The Japanese were caught in a bitter battle in Taierzhuang. More than 200,000 soldiers in the fifth theater of the National Army shared the same hatred with the enemy and beat the Japanese into a panic. However, Han Fugu actually led his troops and fled before the battle.

The 115th and 116th divisions of the Kyushu Army all pursued in trucks, and soon caught up with the fleeing Han Fukju's troops.

Han had made up his mind to escape from the battlefield, so he was unwilling and did not dare to fight the Kyushu Army and just ran for his life.

However, as a local miscellaneous force, Han Fuju's military equipment and maneuverability are far inferior to the"Chiang Kai-shek Army" that is being reorganized, let alone compared with the Kyushu Army.

The Korean army was quickly surrounded by the Kyushu Army, and a battle broke out. This is very intriguing. When fighting the Japanese, Han Fukju led his troops to escape. Now that he was surrounded by the Kyushu Army, he regained his courage. What is this operation?

The Korean army was no match for the Kyushu Army. Nearly half of them were annihilated by the Kyushu Army in just one breakout. Soon Han Fuju's entire army was wiped out. He himself was captured and transferred to Li Zongyuan, the commander-in-chief of the National Army's Fifth War Zone. He was soon sent to a military court and executed.

At this time, the Battle of Taierzhuang was basically over.

After the fall of most of Shandong, the Japanese took control of the Jinpu Railway, but at this time a special team appeared in the southern section of the Jinpu Railway, Lincheng, and Teng County. This was the Lunan Railway with the purpose of resisting the Japanese and Zhou Dynasties. Guerrillas, they belong to the Lunan Military Region of the Eighth Route Army.

The captain was named Hong Zhenhai, and the deputy captain Liu Hong quickly formed a team of dozens of people to deal with the Japanese along the railway.

In reality, this team was not officially established until 1940, but with the fall of Shandong, the Lunan Railway Team actually appeared in advance. Perhaps when Qimeng declared war on the Republic of China, this protracted war was destined to be unusual.

One night, a long military train approached the Lincheng section of the railway. Suddenly, several strong black figures appeared from the woods on one side of the railway, and then they jumped onto the train skillfully.

""Hurry up," Deputy Captain Liu Hong ordered.

""Yes." Several team members began to throw down the goods on the military column.

""Come down, tell everyone to collect the supplies." In the woods, Wang Qiang, an underground party member who was ambushing here in advance, ordered a team member beside him.

It turned out that they mobilized some progressive people to push wheelbarrows to load and transport the supplies that Liu Hong and others had dumped. Let's go.

On the train, Liu Hong felt that it was almost done, so he led several team members to jump out of the train and evacuate. The military train"robbed" by the Lunan Railway Team this time was a Japanese arms train. The train was loaded with machine guns, rifles, pistols and Small-caliber mortars and grenade launchers, as well as a large amount of ammunition, were transported with the vehicle.

The arms that Liu Hong and the others brought down were several crooked machine guns, dozens of rifles and more than a dozen boxes of ammunition. These things were huge. This alleviated the shortage of materials for the Lunan Railway Team in the early days.

How did they know the types of materials on this military train and the departure and arrival times in Lincheng? It turned out that Wang Qiang, an underground member of the Gong Communist Party, turned out to be the dispatcher of Lincheng Station The staff of the room also maintained a good relationship with the Japs Gendarmerie stationed in Lincheng and the traitor organization maintenance meeting, which enabled Wang Qiang to better obtain accurate information without being noticed by the Japs. After returning to the hiding place

""How are you, Lao Liu and Lao Wang? Are there any casualties?" Hong Zhenhai, the captain who stayed behind, did not ask about supplies, but first asked if there were any casualties.

"Captain, there are no casualties, everything goes well," Liu Hong said

"Brother, all the brothers are fine." Other team members also responded happily.

"Yes, brother, don’t let the devils try to hurt us."

It can be heard from these words that although this railway guerrilla is an armed force of the Communist Party, some Jianghu habits still exist, but Hong Zhenhai has not corrected them. This is also a way for comrades to build relationships and cultivate friendship between revolutionary comrades. After all, the team members come from different places and work in various industries. Addressing each other in a familiar way can also show that we are a family.

""Okay, everyone is fine. Let's go in and talk." Hong Zhenhai invited everyone to go into the yard to talk.

After hiding the guns and ammunition and dismissing the progressive people who helped them, everyone went into the house to talk.

