After the Japanese retreated, the national army used the period before the arrival of the Kyushu Army to quickly occupy the original positions and build new fortifications, briefly regaining Shanglan.


August 14, 10 a.m.


"Boom boom!"


Intensive artillery fire hit the newly constructed position of the National Army.

In Hongkou, the 37th Brigade of the National Army who had been replenished was holding the position here.

At eleven o'clock, the artillery bombardment by the Kyushu Army ended. But what did the National Army soldiers see? What exactly did they see?

Just looking at a small position, the national soldiers saw densely packed Kyushu soldiers wearing black military uniforms, wearing pointed iron hats on their heads, holding automatic rifles and semi-automatic rifles, and defending them. The position was advanced.

The shelling just now completely destroyed this small position of the 37th Brigade. The person in charge of this position was a company of the national army. The shelling caused them heavy casualties.

"Sir, look, the enemy is coming!"A soldier who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old poked his head out from behind the remaining position and saw the above scene. He shouted loudly to his platoon leader. There were as many as two regiments of the Kyushu Army facing these national troops. With more than 10,000 people, it is really easy to break through this small position.

But this Chinese soldier is destined to get no reply from his commander. His platoon leader has been killed in the shelling just now.

"Sir? Sir!"

"Da da da.. Da da da"

"Snapped.. Snapped!"

The soldier shouted many times, but what responded to him was not the commander but the dense bullets of the Kyushu soldiers.

"puff.. ah!"

"Shunzi! Shunzi!"

"Second uncle"

In an instant, dozens of bullets hit the fifteen or sixteen-year-old soldier. Not far away, his uncle who joined the army with him saw his nephew being beaten into a sieve, and shouted in grief and anger. The young soldier responded to his uncle, and then fell to the ground. Killed in action

"I will fight with you!"The second uncle picked up his flower machine and shouted and shot at the oncoming Kyushu soldiers.

But before he could fire a few bullets, he was hit by the bullets of the Kyushu soldiers. The second uncle was stubborn and continued to shoot, but the Kyushu soldiers Too many, and soon the second uncle followed in the footsteps of his nephew.

In the end, the whole platoon of the National Army was killed.

An hour later, nearly 50,000 people from two divisions of the Kyushu Army came under the cover of fifteen"Mo" tanks. Launched a general attack on the remaining positions in Hongkou District.

The 37th Brigade could not withstand it at all. It took only half an hour for the battle to break out. Most of the 37th Brigade suffered casualties. The brigade commander was forced to shrink his position. However, the Kyushu soldiers' offensive became more and more fierce. The Seventh Brigade was completely wiped out at 1:00 p.m., the brigade commander was killed, and Hongkou fell again.

After the 20th Corps of the Kyushu Army captured Hongkou, they ran into the reinforcements of the National Army, and a fierce battle broke out. After a short battle of 20 minutes, the National Army The 57th Division of the 74th Army was severely damaged and was forced to retreat.

Later, the 20th Corps assembled five divisions to advance under the cover of powerful artillery fire and armor, never giving the national army a chance to breathe.

Soon they invaded In the center of Shanghuan City, two regiments of the 44th Division of the National Army were guarding Xiafei Road and the bank building. They could not withstand the attack of the superior force of the Kyushu Army, and relied on fortifications to defend for an hour before being repulsed.

In the Zhabei area, the Kyushu Army After the shelling, the units of the 21st Corps advanced towards the city center.

Although the defending national army fought hard, they were no match for the firepower. Even though the national army sent aircraft to bomb the attacking Kyushu Army. , killed some Kyushu soldiers and destroyed several tanks, but still could not stop this black torrent.

The war continued until the morning of August 16, and most of Shanghuan had been occupied by the Kyushu Army. Although the national army continued to increase its troops There were 700,000 people, but they could not break through the defense line composed of tanks, artillery, machine guns and anti-aircraft artillery built by the Kyushu soldiers. Instead, they suffered heavy casualties. In the one-day battle on August 15th alone, the national army lost as many as 100,000 people, and the wounded There are countless more. Yes, you read that right, one hundred thousand people.

A 13.2 mm caliber ten-barreled rotary machine gun mounted on a gun mount and connected to an electric motor appeared on the battlefield. It can reach ten thousand people per minute. The rate of fire of 5,000 rounds made it impossible for the national army in front of them to take a single step forward. The road was paved with the blood and flesh of fallen national soldiers who gave their precious lives to defend their country.

Hundreds of thousands of national troops were squeezed on the road. In a small area in the south of Shangluan, some of them were withdrawing from Shangluan, and some planned to continue to defend. The national army was in chaos and lost effective command.

