During the bombardment of the capital, the Boxers and the Qing army did not continue to attack the embassy area in Dongjiaominxiang. They only tightly surrounded Dongjiaominxiang in an attempt to trap diplomats from various countries by means of siege.

Two days later, the shelling gradually ceased.

The infantry of the 11th Corps of the Kyushu Army began to enter the city to eliminate Yihequan and the Qing army.

Chi Lian also wrote a notice and had several thousand copies copied and posted everywhere in the capital. The content was roughly that anyone who dared to provide supplies to the Boxer Boxing or the Qing army would be punished by the Nine Tribes.

In order to increase the authority of this notice, Chi Lian also ordered a massacre of the city for five days.

A large number of Kyushu soldiers entered the city with rifles and bayonets and killed everyone they saw. During these five days, the capital became a hell on earth.

Kyushu soldiers have approached Dongjiao Minxiang.

Unable to obtain supplies in time, the Boxers and the Qing army also began to tighten their grip, and their encirclement became looser.

"Snapped.. Snapped"

"Da da da da da da"

This sound mixed with shouts and footsteps reached the ears of Boxing Boxing and the Qing army.

The 11th Corps of the Kyushu Army is already close at hand.

Seeing that something was going wrong, the Qing army took the lead in escaping.

The boxers were"invulnerable" and tried to fight against the Kyushu soldiers a few times. Naturally, the boxers were killed in pieces under the intensive gunfire.

The 200,000 Qing troops and Boxers immediately dispersed, and Kyushu soldiers began to hunt them everywhere.

"stop!"A group of Kyushu soldiers chased the Boxer

"Snapped!"Gunshots rang out.

Most of the dozens of boxers who were fleeing in front were killed. Those who were lucky enough not to be hit continued to escape.


"Where to run!"

A group of Qing troops fled in embarrassment, followed by a large group of Kyushu soldiers.

Just when the Qing troops thought they had escaped, a group of Kyushu soldiers came and blocked them.

As intensive gunfire rang out, this group of Qing soldiers The defeated troops were shot dead on the spot.

Similar situations occurred throughout the city.

Two hundred thousand Qing troops and Boxers were almost wiped out in the past few days of pursuit, and only a handful of people escaped from the capital. When Chi Lian led his troops to massacre the capital, Wang Zheng led the Eighth Corps and had already arrived at the capital. They marched with great fanfare, so that neither the Qing army nor the foreigners along the way dared to come out for stabbing, for fear of being shot by the Kyushu soldiers.

With At the same time, the main force of the Eleven-Nation Allied Forces, more than 100,000 people, was already on its way to the capital.

Wang Zheng, commander of the Eighth Corps, received an order from Jinling, asking him to lead his troops to occupy the Forbidden City and Old Summer Palace. If the Queen Mother of the West had not escaped yet If so, he would be detained on the spot.

Jinling's order was also notified to Chi Lian through the radio, which greatly eased the task of Chi Lian's regiment.

After rescuing his own personnel in Dongjiao Minxiang, Chi Lian ordered a regiment of troops to be stationed in Protecting the embassies of various countries near Dongjiaomin Lane, the remaining troops continued to execute the order to massacre the capital.

Bada Hutong, here is the famous fireworks place in the capital.

When the Kyushu soldiers arrived here, most of the entertainment venues had been reduced to rubble. There is no doubt that this is The result of the bombardment days ago.

Most of the still-complete Chunguan Flower House was now empty. The buildings that were not empty were no longer open for business. The prostitutes inside only hid in the building and did not dare to come out easily.

"who! come out!"A soldier from the Kyushu Army broke into a flower house to search. He noticed the movement and shouted loudly.

"Um?! If you don't come out, I'm going to shoot!"The soldier continued to threaten

"Spare me! Spare me!"Several disgraced prostitutes came out of their hiding place, trembling with fear.

"Who are you?!"Jiuzhou soldiers asked

"us.. us.. Don't kill us! Don't kill us! We are all good people." The prostitutes quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Hey! Found some women here!"The soldier shouted towards the door, intending to call his companions to come over.

"What's going on?" When a captain (platoon leader) and a dozen soldiers passed by the door, they heard the sound and came in to check.

