"Father, what should we do in this deserted wilderness with no villages or shops?" Wang Qiong looked at the lush forest around him and asked his father

"The top priority is to figure out where we are, what year it is here, and who the emperor is, and then make plans," Wang Ying said

"Crown Prince.. Husband, there is not a single family here, where can I find out?" the snow girl said

"Let's go over there and have a look." Wang Ying looked around and found a direction where the woods were not so dense, and walked in this direction with his wife and children.

As for why he didn't use the Flash Movement technique to leave the woods, because the Flash Movement technique requires someone It can only be used when there is a clear destination, such as going from Luoyi to Xiangyang.

But now Wang Ying and his family don't know what era this is, nor how big the forest is now, nor whether there are any cities, villages, towns or place names nearby, so they don't know at all. Unable to use the teleportation technique.

The family of three walked for an unknown amount of time before Xue Nu could no longer walk, and then Wang Qiong could not walk either. Xue Nu had not learned any useful spells in the hundreds of years since she married Wang Ying. It’s not that no one taught her. Her father-in-law, Wang Yu, gave her some secrets, and her husband, Wang Ying, also taught her. However, Snow Girl didn’t study hard. She only danced or studied the art of bed curtains all day long. Now she only knows the secrets of the magic when something goes wrong. With the magic by his side, at least he doesn’t have to walk so silently. As for Wang Qiong, he is even less engaged in his work. In this regard, it is quite appropriate to say that"sons follow their mothers". However, considering that in the Great Zhou Empire, Wang Qiong was the eldest grandson of the King of Xining. Ordinary people would not pose a threat to him, and the role of spells would not be so prominent.

But now we are not in the Great Zhou Empire, and no one takes them seriously.

Back to the subject. The mother and son were sitting on the ground unable to move. It moved.

Wang Ying had no choice but to rest where he was with his wife and son, and wait until the mother and son had rested before setting off.

But suddenly, the sound of a large number of footsteps and horse hooves sounded in the surrounding area.

"There's someone over there!"

"I'm afraid it's the enemy's plan to capture it first!"

Someone discovered Wang Ying's family, and a group of soldiers gathered around to arrest them.

"What are you going to do?" Wang Ying, with his wife and children behind him, asked the incoming soldiers loudly.

"Question you!"said the leading corps commander

"Why are we captured?" Wang Ying did not panic at all, but asked

"what happened?"At this moment, a general about sixty years old rushed over, and there were large groups of people passing by around him.

These soldiers were only seen wearing black robes, gray armor, and double-eared helmets with a helmet on top. The thin tubes are probably for inserting feathers.

The armor on the old general, who is about sixty years old, is even more gorgeous. There is a golden animal mask decoration on the chest, and there are two buckles connecting the robe around the collarbone. black cloak behind

"Report to General Xiahou, the whereabouts of these three people are suspicious, and the villain suspects that they are enemy spies." The corps commander reported to this veteran general.

It turned out that this old General Xiahou turned out to be Xiahou Yuan, who at this time was Jian'an in the world of"Strategic Alliance" In the twenty-fourth year (AD 219), this was the Dingjun Mountain area in Hanzhong. Old Xia Houyuan was leading his troops to pursue Huang Zhong's troops of the Shu Han Dynasty who were pretending to be defeated.

"I'm not a craftsman, how can I be a craftsman with my family?" Wang Ying immediately started to argue.

"His appearance is different from ordinary people, his clothes are fine, how can he be in this deep mountain and old forest?

" The nobles in the Wei Dynasty were even more noble. Xia Houyuan just noticed it

"General, there was a rebellion at home. Only my wife and children escaped. I hope the general will take him in." Wang Ying saw that his wife and children were tired and hungry, so he had to make up lies and beg for shelter.

"These two men have been assigned to the First Deng camp, and this woman will be detained for the time being." Xia Houyuan ordered

""Wait a minute, general, I can take her into custody, but please, general and the officers in the camp, please don't harass my wife," Wang Ying said.

"snort! Let's wait until you have done something good." Xia Houyuan snorted coldly and rode away.

The soldiers came and took the Snow Girl away.

"Husband! Husband.. Let me go!"The snow girl shouted while being struggled

"What are you going to do! She will go on her own!"Wang Ying went up and scolded those soldiers.

"screw you!"How can the soldiers listen to him? Several people came over to beat Wang Ying.

"boom! ah!"In an instant, several soldiers were knocked to the ground by Wang Ying.

"How dare you hit someone in the army!"The team leader was shocked. He didn't expect this purple-haired man with thin skin and tender flesh to be so powerful.

"If she is harmed in the slightest, I will make you regret coming into this world." Wang Ying walked to the captain and whispered.

