In August of the 36th year of Chengkang's reign in the Zhou Empire (1861 AD), Emperor Xianfeng passed away in his summer resort. The focus of the Qing government's work shifted to mourning Emperor Daxing and preparing for the enthronement of a new emperor..

After learning the news, Yi Xin prepared to leave Beijing and go to the summer resort to take charge of the overall situation. Before leaving, he came to the Summer Palace to visit Wang Qi.

"Prince Gong's visit really makes my place full of glory." Wang Qi came out to greet Yi Xin.

"Don't you dare, I also want to congratulate Baylor on his great victory and annihilating the Gaulish foreigners." Yi Xin said politely

""Your Majesty, please" Wang Qi led Yixin to the living room to talk.

"Please." Yi Xin also made a gesture of invitation.

The two went to the living room together.

After sitting down, they served tea.

""My lord, I heard that His Majesty the Emperor of your country has done great things and your eldest brother has succeeded to the throne. Is there any such thing?" Wang Qi pointed out directly.

"Alas, the country is in misfortune. Emperor Daxing passed away suddenly. What should we ministers do?" Yi Xin said sadly.

""Your Majesty, I won't hide it anymore. Your new emperor is only six years old. He is too young to be able to master the complicated affairs of the court," Wang Qi said.

"There are ministers who take care of your affairs to assist the emperor," Yi Xin said.

""Oh, please forgive me for speaking frankly, my lord, my young minister is strong, and the country is in chaos," Wang Qi said.

"Um?"Yixin frowned

"Only the queen mother assisting the government is the right path," Wang Qi said again

"Thank you Baylor." Yixin thanked him. He has got the answer he wanted.

""Foreigners" hope that the two palaces will be curtained, rather than the eight ministers assisting the government

"Belle, I have something else to do, so I’ll take my leave first." Yixin stood up to leave.

"Your Majesty, please go slowly. Do you want me to send troops to escort your Majesty?" Wang Qi asked.

"No, no, thank you Baylor." Yixin waved her hand.

"Well, I wish you all the best, and I will personally pay homage to the new emperor when he returns to the capital," Wang Qi said.

"Okay, farewell." Yi Xin nodded, bowed and left.

The two empress dowagers, who were far away in the summer resort, were being bullied by several aggressive ministers who cared about their lives. All their approval of the book was refuted by the eight ministers. Come back.

What's more, Sushun, the head of the eight ministers, actually ridiculed the two queen mothers in front of the new emperor. The eastern queen mother was so angry that she shed tears and scared the little emperor to pee. At this time, the western queen mother stared at the eight ministers but There was no choice but to break the tooth and swallow it in the stomach.

As Yi Xin arrived at the summer resort, the situation improved for the Queen Mother of the East and

West. In a side hall, the two Queen Mothers of the East and West received Yi Xin. The two women saw Yi Xin. Without saying a word, Xin Er burst into tears and said that the late emperor had died, and that the eight ministers had bullied their orphans and widowed mothers.

Yi Xin, who had already received a wish, naturally supported the two queen mothers. He also revealed that Zhou Guo's"foreigners""I also support the Queen Mother to listen to politics behind the curtain.

After hearing this, the eyes of the Queen Mother of the East and West, especially the Queen Mother of the West, lit up. What she wants is to gain power by listening to politics behind the curtain. Now with the support of"foreigners", the Queen Mother of the East and West is no longer afraid of the eight ministers.

Soon after, the Queen Mother of the East and West, Emperor Tongzhi and other ministers escorted Emperor Xianfeng's Zi Palace back to the capital. All eight ministers were captured on the way. In the end, Sushun, Zaiyuan and Duanhua were killed, and the other five were dismissed. This is""Xinyou Incident".

However, Du Han, one of the first eight ministers who was originally dismissed, was liquidated by Prince Gong and was eventually exiled.

Obviously, Prince Gong was suspected of avenging private revenge here. During the entire eight ministers' actions to force the palace In the middle, Prince Consort Jingshou secretly revealed the truth. Although Du Han did not reveal his truth, he was not as aggressive as Sushun. He did not act.

Then why did Prince Gong want to liquidate Du Han? Because it involves an old account from that year. Du Han His father, Du Shoutian, was the teacher of the late Xianfeng Emperor Yi Chi. When Emperor Daoguang was seriously ill, he inspected the brothers Yi Chi and Yi Xin to see who was the suitable successor.

Yi Xin fully expressed his philosophy of governing the country to Emperor Daoguang, who was He also agreed with it.

But Du Shoutian secretly came up with the idea to let Yi Chi, who was obviously not as capable as Yi Xin, perform a filial son's play in front of Emperor Daoguang.

As expected, Yi Chi succeeded in impressing his seriously ill old father, Emperor Daoguang, and finally Inherit the throne.

For more than ten years, Yi Xin has been holding this breath in his heart. Now he is liquidating Du Han because of this holiday. If blocking someone's money is like killing his parents, then what is the point of directly blocking the thousands of miles of land that is about to be obtained? So from Yi Xin From Xin's personal point of view, he had sufficient reasons to liquidate Du Han.