"What good things did you get this time?" Hong Zhenhai asked after pouring water for everyone.

"I don’t know, but they are all wooden boxes and they are heavy," Liu Hong said.

"Brother, why don't we open it and take a look," Xiaopo said. He is the youngest member of the team and the"musician" of the team, and is good at playing the pipa. The famous"Railway Guerrilla" song was written, composed and played by Xiaopo Singing, what an all-round talent

"Yes, brother, open it and let the brothers have a look." The other team members also followed suit.

"In this case, let's open it first and take a look." Hong Zhenhai nodded in agreement.

Everyone took out a box of hidden arms and opened the lid of the wooden box. A brand new machine gun with a crooked handle wrapped in oil paper quietly fired. Lying in a wooden box

"This is the Japanese's crooked machine gun, it's a good thing," Hong Zhenhai said.

In fact, the performance of the crooked machine gun is not very good, but for the Eighth Route Army, especially the railway guerrillas, who lack supplies, a crooked machine gun is a good thing. This machine gun is definitely a treasure

"Is this the legendary crooked trick?"Many team members did not know the crooked machine gun, and they found it very novel.

"Yes, it’s just a crooked trick. With this guy, our railway team can fight the Japanese back and forth," Hong Zhenhai said.

"Great, we no longer have to be chased by the Japs and have no one to fight back. This time I want to see the Japs getting shot," said a team member

"Hahaha"Everyone laughed after hearing this.

When the Lunan Railway Team was armed, the crisis in the Lunan Military Region of the Eight Route Army also quietly came.

In early April 1938, the Japanese troops stationed in Shandong decided to launch a large-scale raid on the Lunan Military District of the Eighth Route Army, intending to eliminate or severely damage this armed force.

The military region intercepted and deciphered the Japanese telegram. In order to better complete the mopping up mission, the Japanese borrowed two rail guns and a large number of artillery shells from the 11th Corps of the Kyushu Army, and prepared to move to the front line via railway to bomb the main base of the Eight Route Army of the Lunan Military Region. , the rail gun's route happens to pass through Teng County, so the Lunan Military Region ordered the Tengxian County Brigade and the Lunan Railway Team, as well as the surrounding county brigade and district squads, to find ways to intercept or destroy the rail gun, becoming the main force of the Lunan Military Region The troop transfer buys time.

In the Lunan Railway Team stronghold, after Hong Zhenhai received the order through an intelligence agent,

"Captain, what exactly is this rail gun?" Liu Hong asked

"thisthis"Hong Zhenhai looked embarrassed. He doesn't know what a rail gun is either.

"Speaking of this rail gun, I heard from Jin Shan, the second manager of Chint Yang Company," Wang Qiang said.

"Lao Wang, tell everyone quickly," Hong Zhenhai urged.

"Last year, when the Zhou Japs attacked Jinling, they used this kind of rail gun. I heard from Jinshan that this kind of gun was so big and heavy that it had to maneuver on the railway, otherwise it would be difficult to move forward," Wang Qiang said.

They called the Jiuzhou soldiers"Zhou Japs""

"Lao Wang, how powerful is this guy? Liu Hong asked

"Jinshan said that when the Japanese invaders attacked Jinling last year, this kind of rail gun directly hit the target from more than a hundred kilometers away, and one shot could blow up a mountain. Do you think it is powerful or not?" Wang Qiang said. Of course Wang Qiang heard that This is an exaggeration, but the railgun is indeed extremely powerful when using mountain-drilling shells. The accidental bombing of Ming Xiaoling Tomb is a typical example. The huge crater left by the mountain-drilling shell has not been filled yet.

"What? Destroyed a mountain with one cannon?"

"A range of more than 100 kilometers? If such a powerful force is used to deal with our main force in the mountains, it will be all over." After hearing Wang Qiang's description, Liu Hong and Hong Zhenhai were shocked, and at the same time they also realized that the situation was very serious.

"We must find a way to blow up these two harmful guys," Liu Hong said.

"This cannon was borrowed by the Japanese Japanese from the Zhou Japanese. They must have sent heavy troops to escort it. It will be very difficult to get close to these two cannons." Hong Zhenhai was scratching his head. He only relied on the

Lunan Railway Team and the Tengxian County Brigade and other local armed forces. A total of several hundred troops are going to blow up the rail guns escorted by Japanese Japanese troops. Isn't this a joke?

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