At Shangluan Patriotic Girls' School, some female students who had not had time to escape were rushed up. The Kyushu Army is trapped in the school.

But no one pays attention to them. The purpose of the Kyushu Army is to quickly occupy Shanghuang, not to hook up with the female students. Who hasn’t seen a woman? The women in the land of Kyushu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms are comparable to this It was much more beautiful.

But the students lacked daily necessities, so a teacher bravely came out with a white flag to ask for help.

"Um? Hmm what do you mean!"A captain of the Kyushu Army couldn't understand the teacher's words.

"I have no weapons, I am not an armed person, and there are still people in the school. I ask your army to support some supplies." The teacher explained with difficulty in gesticulating.

"oh.."Yeah." The captain nodded as if he understood.

Then he asked the nearby soldiers to come over and leave the canned biscuits and other things in their backpacks. He also gave the teacher a few kettles filled with water, and then drove the teacher away. Yes.

Why are the Kyushu soldiers so easy to talk to? Because there was an order before the war not to abuse any Shanghuan citizens. If any citizens need help, they must try to help as long as the fighting is not fierce and the supplies are sufficient.

That's why the above happened. It was a weird scene. Fortunately, the teacher made the right bet. If it was a Japanese, she would be in trouble.

For the Shanghai citizens affected by the shelling, the Kyushu Army could only mourn for them and collect their bodies as much as possible.

One day later , the situation nearby stabilized slightly, and the Kyushu soldiers partially lifted the martial law, allowing the trapped teachers and students in the girls' school to enter and exit freely.

On the night of August 18, all remaining national troops evacuated Shanghuan, this international metropolis Declare the fall.

From the beginning of the shelling on the 14th to the night of the 18th, Dashanghuan was captured by the Kyushu Army in just five days.

Jinling, Chairman's Office.

Jiang put down the telegram feebly

"Chairman, these enemies are more difficult to deal with than Japanese pirates. Their artillery fire is unprecedented. On the 15th alone, our army lost no less than 100,000 lives in battle."Dai Li, director of the Military Command Bureau, stood aside and said

"My party-state athletes"Jiang was very distressed. Most of the hundreds of thousands of elite troops of his direct lineage who had spent a lot of money to build them were annihilated in Shanghuang, and most of those who were withdrawn were incomplete and full of wounded troops.

For example, the 87th and 88th German armorers were withdrawn, leaving only two battalions remaining.

The three divisions of the 74th Army fought for three days and retreated. An inventory found that less than 4,000 people were alive, and half of them were injured.

There are many cases like this. On August 16 alone, when the national army was uncertain about its withdrawal and fell into chaos, more than 100,000 people died due to the artillery shelling and machine gun fire of the Kyushu Army.

The five-day battle cost the 700,000-strong Nationalist army nearly 400,000 people, including more than 60,000 seriously injured and captured prisoners. The Kyushu Army killed more than 30,000 people and injured less than 20,000 people in this battle.

These national army prisoners were all released after simple treatment. The Kyushu Army prides itself on being an army of nobles and does not do things like killing and abusing prisoners. Only weak people will commit violence against prisoners without weapons, such as the Japanese army. He Goose Country, this is a typical coward, so don’t mention it

"Chairman, now that the enemy has occupied Shanghuan, the situation is very critical. Should the Chairman consider"Dai Li said tentatively

"What to consider?"Jiang asked

"Leave Jinling and move in to avoid the sharp edge temporarily," Dai Li said.

"That’s nonsense, I’m going to fight them to the death here in Jinling." Jiang banged the table and shouted angrily.

""Yes." Dai Li immediately stood up and said yes, not daring to say anything else.

August 19, the 29th year of Xiangying (the 26th year of the Republic of China, 1937 AD). Commander of the 20th Corps and Ninghuhang Garrison The commander Niu Jiao dialed the number of the Presidential Palace in Beijing.

He, the Ninghuhang garrison commander, was appointed before the war and was responsible for the defense of Jinling, Shanghuan and Wuhan, the major cities on the south bank of the Yangtze River, and nearby areas. It is obvious that in the future he will I want to be stationed here for a long time.

President’s Office in the Forbidden City, Beijing

"Hello, this is me." Chi Lian picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"Report to the President that our army captured Shanghuan yesterday, killing and wounding nearly 400,000 enemy troops and capturing prisoners. I am here to report victory to the President." Niujiao on the other end of the phone was very proud.

"General Niu, you have done a good job. You can rest for a few days and then I will assign new combat tasks. Then I will ask for credit from His Highness for you." Chi Lian was very happy after hearing this. She replied to Niu Jiao

""Yes, thank you very much, President," Niujiao said.

After hanging up the phone, Chi Lian began to study the map, and his next target was Jinling.

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