"What to shout! What are you shouting for?"A team officer saw Kawasaki Tsuki yelling there, and he came over to question him.

Although he couldn't quite understand the team officer's words, Kawasaki Tsuki could guess from the other's expressions and movements that he was He scolded himself.

Why did Huashan Ziji guess so accurately? Because the Japanese soldiers usually scolded the people of their country in this way at home, and they would also scold the people in the occupied areas abroad in the future. Therefore, the scolding by the team officer gave Huashan Ziji the idea. A"feeling of intimacy".

When the Kyushu soldier saw Huashan Ziji yelling, he was already very civilized without hitting him with the butt of his rifle on the spot.

"I'm telling you, yell again! I'll shoot you." The team officer pulled out his revolver and shook it as a warning.

Huashan Ziji stopped shouting.

"Sir, who are these?"A Japanese who looked like a major asked Huashan Ziji

"I once heard Chief Aritomo of Shan County, Ministry of War, say that there was another country called the Great Zhou Empire. They were very tough. They defeated the Westerners many times and forced the Gauls to apologize and pay compensation. I think we"Could it be the army of the Zhou Empire that arrived?" Huashan Ziji said. He was just guessing.

""Sir, how come they suddenly appeared in Taiwan and killed so many of us?" the major asked again. The

3,600"exploration members" were equivalent to the size of a Japanese brigade at this time, and more than 2,000 people were killed. The rest are either missing, and we are captured.

In 1874, the Japanese who had just experienced the Meiji Restoration were not as strong as people thought. On the contrary, these guys were very poor, losing more than 2,000 people and a large amount of materials and equipment at one time. , this is also a huge loss for the Japanese state.

The reform and reform can't change anything, whether there is no money or no money, the Japanese state is a ready example.

Therefore, the Zhou Empire is determined not to do that. The key to determining whether the country is rich is not the system. , but the means of production and the ability of the leader.

Wang Yu believes that the Qin State’s strength has nothing to do with the reform, but is determined by the family wealth accumulated over hundreds of years and the ability of the monarch. Shang Yang only promoted it, with or without him it would have been the same

《"The Fission of the Qin Empire" has deceived too many people, thinking that the Qin State in the Qin Xiaogong era would be doomed if it did not change the law. They thought too much. The old Qin people had been fighting for hundreds of years, and how could they not have any wealth left? Even after several generations of monarchs, Chaos and government will never perish.

On the other hand, after the unification, the Qin State came to an end within a few years of Ying Zheng’s death.

Wang Yu and Wang Qi, father and son, took advantage of the Japanese's twisted psychology of being short of money and resources and wanting to expand and dominate Asia by any means necessary, and they turned them into their own pawns step by step.

Don’t the Japanese believe in some kind of"bushido"? Well, I’ll rely on you when we go to war with the Westerners in the future.

Closer to home

"How would I know? Our country has never been in contact with them," said Kawasaki Shiki.

"Will they kill us?" asked a second lieutenant.

"Second Lieutenant Balai, it is the honor of our generation to die generously for Tianhuang and the country," said Shiki Kayama.

Just when Taiwan was in chaos, a steam iron-hulled ship sailed into Yokohama Port.

This is Qi Meng arrived at the mainland of Japan. Because she arrived so suddenly, the local officials in Yokohama were not prepared.

When a hundred Kyushu soldiers walked off the ship with loaded ammunition and fired into the sky, there was chaos at the Yokohama pier. This incident immediately alarmed people. Military police in Yokohama.

A large number of military police came to the pier to arrest the perpetrators

"Oh, the environment here is so bad, my skirt is all stained." Qi Meng looked at the scene around her, and she complained about the filthiness of the Japanese country and the turbid air.

"Who is yours!"A military police lieutenant came forward to question

"What are you?"Qi Meng asked in a fluent Japanese Kyoto accent.

"you"The military police lieutenant colonel didn't know how to answer for a while. But he didn't dare to rashly order people to be arrested.

"I am the envoy of the Great Zhou Empire. I am here to meet with the Prime Minister of your country on the order of the prince of our country. I will protest against the unreasonable killing of our businessmen in Taiwan by your soldiers and discuss an appropriate solution." Qi Meng said and handed over the own name card

"Ah, please wait a moment, I will ask for instructions immediately." After taking the name card, the military police lieutenant immediately contacted the mayor of Yokohama. The mayor of Yokohama, who came after hearing the news, did not dare to neglect, and he enthusiastically invited Qi Meng to rest in the hotel, and then the mayor of Yokohama He reported the matter to the cabinet in Kyoto via telegram.

