"Da da da.. Da da da"

"Snapped.. Snapped"

The sounds of machine gun and rifle fire were intertwined as the Kyushu soldiers stormed the Jinchuan Gate.

The siege equipment left behind by the Hunan Army was used by the Kyushu Army. They moved the machine guns to the platform at the top of the ladder to suppress the Taiping Army defending the city from top to bottom.

On the ground, Kyushu soldiers set up takeoff ladders and climbed up the city wall. Many Kyushu soldiers threw the grenades they carried near the city gate, and then detonated them in an attempt to blast the city gate in this way.

The Kyushu Army's firepower was fierce, and they gradually suppressed the defenders' counterattack.

"Come on! Seize the city wall." The captain waved his revolver and directed his men to climb up the city wall.

"Go!"The soldiers shouted and climbed up the ladders and flying ladders.

The Taiping Army in the city learned that Jinchuan Gate was in danger and rushed to reinforce them.

But their reinforcements were not large, because there were large numbers of Hunan troops watching at other city gates.

Kyushu The soldiers boarded the city wall and started a melee with the Taiping Army, and the machine guns stopped shooting.

At this time, Wang Duo led the Jiuzhou soldiers arrived. Heavy artillery began to bombard the city gate. How could the wooden Jinling City Gate withstand the bombardment of heavy artillery? , Jinchuan Gate was blown up in an instant

"Rush in!"Wang Duo shouted while riding a tall horse.

"Put on the bayonet! rush!"The officers ordered.

The attack bugle sounded, and the waves of Kyushu soldiers poured into the city along the city gate.



""Pfft" sounds intertwined together.

The Taiping Army resisted bravely, but still could not recapture the city gate. The Kyushu soldiers began to attack the Tianwang Palace in the city.

This Tianwang Palace was the palace that Hong Xiuquan built for himself after he captured Jinling.

Wang The Andong Protectorate Palace built on the former site of the Qianming Palace was not used by the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and has been abandoned for nearly ten years.

After Wang Duo entered the city, he left a group to guard Jinchuan Gate and prohibit anyone from entering the city from here.

Sure enough, it was there After the Kyushu soldiers built a temporary machine gun position, a large group of Hunan troops came to Jinchuan Gate and demanded to enter the city. The

Kyushu soldiers who stayed here refused to let them go and fired warning shots. The Hunan army was afraid of the machine guns and artillery of the Kyushu soldiers, so they returned to the starting point.

Jiuzhou soldiers When the soldiers were fighting fiercely with the Taiping Army in the city, Zeng Guofan also opened a breakthrough, and a large number of Hunan troops attacked the city. The Tianwang

Mansion was heavily guarded.

The most elite troops of the Taiping Army, the Tianwang Guards and the Female Battalion, surrounded the Tianwang Mansion. When they got up, their purpose was to defend the King to the death, and if nothing could be done, they would escort the King to break out.

The sound of gunfire was getting closer and closer. Hong Xuanjiao, the commander of the Taiping Female Battalion, ordered his female soldiers to prepare gunpowder. If they were defeated, they would Ignite gunpowder and perish with the enemy


"Go ahead"

The black torrent squeezed the defeated troops of the Taiping Army and rushed towards the Tianwang Mansion.

In front of the gate, the Kyushu soldiers immediately lined up in horizontal lines and aimed their guns at the Heavenly King Guards opposite.

"Um? woman?"Wang Duo rode to the scene and found that there were many women holding swords and guns on the opposite side.

Wang Duo was not surprised. Among the immortal army of Zhongzhou Divine Kingdom, Li Hanyi was still the governor, so it was not a big deal for women to join the army.

"Commander, there is gunpowder behind them, what should we do?" a division commander asked Wang Duo

"We have to find a way to soak the gunpowder in water so that it cannot explode," Wang Duo said.

"Um.. You go and send someone to collect the clay pots and fill them with water. I will try to persuade them to surrender first," Wang Duo said to the teacher.

""Yes" the teacher responded

"The long-haired female thief opposite.. Ahem, long-haired sisters, I am here only to regain Jinling, and I am by no means an enemy of you. As long as you surrender or voluntarily abandon Jinling, I can let you leave with weapons," Wang Duo shouted in the language of the Qing court.

"Pooh! foreign devil!"They are the same as Qing Yao," Hong Xuanjiao cursed angrily.

"Sister Xuanjiao, what should we do?" asked a female soldier leader

"The only choice is to fight them," Hong Xuanjiao said.

After a stalemate for a while,"Commander, do we want to attack?" another division commander asked

"Master Wei, please be patient and wait a moment," Wang Duo said.

