The entire Gallic army at West Gate was wiped out, and the 5,000 Gallic soldiers who stayed at the South Gate to contain it also met a bad end.

Just after the main force moved to the west gate, the Kyushu soldiers in the trenches began to attack the Gallic army staying at the south gate. In just one hour, most of the 5,000 Gauls were wiped out, and the remaining few hundred fled in confusion without a trace.

The corpses of the Gallic soldiers were all gathered together and burned to avoid the outbreak of infectious diseases.

When the good news came back to the Old Summer Palace, Wang Qi was very happy and ordered a heavy reward for the troops who participated in the battle.

"Second brother, we will definitely win this battle," Wang Duo said

"I am very much looking forward to the envoys from Gaul coming to me to discuss the armistice. How much compensation we ask for is really nerve-wracking," Wang Qi joked.

"Hahaha.. Second brother, I have a suggestion," Wang Duo said with a smile.

"oh? Tell me," Wang Qi responded.

"How about twenty million francs?" Wang Duo said

"What's the use of that paper? It's more practical to ask for some silver. You know we are fighting in the Qing Dynasty. It's not appropriate not to give them some money to rent the venue." Wang Qi teased again.

But he really had this idea. He felt There is no difference between any paper money in the world and waste paper, what? And gold clasp? We don’t recognize it, we recognize gold and silver. This is one of the reasons why the Zhou Empire cannot be penetrated by hostile forces through the financial field in the future. There is no such thing as a financial industry. The country does not use paper money. It is not part of the so-called international financial order. It is not afraid of any trade blockade. Just ask you, a bunch of hostile forces, to take the lead in infiltration.

In fact, after two thousand years of development, the Zhou Empire Wenyang has evolved into an independent small world. It is completely separated from the orbit of the outside world. Even the people of the Great Zhou Empire can no longer intermarry with other races in the world to reproduce. This is naturally Wang Yu's trouble. He passed the The"herbal medicine project" of the Zhou Dynasty changed the human race genes of the Great Zhou Empire. For thousands of years, strict reproductive isolation has developed between Zhou people and other races. Therefore, in the future, hostile forces want to invade this dove-occupying magpie's nest through human race hybridization. The method was also dead in the womb in advance. Even the people on the Rooster Land could not intermarry with the Zhou people to reproduce. Wang Yu's move was so cruel that he did not give any external forces a chance to take root in the Zhou Empire. Now It is not an exaggeration to say that the people of Zhou Dynasty are another brand-new intelligent life.

Closer to home

"The second brother’s words are reasonable, but the younger brother didn’t think carefully." Wang Duo frowned and thought for a moment, then said

"Okay, I think we can prepare to celebrate the victory, I asked Huangfu Weiyan to prepare the materials for the peace talks," Wang Qi said

""Yes." Wang Duo responded.

Five days later, Lieutenant General Dean led 65,000 Gallic soldiers to rush outside the south gate of the capital, but they did not find the bodies of their own soldiers, and neither did the defeated soldiers who had fled back in embarrassment. Provide useful information.

Just when Dean felt something was wrong, the 18,000 Kyushu soldiers actually took the initiative to fight with the Gaul army.

As soon as the two sides engaged in battle, the Kyushu soldiers became tired and retreated while fighting. The army immediately pressed forward step by step.

Finally, the Kyushu soldiers withdrew their trench defenses and machine guns began to fire.

The Gallic army was caught off guard and more than 2,000 people were killed and injured.

Dean immediately ordered an immediate withdrawal from the battle.

At this time, the 105 heavy artillery in the city The bombardment began, and the two-quarter-hour bombardment killed more than 2,000 Gallic troops.

Dean was shocked and ordered the entire army to retreat again, and did not dare to stop until the defenders' artillery could no longer hit him.

Gao After the Lu army retreated, the defenders did not take the initiative to attack. They only passively waited for the Gallic army to attack again. This is called waiting for work.

This combat method of passively waiting for the opponent to attack would appear repeatedly in the next hundred years, and it also gave many battles with Kyushu It caused a lot of trouble in countries where the soldiers were at war. Especially during World War II, as long as the Kyushu soldiers did not take the initiative to evacuate or release water in the cities or important military strongholds guarded by the Kyushu soldiers, there would be no hope for the enemy to lose hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops. Chew it down.

(PS: Here is a small spoiler. During World War II, Kyushu soldiers were in the Axis camp, so if you can’t accept it, don’t read anymore.

Wang Yu: How bold! How dare you leak secrets! Someone comes and chops him down. Got it


After three days of such a stalemate, Dean sent two infantry regiments to launch a tentative attack and at the same time divided the troops at the city gates in an attempt to find a breakthrough.

What surprised Dean was that the heavy artillery in the city did not bombard the attacking Gallic army. Although Dean felt something was wrong, he could not care less and ordered two regiments to be left as reserves, and the remaining troops All attack towards the south gate.

The tidal wave of Gallic troops attacked the south gate, and the Kyushu soldiers in the trenches began to block the opponent's attack.

But soon the Kyushu soldiers deliberately gave up the trench leading to the south gate and retreated to the east and west sides.

