"Beixuan, your grandmother misses you and sent your eldest aunt to take you back to Luoyi to stay for a while," Wang Qi said

"ah?"Wang Beixuan was confused. But he soon realized that it must be the cheap daddy who wanted to distract himself so that he would no longer pay attention to the war on Rooster Land.

"Father, I want to stay and share your worries," Wang Beixuan replied

"Beixuan, this is an order from your grandparents. Besides, it is during the war. You are my eldest son. It is not safe to stay here." Wang Qi said

"It is precisely because I am your eldest son that I cannot retreat," Wang Beixuan responded.

"Beixuan, don't talk back to your father. Since your eldest aunt has come to pick you up, you should go back to Luoyi for a few days to fulfill your filial piety to your grandparents for us." Li Xiaoman did not wait for her husband to scold her, and quickly spoke to persuade her son.


"Okay, pack up and go back to Luoyi with your aunt in a few days."

Wang Beixuan wanted to say, but was interrupted by his father.

"No need, we will go back to Luoyi now," Mo Yuqilin said

"Aren't you going to stay in Old Summer Palace for a few days?"Li Xiaoman asked

"I hope to complete my father's order as soon as possible," Mo Yu Qilin said.

"I'm going to pack some clothes for Beixuan." Li Xiaoman trotted out to pack things.

After a while, Li Xiaoman came in with a soldier carrying a leather box.

The soldier put down the box and went out.

"Okay, let's set off now," Mo Yu Qilin said.

Wang Beixuan reluctantly carried the box and was swept away by Mo Jade Qilin's teleportation technique. The spatial fluctuations quickly disappeared.

"Beixuan has returned to Luoyi, and I can deal with the situation at hand with peace of mind," Wang Qi said.

Hearing this, Li Xiaoman rolled his eyes at Wang Qi

"What's your look like?"Coincidentally, Li Xiaoman's rolling eyes were seen by Wang Qi

"It’s nothing." Li Xiaoman naturally refused to admit it.

"Humph, let's see how I deal with you tonight." Wang Qi pinched Li Xiaoman's arms and whispered in her ear.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Li Xiaoman also replied in Wang Qi's ear.

The two of them actually got tired of being here.

The camera went to the mainland of the Great Zhou Empire, the Beixuan Hall of the Taishi Mansion in Luoyi.

With a burst of space Fluctuation, Mo Yuqilin appeared with Wang Beixuan

"Put your things down and let's go find your grandfather," Mo Yu Qilin said.

""Yes." Wang Beixuan put down his suitcase and followed Mo Yu Qilin.

The two came to Wangyou Hall, but found that Wang Yu was not there, so they asked the maid and learned that Wang Yu had gone to the martial arts field.

Mo Yu Qilin and Wang Beixuan met again He went straight to the martial arts arena.

A burst of teasing laughter came from the crowd. It turned out that a large group of maids were watching Wang Yu shoot a bow.

Every time Wang Yu hit the bullseye, he would select a maid to stay with him at night. Now there are five maids. She was selected by him.

In the past two months, Wang Yu has suddenly become addicted to sensuality. He has already extended his clutches to the beautiful maids in the house. The youngest of the five selected maids is only thirteen years old, and the oldest is no more than 13 years old. Seventeen years old.

Moon God and Da Siming no longer quarrel with their husbands because they are addicted to women. They only tell their husbands to take care of their health. What a joke, will Wang Yu have an accident because of the five women in Ye Yu? Obviously not



Mo Yuqilin and Wang Beixuan came forward to greet them.

The maids became quiet and looked at the two.

"You all go down. The five people I selected will go to Wangyou Palace tonight," Wang Yu ordered.

The maids left one after another.

""Thank you for your hard work, go to the Siming Temple and tell them." Wang Yu threw the bow and arrow to a nearby Forbidden Army soldier and said to Mo Yu Qilin and Wang Beixuan.

In the Siming Temple,

Da Siming is already waiting here.


""Mother and Concubine"

Wang Cong and Mo Yu Qilin meet each other

"Well, sit down and talk." Da Siming signaled.

"The reason I called you back this time is because your father said that you are always uneasy and hope that I can find a good match for you. I have promised him to choose a wife for you, and there is a suitable candidate now. She is of noble birth. It is your blessing to marry her," Wang Yu said.