"Commander, the Qing army has entered the city." After a while, a soldier came to report the news.

"They are a bunch of rabble, don’t worry about them," Wang Duo said

"After a while, I will launch an attack to attract their attention. You lead people over to pour water on the gunpowder when they are not prepared, and then cooperate with others to capture those female soldiers. Do you understand?" Wang Duo said to the battalion holding a clay pot in his hands. The commander ordered

""Yes" the battalion commander responded

"Soldiers, attack!"After a while, Wang Duo ordered an attack.

A large number of Kyushu soldiers with rifles and bayonets rushed up to fight with the Tianwang Guards and the female battalion.

The battalion commander just saw the two sides entering into a fight, so he led his troops to rush forward and poured water on the gunpowder bags.

"not good! gunpowder! Hong Xuanjiao shouted.

The next moment,"Let me go!""

"foreign devil.. Well"


Soon, most of the female soldiers in the female camp were pinned to the ground and tied up with their hands twisted behind their backs.

Most of the King's Guards were wiped out, and the rest fled in all directions.

"Rush in! Capture Hong Xiuquan! Wang Duo gave the order and rushed to the gate of Tianwang Mansion on horseback.

Kyushu soldiers began to attack the Tianwang Mansion.

In the mansion, Hong Xiuquan learned that the"foreigners" had invaded Tianwang Mansion. He had his son Hong Tianguifu escorted out of the city, and he Then he led the remaining Heavenly King Guards to hold back the"foreigners" in order to delay Hong Tianguifu's escape.

King Hong Rengan and the young Heavenly King Hong Tianguifu rushed out of the Heavenly Palace from other gates under the protection of a group of Heavenly King Guards, but were captured before leaving the city. The Hunan army that had already entered the city was blocked. Hong Rengan and a group of the Heavenly King's guards died in the battle, and Hong Tianguifu was captured.

Back at the Heavenly King's Mansion, the battle did not last long. All the Heavenly King's guards were killed, only The remaining Hong Xiuquan and the loyal king Li Xiucheng were forced into the corner. They were covered in blood and held knives to confront the Kyushu soldiers.

Wang Duo ordered them to be shot dead.

After a burst of gunfire, the heavenly king Hong Xiuquan and the loyal king Li Xiucheng fell in a pool of blood..

At this point, the vigorous Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was declared destroyed. Although there were more than 100,000 tribes of Kang Wang, Wang Haiyang and other tribes in Fujian Province, they could never restore the Heavenly Kingdom. A few years later, they were branched off by the Hunan Army and led by veteran general Zuo Zongtang. The Chu army was encircled and annihilated, and the last remnants of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom were declared destroyed.

Back to the subject. After killing Hong Xiuquan, Wang Duo ordered the battlefield to be cleaned and troops were sent to maintain order in the city. Obviously, this was aimed at the Hunan army. Under the leadership of Zeng Guoquan, this group of Hunan army committed all kinds of evil. It was a scourge even more annoying than the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Wang Duo ordered that no matter who robbed, killed, or molested women in the city, they would be shot.

In the following days, many Hunan soldiers were captured and executed by Kyushu soldiers, which caused great dissatisfaction among Zeng Guoquan. If If Zeng Guofan had not controlled this ninth brother, the two sides would have really fought each other.

It was precisely because of this Jinling offensive and defensive battle that the Jiuzhou soldiers and the Hunan army formed a rift. The final demise of the Hunan army also had a lot to do with the Jiuzhou soldiers. But that happened many years later during the Qing-Japanese War.

When they searched the Tianwang Mansion, the Kyushu soldiers recovered a large amount of gold and silver, and the total was astonishing. Wang Duo did not keep it all for himself. In addition to using part of it to reward the soldiers, the rest was divided among them. Half of it was given to the Hunan Army. After all, they had been fighting here for several months. It was not appropriate for Wang Duo to come and rob others of their business. At this time, they had to give them some benefits.

After the Hunan Army arrived, Wang Duo led his troops to leave After leaving the Tianwang Mansion, we went to the long-abandoned Anton Protectorate Mansion.

This was the first time Wang Duo came to the Protectorate Mansion. He, the commander of the Corps, took office in the temporary palace of Old Summer Palace. Someone opened the door and Wang Duo He led his troops into the Protectorate's Mansion.

At this time, Anton's Protectorate's Mansion was full of fallen building components or other debris due to lack of maintenance, withered flowers and plants, and the pool in the garden was full of fallen leaves and branches. They are all dilapidated scenes.

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