"Great Zhou Empire? We have never interacted with them, and now they suddenly come to Japan, things may not be simple." Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi received the report and convened a meeting with relevant personnel.

"Your Excellency, now that they have come to our door, how should we respond?" said Foreign Minister Mutsu Munemitsu.

"In any case, you must not use force; in this case, you go to Yokohama to make contact in person and see what the other party is going to do," Ito Hirobumi said.

He knew that the Great Zhou Empire even defeated the Gaul army. The Japanese thought they were far inferior to Gaul and did not have the courage to use swords or guns.

""Hai" Foreign Minister Mutsu Munemitsu stood up and responded.

This Mutsu Munemitsu is also a high-level official of the Japanese country and is in charge of foreign affairs. He went to Yokohama to meet Qi Meng in person, which can be regarded as equal status.


""Your Excellency, Director, this is the Foreign Minister of our country, His Excellency Mutsu Munemitsu," the mayor of Yokohama introduced to Qi Meng.

"It turns out this is the Foreign Minister. It’s our first time meeting you. Please give me some advice." Qi Meng bowed slightly and replied.

"Mr. Director, please forgive us for our poor hospitality." Mutsu Munemitsu bowed and apologized.

"It doesn't matter, I came too suddenly," Qi Meng said.

After sitting down, the two parties began preliminary talks.

"What you mean is that our expedition team killed your businessmen in Taiwan. So where is the evidence?"Mutsu Munemitsu asked after listening to Qi Meng's words.

"The body has been transported back to our country for burial. If Lord Mutsu is interested, you can go to our country to express condolences," Qi Meng said.

Mutsu Munemitsu naturally cannot go, and this plays into Qi Meng's plan.

"So, our expedition team"Mutsu Munemitsu asked

"Expedition team? No, they are soldiers with live ammunition. Why should Mutsu-sama deceive himself?" Qi Meng smiled.

Qi Meng's smile made Mutsu Munemitsu feel a little creepy.

"Well, they are now"Mutsu Munemitsu asked

"I will only discuss this matter with your prime minister," Qi Meng said.

Mutsu Munemitsu had no choice but to ask Ito Hirobumi for instructions.

In the end, Mutsu Munemitsu accompanied Qi Meng to the Japanese Kyoto to meet Ito Hirobumi.

Japanese Kyoto, Cabinet Building

"Mr. Director, please allow me to introduce you. This is His Excellency Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi, and this is Army Lieutenant General Prince Nohisa Kitashirakawa." Mutsu Munemitsu introduced two heavyweight Japanese to Qi Meng.

"Prime Minister, Your Highness the Prince, this is our first meeting, please give me some advice." Qi Meng bowed slightly and said hello.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, Your Highness the Prince, this is Your Excellency Qi Meng, Director of Foreign Affairs of the Great Zhou Empire, she is also a noble of the Great Zhou Empire," Mutsu Munemitsu said to the two Japanese.

"Hello, sir, you have had a hard journey, please take a seat." Hirobumi Ito and Nohisa Kitashirakawa greeted Qi Meng one after another, and then the former signaled

"Please," Qi Meng replied.

After sitting down, the two sides began formal talks.

Kitashirakawa Palace Nojiu came to join in the fun. He was entrusted by his cheap brother Meiji Tenhuang to listen. At this time, the Japanese Tenhuang had real power.

Why is Meiji his cheap younger brother? Because Kitashirakawa Palace Nohisa is the adopted son of Meiji's father, Takamiko Minghuang. They have neither the same father nor the same mother. In the past few decades, the Great Zhou Empire stirred up troubles in the Rooster Land. The prestige of the four directions has also been heard by the Japanese on the islands. Especially after the Meiji Restoration Movement, with the arrival of a large number of foreign merchants, in addition to Western goods, there were also legends about the Great Zhou Empire.

Now, the envoys of that legendary country They actually came to the mainland of Japan. Whether it was Meiji or Kitashirakawa Palace Nohisa, they were very interested in learning about it.

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