Dean's main force once again divided a small force to pursue the retreating Kyushu soldiers on the east and west sides, while leaving 40,000 people at the south gate to continue attacking the city gate.

Not only within a quarter of an hour, the south gate was breached, and the Gallic troops filed into the city and headed straight for the Forbidden City.

Why did the Gauls run to the Forbidden City? Because someone had previously provided intelligence that the commander-in-chief of the Zhou people was in the Forbidden City.

Obviously this is wrong information. Wang Qi is in the Old Summer Palace, not in the Forbidden City.

Even if Wang Qi was in the Forbidden City, it would be a fantasy for only 40,000 French troops to capture the Forbidden City and capture Wang Qi.

After all 40,000 French troops entered the city, a regiment of Kyushu soldiers who were ambushing near the city gate immediately appeared. They used sacks to build a machine gun position in the city gate hole, and climbed up the city wall to occupy the commanding heights.

The Gallic army did not leave any troops to guard the city gates and walls when they entered the city. This fatal mistake was also one of the reasons why the entire Gallic army in the city was annihilated.

The Kyushu soldiers took advantage of Dean's fatal mistake and wiped out all their main forces in the city.

Dean led his troops to rush all the way. They first saw an artillery position in the city, but there was no one on the position. After occupying the artillery position, the Gauls originally planned to destroy the artillery, but they had no way to do it. They had never seen such an artillery position. After seeding, the barreled annealing gun can be installed.

At this moment, densely packed Kyushu soldiers appeared on the roof. The machine gunner removed the camouflage cloth and revealed the ferocious face of the black machine gun. As the horn sounded, the machine gun began to fire at the streets below.

Other Kyushu soldiers armed with rifles also started shooting.

The Gallic army was attacked again, and the confusion was heightened as they crowded together and scrambled for cover.

Although Dean tried his best to maintain order, everything was in vain. Dean felt very powerless at this time. Once tens of thousands of his own were annihilated, Gaul would lose half of the war.

Why half? Because it is currently doubtful whether Gaul will continue to send troops to participate in the war, even though they have mobilized 400,000 soldiers domestically.

Dean felt that if the chaos continued like this, they would all be wiped out sooner or later, so he immediately led a small group of troops to use the cover of other soldiers to evacuate towards the city gate.

However, the roofs of the houses on both sides of the street were full of Kyushu soldiers. Dean's small unit had no way to escape and could only be beaten passively. The number of people was getting smaller and smaller, but it was not far from the city gate.

"Fire!"Near the city gate, as the regiment commander gave an order, the machine guns and rifles of the Kyushu soldiers began to fire. Dean's small unit was now extremely depleted and could not rush out from here.

Dean himself was also shot to death at a distance from the city gate. About fifty meters away, he was shot by more than a dozen bullets and fell to death on the way to break through.

On the other side, 10,000 Gaulish troops came to the north gate only to find that the north gate was wide open, and it seemed that there were no defenders on or below the city. Major General Dicker, who led the team, ordered the entire army to attack and occupy the city gate and sent someone to report to Dean.

At this time, he did not know that Dean at the south gate was already surrounded.

The opening of the north gate was not due to lax defenses, but The defenders did this deliberately to lure the Gallic army into a rash move. Sure enough, the Gauls, who were eager to win, were fooled. Major General

Dicker had no previous experience of serving in overseas colonies or fighting. He was more like what we understand."Civilian major general", the Gauls jokingly called this kind of officer"office general".

Dicker did not have any combat experience, and his understanding of war was similar to that of Second Lieutenant Juffel who was killed before, although this person was not like Juffel. No one looks down on someone with his nose in the sky, but he really wanted to establish some military exploits in this war.

Just when the Gallic army entered the city and prepared to occupy the city wall towers, the Kyushu soldiers who had been lying on the corridor of the city wall suddenly appeared, and then violently He opened fire and caught the Gallic army by surprise.

However, Dicker felt that the opponent's number was not large, but his own army had tens of thousands of troops and carried artillery, so he ordered a storm on the city wall.

The 10,000 Gallic army was restrained by the Kyushu soldiers on the wall. Live.

About two-quarters of an hour after the North City Gate opened, the machine gun hidden on the nearby roof showed its bloodthirsty side. The Kyushu soldiers climbed on the roof to control the machine gun and began to shoot in the direction of the city gate.

Attacks from three directions overwhelmed the Gauls. They were pressed into a small area near the city gate and could not move.

The part of the Gallic army that had not yet entered the city saw that something was not going well and fled the scene. This act of betraying their comrades made the Gauls trapped in the city very angry, and they cursed These escaping comrades are cowards

"Da da da.. Da da da"

"Don't let them get away! shooting!"

"Find cover quickly!"

"puff.. ah!"

Under the attack of the Kyushu soldiers' machine guns and small artillery, the Gallic army, which was suppressed in the small open space near the city gate, suffered heavy casualties. Soon they were exhausted. A total of more than 3,000 people were killed. The two cities in the north and south will All the more than 40,000 Gauls were captured and wiped out. In addition to the nearly 30,000 people wiped out previously, more than 70,000 Gaulish soldiers were killed in the capital.

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