In March of the 29th year of Xiangying of the Great Zhou Empire (the 26th year of the Republic of China, 1937 AD), Fengtian Puppet Manchukuo Palace

"stop! who!"The Japanese soldiers guarding the palace gate stopped a group of people.

"Dog, open your dog eyes and take a closer look!"A Kyushu Army battalion commander got out of a Steyr 1500 jeep and slapped the Japanese soldier in the mouth, while pointing at the phoenix icon on the front of the car and scolded.

However, due to the language barrier, and the Japanese soldier did not recognize the royal family that symbolized the Great Zhou Empire A small-scale conflict broke out between the two sides.

In the end, the large number of Kyushu soldiers suppressed the Japanese guards. The Japanese officers on duty did not dare to neglect and hurriedly ran to report

"They are so rude, you should teach them a lesson." Wang Yu, who was sitting in the car, witnessed the whole process and looked at the Japanese guard who was squatting and holding his head while being controlled, and said calmly.

Yes, this guy is Going to Fengtian in a Steyr 1500 jeep.

This car is a replica of Kyushu Industrial City, and tens of thousands of them have been produced. The car Wang Yu is riding in is a special vehicle for the commander of the Corps.

There are two battalions of nearly 3,000 Kyushu soldiers. The soldiers riding in trucks to protect Wang Yu were actually just supporting the show.

Didn't Wang Yu have his own guards? Yes, but there was no need to bring them. When he came to Rooster Land, he could directly call on the local Kyushu soldiers to act as temporary guards.

At this time, the imperial palace of the Puppet Manchukuo Here, although the banquet has come to an end, everyone is still changing glasses.

The purpose of this banquet is to celebrate the engagement of Puyi’s younger brother Pujie and the Japanese aristocrat Sagahao. The two will be in Japan in mid-to-late April of the same year. A wedding was held in Tokyo.

Lieutenant Colonel Yoshioka Yasuo, the staff officer of the Kwantung Army and also the"imperial official" of the Puppet Manchukuo, informed Puyi to send important personnel to the Japanese country to attend the wedding. The Kwantung Army also invited Wang Zheng, the commander of the Northeast Army and the commander of the Eighth Army. Attend the wedding and visit the Japanese country at the same time.

This so-called"royal official" actually means adviser. On the surface, Yasunao Yoshioka is Puyi's personal adviser, but secretly he is the person sent by the Kwantung Army to monitor Puyi

"Report!"The Japanese officer on duty came to the banquet hall and whispered a few words into Yoshioka Anzhi's ear.

The latter's expression changed and he glanced at Wang Zheng

"Mr. Yoshioka, what happened?"Pu Yi saw Yoshioka Yasuo whispering to the officer on duty just now, and he asked

"Your Majesty the Emperor, the father of His Excellency the Governor of the Northeast is here," Yoshioka Yasunai said.

"What?! Father is here?"Wang Zheng stood up with excitement.

"Yes, just outside the palace." After saying that, Yoshioka Anzhi quickly left the banquet hall with the Japanese officer on duty.

Wang Zheng also put on his military hat and followed him out.

Outside the palace gate, Wang Yu got out of the car and looked at the puppet Manchukuo. the royal palace

""Father," Wang Zheng came and immediately took off his hat and bowed.

"Well, with an army of more than one million in your hands, you are tough, right?" Wang Yu scolded him with a straight face.

"I don’t dare. Even if I hold tens of millions of troops, I will always be my father’s son and will always obey my father’s orders." Wang Zheng quickly denied

"Who is this"Wang Yu ignored Wang Zheng and looked at Yasuo Yoshioka

"Father, he is"Wang Zheng whispered a few words beside his father and introduced Yasunao Yoshioka

"It turns out that he is a consultant from Manchuria. I am disrespectful." Wang Yu said and wanted to shake hands with Yoshioka Yasuo.

"Mr. Yoshioka, this is my father, His Highness the Regent of the Great Zhou Empire. All the military and political power of our country is in the hands of my father." Wang Zheng hurriedly introduced his father to Yoshioka Yasuo. In order to facilitate understanding, Wang Zheng said His father is the regent

"Hi! Yasunao Yoshioka, who holds a humble position, has met His Highness the Regent!"Yoshioka Yasuo bowed straight and then shook hands cautiously.

Yoshioka Yasuo, a child of a Hokkaido fisherman, had never seen such a big figure. Although he had also seen the Japanese Tianhuang, that was also because Puyi visited the Japanese country two years ago. Entourage, otherwise at his level, he still wants to meet someone bigger than the commander of the Kwantung Army? Just dream.

"Mr. Yoshioka, why don't you invite me to come in and sit down?" After shaking hands, Wang Yu said

"Hi! Your Highness please!"Yoshioka Yasuo respectfully invited Wang Yu into the Puppet Manchukuo Imperial Palace.

