Just when the Japanese were murderous and wreaking havoc in Taiwan, iron poles containing various pipelines were erected in the garden of a remote palace in the Taishi Mansion of the Great Zhou Empire.

In addition to this strange iron rod, some boards with patterns on them were also installed on the palace and the roof. The boards connected the lines to the palace.

There are also several strange hand-cranked devices fixed in some inconspicuous places in the garden, and sheds are built around them to protect them from the sun and rain.

In the palace, some square iron boxes were placed on the table, with many wires connected to the boxes.

This is the Luoyi Grand Master's Mansion installing a device for sending and receiving telegraphs, and the same work is also being carried out in the Jinling Andong Protectorate's Mansion on Rooster Land.

"drop.. Didi didi.. Didi"The sound sounded rhythmically.

This is the telegraph operator debugging the transceiver.

"The Anton Governor's Office called back, everything is fine." The telegraph operator handed the translated message to Chu Bufan

"marvelous! Success!"Chu Bufan clapped his hands and applauded.

The Moon God heard that Chu Bufan and a group of people were playing with a bunch of strange things here, and came to watch the fun.

But she saw something, and the beautiful garden was harmed again.

"Dr. Chu, what are you doing?"Moon God asked Chu Bufan

"Grand Master, I have asked His Highness the King of Xining to install a signal transmitting device here so that we can directly contact our overseas territories," Chu Bufan explained

"What are these iron boxes used for?"She asked at the door of Luna Station when she saw the telegraph operator inside operating the radio.

"This is a signal transmitting device, also called a radio station. You can use it to directly contact the second prince, eighth prince and his generals," Chu Bufan said

"Oh." Luna nodded after hearing this. Although the sound transmission spell can contact Wang Qi and Wang Duo, other people cannot use the sound transmission spell to contact them. Therefore, modern communication equipment must be developed. If it is not possible in the future, it will not be possible again. Launch a satellite or something?

""Is the Grand Master willing to say a few words to encourage the soldiers overseas to encourage their morale?" Chu Bufan asked.

"Well this"Luna hesitated. Since the Great Zhou Empire and the Nine Provinces and the Great Land never hold military parades, and the Taishi Mansion focuses on mystery rather than presence, it really stumped her to have the Moon Goddess deliver a morale-boosting speech to the soldiers. Got it

"Well, I hope that the soldiers who serve the empire in foreign countries can win every battle, and the court and I will not treat them badly." Moon God finished.

"Ah this"Chu Bufan didn't expect that Moon God, who had been a powerful official for more than two thousand years, would feel so awkward publishing a speech.

"I'll wait for the minister to polish it before sending it out. I don't know what the Grand Master thinks," Chu Bufan said.

"Dr. Chu is here." After saying this, Moon God left.

In addition to a set of transmitting and receiving devices installed in the Grand Master's Mansion, there is also a set in Dr. Chu Bufan's Mansion, the Anton Protectorate Mansion in Rooster Land, and the garrison of each army and division. As well as overseas Chaoxian, Yuenan, and Liuqiu, these devices have been installed one after another.

In addition, Chu Bufan has also installed transmitting and receiving devices in the Prime Minister's Office of Kyushu, Wanguo Land, various Corps stations, and various military factories in the Industrial City to keep up with the times. Go to the next level.

Rooster Land Anton Protectorate

"Is this the legendary telegraph machine?"Li Xiaoman asked as she looked at the transceiver being debugged in the telecommunications room.

"Yes, this is a telegraph machine, or something from Siemens," Wang Qi said.

Although Li Xiaoman is a modern person, the telegraph transceiver is also very far away for modern people. Don't say that she has never seen it, but she is in the modern world. His parents may not have seen it, so it’s not surprising that Li Xiaoman was surprised when he saw a telegraph machine, especially one from the 19th century.

""Wow, it's from Siemens." Li Xiaoman knows the Siemens brand very well. It is a modern communication equipment giant. I didn't expect that this brand exists now.

In fact, Siemens has already been engaged in related research in the field of long-distance communications as early as the 1850s. Otherwise, Princess Sissi would not have been able to catch Franz I in Austria-Hungary and then send a telegram to her hometown of Bavaria through the telegraph office. Back to the subject. Coming out of the telegraph room,"What's wrong with you? You're suddenly depressed." Wang Qi asked

"I suddenly missed my parents," Li Xiaoman said

"Well this"Wang Qi didn't know how to answer the call. More than seventy years have passed. Li Xiaoman’s parents should have been turned into ashes.

"Hey." Li Xiaoman sighed and prepared to go back to Luan Pavilion.

"I will talk to my father another day and see if I can find your parents and pick them up," Wang Qi said.

"real?"Li Xiaoman was immediately overjoyed. She knew that her father-in-law could open time and space channels.

"Really, it will take some time, I am too busy now," Wang Qi said

"That's great." Li Xiaoman put her arms around Wang Qi's neck and kissed him.

