In October of the 35th year of Chengkang (1860 AD), Gaul declared war on the Zhou Empire, thus kicking off the second war between Zhou and France.

This time the Gallic Parliament passed a large war appropriation and mobilized 100,000 elite Gallic soldiers. Under the leadership of Army Lieutenant General Jacques Dean, they boarded a large number of warships and transport ships and set out for the Rooster Land in a murderous manner to prepare for the war with the Great Zhou Dynasty. The empire's foreign legions duke it out.

If Gaul can win, then they will completely replace the current territorial power of the Great Zhou Empire in the Qing court, take over the schools and factories that Wang Qi has invested in and opened in various places in the Qing court over the years, and also seize a large amount of money from the Great Zhou Empire. War reparations were such a huge benefit that the Gallic Parliament took a gamble.

Although the Gallic army was previously defeated by the foreign troops in Yuenan Chaoxian and Baliqiao, the Gallic parliament believed that this was not a problem of combat effectiveness, but a lack of preparation and strength. This time the 100,000-strong army was just the vanguard. The country has also mobilized 400,000 troops to prepare for departure, but it is temporarily unable to do so due to shipping capacity.

After learning of Gaul's movements, Britain immediately expressed neutrality and strictly ordered its merchant ships not to help the Gallic army transport troops or provide supplies in any situation.

On the vast ocean, the huge Gallic fleet was spectacular.

On the flagship of the propeller-sail battleship Brittany, the commander of the Gallic army, Lieutenant General Jacques Dean, was both high-spirited and somewhat complacent.

"Captain Guba, what kind of results do you think we can achieve in this battle?" Dean asked a naval officer next to him.

"Sir, as long as our tactics are correct, we will definitely achieve the final victory," Captain Guba replied.

"You're very cunning, Captain" Dean scolded with a smile.

"Sir, to be honest, I don’t have high hopes for this war. I think the Parliament has acted too hastily. Our opponent is a mysterious and powerful empire, and we have not yet been able to figure out the specific location, population and population of their homeland. The total number of troops, so far we are only fighting their colonial troops. From past reports, we can know that this colonial troops have advanced weapons and equipment, powerful artillery fire and high morale."Guba gave Dean an analysis.

"Dear Captain Guba, your idea is very dangerous," Dean said

"Sir, although I hope Gaul can win a great victory, war is not a game. I must express my true thoughts, otherwise I will conceal the military situation and cause greater harm." Guba was quite eloquent.

"Well Captain, you are such a cunning fox," said Dean.

"Sir, I hope the enemy calls me this, because it means that I can cause them a lot of trouble," Guba said.

"Hahaha"Dean laughed at this.

On board the Gallic steam gunboat"River of Fire".

A group of officers were chatting in the sea breeze on the deck. These officers were all second lieutenants, and two of them were survivors of the last Bali Bridge battle.

"The great Gaul will surely win a glorious victory," said a second lieutenant, clenching his fists and raising his head above his head. It was obvious that this guy had no actual combat experience.

Listening to him singing a high-pitched tune here, the two second lieutenants who survived the Bali Bridge showed disgust.

"Who gave you this confidence?" One of them complained about the guy who sang high-profile

"Lieutenant Henry, you seem to disagree with what I said," the officer who just sang a high-pitched voice asked.

"Second Lieutenant Rufei, when you were at the military academy, no one told you to be cautious and low-key on the battlefield." Second Lieutenant Henry replied, this guy is a survivor of the Battle of Bali Bridge, and he can't stand this guy who just graduated from the military academy. Shengguadanzi is singing a high note here

"Henry, you are trying to undermine me." Rufei was very dissatisfied with what the other party said.

"I have to say, Rufei, you are really good at killing; God testifies, the enemy's artillery fire will teach you a lot," Henry said

"you"Rufeier is angry

""Okay, gentlemen, our enemies are those barbaric and abominable Zhou people, aren't they?" Another second lieutenant spoke, and he persuaded Henry and Ruuffel.