"Report to the captain, we found several women here." The soldier just reported

"snort! What is General Han's order?!"The captain looked at it and questioned the soldier with a cold snort.

"Slaughter the capital," the soldier replied

"Do you still need me to teach you what to do?"The captain scolded

"unnecessary! team leader!"The soldier stood up straight and replied.

Then several gunshots were fired, and all the courtesans were shot.

The Prime Minister's Office for International Affairs, this place was set up when Emperor Tongzhi was in power. Now there is no one in this office. They are all He ran away with the Queen Mother of the West

""General, this is the Prime Minister's Office for International Affairs." Chi Lian came here on a tall horse and was introduced to her by our own diplomats from Dongjiaominxiang.

"Well, it seems there is no one here anymore," Chi Lian said.

"this"Apparently the diplomat didn't know what was going on here

"Report to General Han, the Eighth Corps has sent someone." A staff officer from the Chilian Corps headquarters came to report

"Call me over," Chi Lian replied.

""Yes," the staff officer responded. Then he brought the courier from the Eighth Corps.

""General Han" the messenger stood at attention and waved off the military salute

"Well, what's the matter?"Chi Lian also gave a military salute and asked.

"I was ordered to inform the general that the Forbidden City and Old Summer Palace have been occupied by our troops. Except for hundreds of eunuchs and maids, no other important people have been found," the messenger said.

"I understand, you go back, I will go to the Forbidden City to meet you Sixth Prince later," Chi Lian said

""Yes" the messenger responded and went back.

""Come here," Chi Lian called again.

""In" staff response

"Pass my order and let the soldiers be more agile. They are so slow to kill someone. It's really abominable," Chi Lian said.

""Yes." The staff officer ran to pass the order. In fact, he used the radio to pass it to all armies and divisions, and then passed it down level by level.

Chi Lian did not stay at the Prime Minister's International Affairs Office for too long before going to the Forbidden City to see Wang Zheng.

Speaking of the Forbidden City, this is not the first time that Chi Lian has come back. She came once nearly a hundred years ago, and she also caused the"Duanmen Massacre". Now that she is in the Forbidden City again, I wonder what else will happen.

"Aunt, your nephew is being polite." In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Wang Zheng saw Chi Lian coming in, and he stepped forward and gave a military salute.

"Well, when did the Sixth Prince arrive? Chi Lian asked

""I just arrived not long ago," Wang Zheng said.

"What do you think of this place?"Chi Lian slowly walked up to the throne where Emperor Guangxu once sat and asked Wang Zheng

"This place is far inferior to the Imperial Master's Mansion, and even worse than the Immortal Emperor's Palace," Wang Zheng said.

It's a joke, even the Forbidden City dares to compare with the Grand Master's Mansion or the Immortal Emperor's Palace. How can I give you face?

"Sixth Prince, I suddenly thought of an idea," Chi Lian said

"oh? Please give me advice." Wang Zheng is very good at talking.

In fact, the princes born to the emperor are very good at talking. Even though their mother is the emperor of the Kingdom of God, in the Great Zhou Empire, the princes born to the emperor are very good at talking. In the eyes of outsiders, they are all concubines. Even the Moon God will regard the princes born to the empress as concubines and treat them differently from his own sons. Therefore, the sons born to the empress will take the initiative to have sex with their elders. Good relationship.

Some people may say that several of the emperor's sons are not commanders of the corps with military power, but so what, it is too easy for the Zhou Empire to destroy them.

"Your father said that he wanted to stock up a lot of troops here. I plan to talk to your father and let you be responsible for running the north. How about it?" Chi Lian said

"When the situation here stabilizes, I will talk to your father about this matter." Chi Lian walked down and patted Wang Zheng on the shoulder and said

"Nephew, thank you aunt." Wang Zheng wanted to express himself. Hearing what Chi Lian said, he immediately thanked Chi Lian and almost knelt down to kowtow to him.

"Yes, thank you, Auntie," Wang Zheng said respectfully.

Under the attack and suppression of more than 500,000 troops from two regiments of the Kyushu Army, the situation in the capital was stabilized in less than a day. The strength of the Qing army and the Boxer Boxer in the capital With everything reduced to ashes, the upcoming Allied Forces of the Eleven Nations will never be a match for the Kyushu soldiers. The capital is firmly in Chi Lian's hands.

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