""Haha." Wang Qi smiled and said nothing else.

In Fujian Province, which is far away from the Rooster Land, it has been more than eight years since the establishment of the Fuzhou Shipping Bureau in 1866. The Fuzhou Shipping Fleet has begun to take shape, and the flagship Yang Wu is currently The largest warship built by the Fuzhou Shipping Bureau has a displacement of 1,560 tons, is equipped with 13 cannons, has a maximum speed of 13 knots, uses steam and sail hybrid power, and is known as a"second-class cruiser." Fuzhou

Shipbuilding is also an integral part of the Qing court's Westernization Movement. At first, the Minister of Military Aircraft Zuo Zongtang and the Minister of Shipping Shen Baozhen were in charge. Later, Zuo Zongtang led his troops to quell the rebellion and deal with the invasion of sand geese. All major and minor matters in the shipping administration were decided by Shen Baozhen.

The shipping administration hired the Gauls Japanese Italians. As a guide for foreigners, due to the sensitive identity of Japanese and Italians, he declared to the outside world that he was from M country. However, Wang Qi knew that this guy was a Gaul, but he was unwilling to be more serious.

The Qing court followed Gaul's example and engaged in Westernization for self-improvement. Wang Yu didn't care about this matter and had no time to do it. He had to supervise the construction of the Yangtze River Bridge.

Faced with the brazen invasion of the Japanese, Shen Baozhen asked to lead the shipping fleet to Taiwan to fight the Japanese.

However, the Qing government received news that the Japanese had iron-clad ships. The false information of the two ships, and the fact that the Queen Mother of the West did not want to fight, so she did not reply to Shen Baozhen for a long time.

In fact, the Qing government's information cannot be said to be completely false. The Japanese did have two iron-clad ships,"Jiatie" and"Longxiang""""Kotetsu" was ordered during the shogunate era, and later fell into the hands of the Meiji New Shogunate;"Ryujo" was ordered by the local feudal lords, and was later handed over to the Meiji New Shofu through"presentation".

However, these two warships are not at all Without combat capabilities, the"Ryuxiang" had been basically disarmed at this time, and the"Armor Iron" was even more exaggerated. Not to mention its actual combat capabilities, it no longer had the ability to even sail to Taiwan. Since 1871, the"Armor Iron" has been They lie down all the year round.

Therefore, if the Qing government defeats the Japanese fleet in Taiwan, it will have no control over it. The focus of discussion should not be victory or defeat, but whether it can win a big victory or annihilate it.

Because the Japanese fleet in Taiwan is too powerful. Weak, there seem to be only three combat warships, and the others are transport ships.

Forbidden City, Cining Palace

"The great eunuch Li Lianying came to announce the Queen Mother,"Zhou Guobei Le requested to see you".

Li Lianying was the most trusted eunuch of the Western Queen Mother. He and his predecessor An Dehai were among the"three great eunuchs in the late Qing Dynasty", and the third one was Xuantong decades later. Xiao De Zhang (Zhang Lande) during the period.

Andehai was arrogant and domineering when he was on an overseas mission, and was jointly designed by Emperor Tongzhi, the Queen Mother of the East, and Shandong Governor Ding Baozhen to get rid of him. At that time, Li Lianying was still Andehai's little follower. , he saw his master died so miserably, so he decided to be low-key and low-key in his work in the future. His decision was undoubtedly the right one.

Li Lianying began to serve the Western Queen Mother shortly after Ande Hai was killed in 1869, until 1908 when the Western Queen Mother Even after his death, he was an unbeatable eunuch

"What is he here for?"The Queen Mother of the West was closing her eyes to rest her mind. Suddenly she heard that Wang Qi was coming, so she asked Li Lianying

"It was said to mediate the tension between the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese," Li Lianying relayed.

"Then invite him in," the Queen Mother of the West ordered. Then she motioned to the palace maid to lower the curtain.

"Foreign Ministers See Our Lady and the Queen Mother." Wang Qi bowed to say hello to the Queen Mother of the West.

"Belle, please take a seat," the Queen Mother signaled.

""Yes, thank the Holy Mother Queen Mother." Wang Qi thanked and sat down.

"I wonder if Mr. Baylor has come to see me. Is there anything important? If it is a big matter, you can discuss it with Mr. Liu or the Minister of Commerce of Beiyang first," said the Queen Mother of the West.

"It's about the Japanese. My father ordered me to resolve the dispute in Taiwan as soon as possible and protect our businessmen from being harmed by the Japanese." Wang Qi made an excuse casually.

"oh? So what does your Majesty mean?"The Queen Mother was very interested.

There are a lot of people down there who want to fight these days, which will really annoy the Queen Mother of the West. Now Wang Qi wants to come forward to deal with the Japanese for the Qing Dynasty. Such a good thing can't be found even with a lantern.

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