When Wang Qi came back yesterday, Wang Yu had already decided to find a man named Ji for his grandson to marry, but now the three daughters of Emperor Zhou are already married. Therefore, we can only find one from other clan families, and then do a little"processing" to put it in the name of the Emperor of Zhou and become the emperor's concubine.

However, the Great Zhou Empire has implemented a policy of strictly controlling the number of nobles for more than two thousand years. , except for Emperor Yuan of Zhou who"founded the country", the subsequent emperors of Zhou were almost all male descendants according to this policy. Moreover, although Emperor Yuan had many heirs, they were all kicked out of the ranks of the clan aristocracy.

More than 2,000 Years have passed, and the blood relationship between their descendants and the current Emperor Zhou is very far away. Some exaggerated cases even have no blood relationship at all. Although finding a girl among these people is like finding a needle in a haystack, it is not difficult to do. After Wang Yu's"wonderful rejuvenation", everything fell into place.

"Grandfather, me.."I don’t want to get married." Wang Beixuan still needs to struggle a little.

"Your father and I have decided on this matter, and your mother and grandmother have also agreed. We feel that we need someone to take care of you for us." Wang Yu's tone left no room for doubt.

"Ah this.. It's all up to my grandfather's arrangements." Although Wang Beixuan could argue with his parents, he didn't have the courage to face his grandfather. He could only complain about his grandfather's feudalism and autocracy in his heart. Marriage seemed to be just a matter of words to his grandfather. Things like that, one sentence determines the fate of the younger generation’s life. This is not a feudal autocratic patriarch.

"Okay, according to Zhou etiquette, your wedding will be held in one year, so you can stay at the Grand Master's Mansion during this year and wait for your wedding," Wang Yu said

"ah?"Wang Beixuan was dumbfounded. Oh my god, wait a year. What kind of rule is this?

"What's wrong?"Da Siming saw that Wang Beixuan's expression was abnormal and asked.

"Oh, it’s nothing, nothing." Wang Beixuan quickly denied

"Well, this matter has been settled, and your grandmother and I will take care of the rest." After Wang Yu said that, he stood up and went back to his Wangyou Palace. In the evening, five maids were ordered to come to the Wangyou Palace's bedroom. , what happened next is a VIP video, readers can contact the protagonist by themselves, the contact information is

Five days later, a large number of Imperial Guards surrounded a farmhouse.

"what happened"

"Yes, yes, we are not breaking the law."

The owner of the farmhouse, his wife and children gathered together to watch the Imperial Guards breaking in.

"Who is the owner of this house?"The Forbidden Army Captain asked

"I.. I am.. What are you going to do?" asked the middle-aged man, the head of the family.

"The Grand Master invites you," said the Captain of the Forbidden Army.

"ah? this.. I"

"Take them all away!"

Just when the host was at a loss, the captain of the Forbidden Army gave an order.

All the family members were taken away. Grand

Master's Mansion, Wangchuan Tower.

This palace is not large in scale, but it is also in a remote location.

The Forbidden Army took Came here with a few members of the family

"Your Highness, Grand Master, we have been brought to the captain."

Wang Yu waved his hand, and the imperial troops retreated.

"Villain.. Pay homage to the Grand Master, pay homage to His Highness." The whole family was already kneeling

"No courtesy, please sit down." Yueshen stretched out his hand and lifted it.

The family still didn't dare to move.

It's not that Wang Yu and Yueshen are so evil, this is the result of Wang Yu's family focusing on mystery for many years.

""Come here!" Wang Yu shouted.

Then two maids came in.

"Please ask this young lady to rest in the side hall." Wang Yu pointed to a young girl kneeling on the ground.

"What on earth are you going to do!"The girl's father, the head of the family, asked in a panic.

"take away!"Don't neglect," Wang Yu ordered.

The two maids took the girl away together. The girl was already so frightened that she could not move and allowed the maids to take her away.

"Moon God, tell me." Wang Yu and Moon God said

"Now, something good is going to happen to you," Moon God said to the shocked family.

"Good thing.. What a good thing? asked the middle-aged man

"The one who was taken down just now is your daughter, right?" Moon God said

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded.

"From now on, she will no longer be your daughter, and you will not be able to see her again," Moon God said

"What? this"The middle-aged man was shocked

"But in return, you will receive the noble status of a viscount and the corresponding fiefdom, and your family will be allowed to inherit the throne. You must know that there are less than two nobles in the entire Zhou Dynasty who can inherit the throne, so you are very lucky." Wang Yu continued talk.

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