"Lieutenant Coregate, you should tell this guy about the Bali Bridge and let him wake up." Henry pointed at Rufei and said to Coregate.

"At Baliqiao, I have never seen such fierce artillery fire in my life. Their army artillery is much more powerful than the explosive shells on our warships. The most important thing is that we cannot see their artillery positions at all. Those shells seem to be"It fell from the sky and hit us on the head." As another survivor of the Battle of Bali Bridge, Corrigat was still frightened by the huge destructive power and scorching air waves produced when the 105 heavy artillery exploded.

This 105mm rear The barreled annealing gun has actually reached the level of World War I. It has a short barrel and is in the shape of a howitzer. It uses a single-legged gun mount and can launch grenades, armor-piercing shells, ground-penetrating shells and low-power nuclear shells. The latter three types of ammunition have to wait until The story will not appear until the Sino-Japanese War, World War I and World War II, and after the war.

Back to the subject. Listening to Corrigat vividly telling how ferocious the artillery fire of the Kyushu soldiers was, Rufei didn't take it to heart. He had his own Proud.

Corrigat and Henry obtained the rank of second lieutenant through conscription and accumulation of seniority. Rufeier obtained the rank of second lieutenant after graduating from the military academy.

Rufeier had not graduated when the Bali Bridge battle last year. Talents with high academic qualifications His identity made Rufeier look down on Henry and Corrigette, who were born with mud-legged people. In addition, Gaul once had a Napoleon emperor who almost swept across the continent. All this made Second Lieutenant Rufeier feel that the upcoming battle with the Great Zhou Dynasty The war in the empire is nothing more than armed tourism. Even if there are occasional setbacks, they can be easily dealt with. He still cannot understand the cruelty of war and the fragility and value of life. The camera returns to Rooster Land and the Old Summer Palace.

Li Xiaoman is talking to a well-dressed man The banner woman was talking. Not far from the two women, there were several eunuchs playing with a little boy about five years old.

"I feel very honored that Concubine Yi and the eldest brother are here." Li Xiaoman's words revealed their identities.

These are the"little girl" Cixi and her five-year-old son Zai Chun, and this eldest brother is also currently The only son of the thirty-year-old Emperor Xianfeng.

It was precisely because of this son that Cixi's mother climbed from the Lan noble family to the throne of the Yi noble concubine.

She took her son for a walk but came to the temporary residence of the Duhu Mansion. At this time, Li Xiaoman was also wandering outside, and happened to see Concubine Yi and Zai Chun.

Li Xiaoman was not a fool, she saw through the identity of the person at a glance, so she said the above words

"How does this young lady know my identity?" Concubine Yi asked.

"It's because of this child," Li Xiaoman said.

Concubine Yi looked at her son and expressed that she didn't understand.

"If you are his biological mother, then you must be Concubine Yi, because the emperor of your country currently only has one son," Li Xiaoman analyzed

"Hahaha.. This lady is really smart as ice and snow. Yes, I am Yi Guifei, and this is the eldest brother." Yi Guifei said with a smile.

"I still don’t know the identity of the young lady." Immediately afterwards, Concubine Yi asked again. In fact, she had already guessed everything, but she still wanted Li Xiaoman to say it herself.

"You must know my husband, he is Baylor of the Great Zhou Empire." Li Xiaoman was afraid that Concubine Yi would not understand, so he adopted the Qing court's explanation

"It turns out to be Madam, I didn’t expect that I could meet Madam here." Concubine Yi pretended to be surprised and responded to the other party.

"I didn’t expect to meet the imperial concubine and the eldest brother here," Li Xiaoman said.

"I heard that the emperor's health was not very good some time ago. I wonder if it is getting better now?" Li Xiaoman asked

"Well this"Concubine Yi didn't dare to answer.

In the Qing court, the emperor's health status could not be discussed casually. Li Xiaoman is a"foreigner" and it's okay no matter what she says, but not Concubine Yi. If she talks nonsense, she will be destroyed in a minute.

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