On the way back to Luan, several Kyushu soldiers on horseback escorted a small official from the foreign affairs department to Yixin and asked if he needed any money from the Anton Protectorate to the Qing court. The returning team held an entry ceremony into the city.

Yi Xin asked the two Queen Mothers of the East and West for instructions. The East Queen Mother said that she would not bother them, but the West Queen Mother wanted to hold this ceremony in order to get closer to each other. Yi Xin also agreed to hold this ceremony. It was not easy for the Queen Mother to object, and the matter was settled.

The camera came to the capital, and Wang Qi, who had received the news, immediately asked Wang Duo to prepare to welcome the Qing royal family back.

(PS: You are the invader Okay, what kind of drama is this?

Wang Qi: What do you know? This is called taking a long shot to catch the big fish.

PS: You are really your father’s good son.

Wang Qi:)

The distance from the Summer Resort to the capital is not too far. If you follow the usual speed, you can reach the capital in seven days at the fastest and ten days at the slowest.

But because there were Emperor Xianfeng's Zi Palace and a large number of mourners in the procession, it was impossible to move. The Qing court had extremely high technical requirements for coffin bearers. It is said that the total number of coffin bearers required for the entire Zi Palace reached 10,000. Each class had 128 coffin bearers to carry the huge Zi Palace, commonly known as"a coffin bearer"."One hundred and twenty-eight people", this is much more spectacular than the eight-carriage sedan.

These coffin bearers are very strict in their daily drills. There is a bowl of water placed on the huge coffin that simulates the Zi Palace. The coffin bearers have to keep the bowl of water motionless during the shift during the drill. This shows that it is not easy for these coffin bearers.

In the capital, all preparations are in place, just waiting for the Qing court to return to Luan.

As the returning team approaches the city gate,

"stand at attention! salute!"A Kyushu army battalion commander first ordered the soldiers standing on both sides of the city gate to raise their guns in salute.

Because they were afraid of scaring the young Emperor Tongzhi and the two queen mothers, the Kyushu soldiers only raised their guns in salute during the welcome ceremony, and Do not shoot in the air.

After the Huiluan team entered the city, they went straight to the Forbidden City. Along the way, the Kyushu soldiers lined up along the street to raise their guns in salute. This scene made the Queen Mother of the West, who was not so sophisticated at this time, very satisfied.

Entering the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Emperor Tongzhi Sitting on the dragon chair, the two queen mothers on the east and west sides sat behind him respectively, with curtains hanging outside. Below, the civil and military ministers were divided into two groups to prepare for the court. This was the first more formal court meeting after Emperor Tongzhi succeeded to the throne.

Gong Prince Yixin was appointed as the foreman military minister and prime minister Wang at the court. He combined military and political power and became a regent-level figure.

This time the court mainly discussed the placement of the remains of the late Emperor Xianfeng.

As we all know, Xianfeng Although the emperor had been emperor for eleven years, he did not build a mausoleum in advance, and the site of the mausoleum was not finalized. Now that he died suddenly, these tasks could only be left to the two queen mothers and the young Emperor Tongzhi.

But the current problem is very serious. Starting from the first year of Xianfeng, the turbulent Taiping War against the Qing Dynasty has lasted for eleven years. At present, there seems to be no hope of ending the war as soon as possible. The foreigners have fought two more battles in the capital. All these factors have made the Qing court, which was already not very wealthy, even more stretched.

And currently, not only Emperor Xianfeng’s mausoleum needs to be selected for construction, but also the newly succeeded Emperor Tongzhi and the two empress dowagers of the East and West. In other words, the site for construction of the mausoleum must be selected. During this period, the Qing government will have four"Tianzihao" projects to be launched, and the amount of money that will be spent will be terrifying.

A group of ministers discussed for a long time but failed to come up with a practical charter. Seeing this, Yixin asked the two queen mothers for instructions. On the other hand, the Gaul negotiator also arrived at the temporary residence of the Old Summer Palace in the capital.

However, the person who received the Gaul negotiator was not Wang Qi or Wang Duo, but the Director of Foreign Affairs Huangfu Weiyan. The Gallic negotiators could not accept the terms proposed by the Great Zhou Empire, and the negotiations were suspended.

However, the Zhou and French sides did not have another military conflict, and the stalemate lasted until the end of the year. The Gallic side finally signed the armistice treaty.

This was known to later generations. The Gauls called it the unequal treaty"Yuanmingyuan Treaty" that was humiliating and humiliating the country.

Since Wang Qi refused to accept the franc, the Gaul side paid an indemnity of 30 million taels of silver and promised not to instigate Chaoxian and other overseas territories of the Zhou Empire to seek independence. Gaul's All merchants and other personnel left the Rooster Land within a time limit and were never allowed to come back. No Gallic ships were allowed to enter the Pacific Ocean, otherwise they would be sunk without warning.

At this point, the Gallic forces had completely withdrawn from the Asia-Pacific region. In fact, the Gauls were also here. There are not many benefits, but being kicked out of the Asia-Pacific region is undoubtedly a huge and loud slap in the face of the proud Gauls.

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