Not to mention a small lieutenant general, even the commander of the Kwantung Army and even the big bosses of the Japanese military department or the princes and counts of the Japanese royal family had to nod and bow when they saw Wang Yu. To them, Wang Yu is like the head of the country and the same as their Tianzhu.

Entering the banquet hall, Yoshioka Yasuo solemnly introduced Wang Yu to everyone

"Your Majesty, this is my father." Wang Zheng led his father to Pu Yi and introduced him again.

Seeing Wang Yu with long silver hair and wearing a red round-neck robe with pig and dragon moire patterns, Pu Yi was still a little at a loss.

Puyi had heard his father Zaifeng talk about the mysterious regent of the Zhou Empire since he could remember it. How could he not be shocked when he saw the real person now?

""Your Majesty" Wang Yu stretched out his hand to shake hands with Pu Yi

"Uh-huh." Puyi reacted and quickly accepted it.

On the other hand, Queen Wanrong looked at Wang Yu with bright eyes. This man is so beautiful. What should I do if I fall in love with her? This is probably what Wanrong is thinking in her heart.

There is no way. , Puyi has physical problems, and Wanrong, as a woman, really can’t stand long-term indifference.

""Father, this is the Queen of Manchuria." After shaking hands with Puyi, Wang Zheng introduced Wanrong to his father.

""Queen" Wang Yu only bent slightly and nodded in greeting, silently rejecting Wanrong's extended hand.

""Men and women are not close to each other, please forgive me, Queen." Then Wang Yu gave a false explanation.

Then Wang Zheng introduced one by one the old men and senior officials of the former Qing Dynasty in the Puppet Manchukuo. The traitor Zhang Jinghui was appointed as the Prime Minister of the Puppet Manchukuo. Went to Japan in April to attend the wedding of Pu Jie and Saga Hao

"Mr. Yoshioka, do you think I am qualified to attend the wedding of His Royal Highness Pu Jie and Miss Saga?" After learning that Wang Zheng was invited, Wang Yu also became interested and said to Yoshioka Yasuo. As soon as these words came out, Ji was shocked. Gang Anzhi has been there for a hundred years. I thought Wang Zheng was a heavyweight, but I didn't expect that Wang Yu would go to the Japanese country in place of Wang Zheng.

"His Royal Highness the Regent is going to our country to attend the wedding of His Highness Pu Jie and Miss Saga. This makes us feel very honored. I will report this to my superiors immediately." Yoshioka Yasuo was shocked and ecstatic.

"Okay, please hurry up, I'll be waiting for news here." After Wang Yu finished speaking, he walked to the table.

"Come." Wang Zheng called to the waiter to bring the wine glass and pour red wine.

"Well, this foreign wine tastes okay, I can barely drink it." Wang Yu tasted the foreign wine and curled his lips and said.

After a while, Yasushi Yoshioka came back. He had just called the Kwantung Army headquarters to report the sudden change. , the headquarters expressed that it fully welcomed Wang Yu’s visit to Japan, but it still needed to seek instructions from the military headquarters of Japan and even Tianhuang.

"Okay, please forgive me for coming uninvited. I am waiting for good news from Mr. Yoshioka on this matter. For specific itineraries, you can directly call or send a telegram to the Northeast Xingyuan Protectorate. I will be here these days." After saying this, Wang Yu Just left, very chic

""Farewell to His Highness the Regent." Yoshioka Yasu bowed straight up and said to Wang Yu's back. Wang Yu raised his hand and left the banquet hall.

As a result, he did not sneak back with Lao Liu this time.

The Japanese military headquarters and Tianhuang responded quickly. They, the militaristic extremists, welcomed Wang Yu's visit to Japan by attending Pujie's wedding. This was done. In the

29th year of Xiangying (the 26th year of the Republic of China) , March 20, 1937 AD). In the northeast hall.

Space fluctuations appeared one after another, and then eight figures appeared in front of Wang Yu

"You are hereAyan? Why did you come with me?"Wang Yu greeted a few people, but found that A Yan was also here.

"I was appointed by the Grand Master to protect my father," Ayan said.

"Okay, come on, you always wanted to come and see it, but never had the chance, so stay longer this time," Wang Yu said

"Your Highness, the Seven-Star Envoy has been ordered to arrive," he said while covering the sun and clasping his fists.

"Haha, this time you go with me to the Japanese country and protect me as my bodyguard," Wang Yu said


The seven-star envoys came to Rooster Land for the first time. They were novel about this modern office hall. They looked around and touched the various furnishings in the hall. On

March 23 of the same year, Wang Yu and his party went to Fengtian At the airport, together with representatives of the Kwantung Army and Zhang Jinghui's Puppet Manchukuo delegation, they took several planes to fly directly to Japan.

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