"Don't worry, I will rescue you soon." Wang Ying did not violently kill others, but informed Xue Nu through a sound transmission spell. However, Xue Nu did not know the sound transmission spell, she could only hear the sound but could not reply.

In this way, Xue Nu was incorporated into the back camp, responsible for washing, washing, sewing, and mending. But she didn't know how to do this, so you can imagine how many times A Xue got scolded a day. At the same time, A Xue was beautiful, but she was also scolded by the back camp. She had a hard time being squeezed out by the female slaves who accompanied the army, who were responsible for mending and washing clothes.

Wang Ying and Wang Qiong, father and son, put on Wei army uniforms, and each of them received a long-handled weapon that looked neither like a spear nor a spear. , the blade of this thing is curved like a snake, and I don’t know what it is called.

At the foot of Dingjun Mountain, Xia Houyuan’s entire army was arrayed here. On the mountain not far away, the Shu Han army had been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Huang Zhong, do you dare to go down the mountain and fight to the death?"Xia Houyuan cursed.

Then he asked the soldiers behind him to curse together.

But no one from the Shu Han army on the mountain responded.

A white flag had been set up on the top of the mountain. It only needed to be replaced with a red flag so that the Shu Han army could rush down the mountain.

Huang Zhong was scolded by Xia Hou Yuan and couldn't bear it. , wanted to rush down the mountain and kill the opponent, but the general reminded that the flag had not been changed on the top of the mountain, but General Huang had no choice but to continue to endure.

The time saw noon, the weather was a bit hot, the Wei army had been a little tired after scolding Huang Zhong all morning, Xia Houyuan ordered a rest.

Tens of thousands of Wei soldiers stopped cursing and sat down to rest.

"Qiong'er, hold your weapon," Wang Ying called to his son.

"Father, what Xiahou said to let him rest?" Wang Qiong said

"I always feel that something is not quite right," Wang Ying said.

"What's wrong? Father, are you worrying too much?" Wang Qiong said

"It's better to be careful and hold your weapon," Wang Ying said.

""Okay." Wang Qiong reluctantly took the weapon.

Just after noon, the Wei army became more and more relaxed. Xia Houyuan found a big stone and took off his armor. He lay on the big stone and closed his eyes to rest.

Suddenly, the white flag on the top of the mountain changed. As a red flag. The Shu Han army, which had already recharged its strength, rushed down from the mountainside under the leadership of Huang Zhong.

The huge shouts of killing frightened the Wei army. They had no time to organize resistance and fled backward.

Xia Houyuan was awakened and wanted to He put on his armor and fled on horseback, but Huang Zhong had already rushed in front of him. He had no time to put on his armor and mount his horse and fled in a hurry. Upon seeing this, Huang Zhong raised his sword and was about to kill Xia Houyuan who was close at hand.

The latter could not avoid it and could only wait for the judgment of fate. But at this critical moment, a long-handled weapon lay between the sword and Xia Houyuan.

With the blessing of magic, this ordinary weapon actually knocked away Huang Zhong's sword.

Without the blessing of magic, this kind of weapon would not be able to do anything at all. Unable to withstand Huang Zhong's powerful and heavy blow

"Um? Who are you?!"Huang Zhong was surprised,road

"Qiong'er, go away with him!"Wang Ying did not reply to Huang Zhong, but asked his son to protect Xia Houyuan and move him quickly.

""Yes." Wang Qiong and several Wei soldiers picked up Xia Houyuan and ran away.

"I am the one who killed you." Wang Ying turned around and responded to Huang Zhong and fought with him.

"The little thief is so brave!"Huang Zhong was also a little angry.

But after a few rounds, Huang Zhong became more and more shocked, because Wang Ying's speed was getting faster and faster, so fast that he couldn't see Wang Ying's movements at all, and Huang Zhong gradually became exhausted.

As Wang Ying The weapon in his hand pierced the opponent's chest, and Huang Zhong was stabbed to death on the spot. Then Wang Ying chopped off Huang Zhong's head and mounted the opponent's horse to quickly escape from the battlefield. On the way, he also snatched the horse of a Shu Han soldier to replace it, and then continued to chase. Our own team.

The Wei army was defeated, and the Shu Han army pursued for a while. Suddenly they heard that their own old general Huang Zhong was killed. They had no intention of pursuing and had to withdraw their troops. The Wei army breathed a sigh of relief and fled for several miles. When no one was chasing them, they stopped to rest for a while.

Count. Outnumbered, half of the tens of thousands of horses and horses were lost. General Xia Houyuan had a chance to escape thanks to Wang Ying and his son's timely rescue, otherwise he would have been hacked to death by Huang Zhong in this battle.

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