people are lurking in Dashanghuang, there may also be people from the Gong Communist Party. If they are discovered by agents of the Gong Party and exposed through newspapers, you can imagine the pressure on the Chairman. , then you and I will have to go back with our heads high, and it will be hard to explain to Boss Dai," Chu Cai and Yang Liren said

"That.. We might as well cause trouble at night and let them arrest us," Yang Liren said.

"That's what I meant," Chu Cai said.

However, this method was very risky. If the Kyushu soldiers shot the two of them directly, it would be all over.

That night, the two of them carried the identity certificates of the Military Command Bureau in their pockets and put on disguises. After that, they went to drink at the Crown Dance Hall, where fierce fighting once broke out.

Although Dashanghuan was much depressed, the Crown Dance Hall still had a good business.

During this period, Chu Cai and Yang Liren pretended to be drunk and fought with each other, attracting police officers from the Shanghuan Police Department. They were arrested.

The two men in prison lied and claimed to be latent agents of the Jiuzhou Army Ningbo-Hangzhou Security Command stationed in the Military Control Bureau. They had important information and requested to meet Niujiao.

The prison guards did not dare to neglect and reported to the higher level. Finally, the police The director personally interrogated Chu Cai and Yang Liren, but they insisted that the situation was urgent and they must meet with Commander-in-Chief Niu. The police director was not from the Kyushu Army, he was a native of Shanghuan. Before the arrival of the Jiuzhou Army, he was a Shanghuan policeman. Director.

This person is as timid as a mouse. If it were not for the Jiuzhou Army Ninghuhang Garrison Headquarters, he would not be allowed to sit in this position. Seeing that the two men were resolute, the director did not dare to neglect and dialed the number. Call the police headquarters building.

Soon, the headquarters sent a military vehicle to the police station to pick them up.

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