Rooster is located in Guangdong Province, in the Governor's Mansion.

The imperial envoy sent by the Qing court, Zhang Jingsutuk of the Military Aircraft Department, was expressing to Wang Yu his request that the other party withdraw its troops and not come to the Qing Dynasty again.

"Your court made a mistake in this matter first, how dare you be so arrogant?" Chu Bufan said

"This is the rule of the Qing Dynasty," Sutuke said

"Since we are not allowed to enter Beijing, can you please ask Emperor Jiaqing of your country to condescend to go south, and we will meet in Guangdong or Jiangning?" Wang Yu said.

He was teasing, how could Emperor Jiaqing leave the capital and go to Guangdong or Jinling to meet them?"Foreigners with unknown paths""

"Be bold!"When Sutuk heard this, he was not surprised at first, but he immediately got angry and scolded him.

"You are bold! You dare to be so rampant here, I think you don’t want to live anymore," Chi Lian immediately shot back.

"How unbecoming is it for a woman to show up in public?" Sutuke scolded Chi Lian angrily.


""Don't be rude."

Chi Lian was about to kill Sutuke, but Wang Yu stopped him.

"You bitch, I will take your head sooner or later," Chi Lian cursed at Sutuke.

"snort! In the land of the Qing Dynasty, it is not your turn for foreigners to be so rampant." As a man with the title of"Batulu" in Manchuria, Sutuk is also a man with a bad temper.

"In this case, I would like to ask Mr. Su to rest for a night and return to the capital tomorrow to inform Emperor Jiaqing of your country that we are here with sincere friendship and once again sincerely request you to come to the capital for an audience. I cannot leave without achieving my goal," Wang Yu said

""Farewell" Sutuke returned to the capital that day.

"Your Highness, what should we do?" Chu Bufan said

"The plan has changed and we are going to fight to force him to make a peace treaty," Wang Yu said

"But we only have two brigades, which is not enough to attack the capital," Chu Bufan said.

"The capital is too far away, so let's rush to the Yangtze River first and then see the Qing court's reaction; you guys wait for me here, and I'll go back immediately to mobilize troops." After Wang Yu finished speaking, he returned to the land of Kyushu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms.

The land of Kyushu and Ten Thousand Nations, Qinzhou, somewhere A large military garrison.

The garrison of the First Corps of the Kyushu New Army. The corps is now established to better manage the troops below.

""I'm waiting for you to see the emperor." The corps commander took the lead, and the following four army commanders and more than a dozen division commanders came to greet him.

"Well, mobilize two armies to go out with me." Wang Yu's words were very simple.

"Yes, the Emperor; the First and Second Armies are immediately preparing to go out with the Emperor." The commander of the First Army Corps responded and then called his name.

""I would like to inform you that our Second Army is resting and recuperating, and half of the soldiers have not returned home from visiting relatives," the commander of the Second Army said in a very embarrassed tone.

"you"The corps commander felt very embarrassed and wanted to reprimand the corps commander.

"You can't blame him for this, it's because I came too suddenly." Wang Yu waved his hand and said

"Great Emperor, our third army is at your disposal."

"The Fourth Army is also at the disposal of the Emperor."

The two army commanders spoke almost at the same time.

"In that case, then come with me." Wang Yu nodded.

After several days of preparation, a total of 230,000 people from the First, Third, and Fourth Armies of the First Corps of the Kyushu Army followed Wang Yu through the space-time tunnel to Rooster Land. Qing Dynasty.

Including the two previous brigades, the Kyushu New Army, three armies, twelve divisions and two brigades were gathered in the two areas of Gongjilu and Guangdong, totaling more than 250,000 people.

This newly arrived large-scale Kyushu New Army The army also has 1152 artillery regiments with a total of 1152 105mm heavy artillery. In addition to the four brought by Wang Yu previously, there are a total of 1156 105mm breech-loading barreled heavy artillery, and more than 100,000 rounds of artillery shells. In order to drag these heavy artillery and artillery shells, the troops brought more than 20,000 draft horses.

The presence of so many troops in the Guangdong and Guangdong regions caused strong panic among the local people, and rumors spread for a while.

After Sutuk returned to the capital, he was scolded by Qinggui, He said that he could not do things. If the"foreigners" went to Beijing regardless of all odds, a fierce battle would be inevitable. Once the war started, it would definitely affect the war to exterminate the White Lotus Sect in Sichuan and Shaanxi.

Soon, the news of the"foreigners" increasing their troops reached the capital, and Jiaqing The emperor was furious. He scolded Qinggui for delaying the military flight and wanted to dismiss him and investigate. Finally, he wanted to dismiss Qinggui instead because he was older.

Emperor Jiaqing then sent an order to the Sichuan-Shaanxi front line to dispatch 100,000 troops from the Qing army to go south to join forces with Jiangning and other places. The garrison attacked the"foreigners" in multiple ways.

However, the mobilization of the Qing army took time. At this time, Wang Yu had already sent troops from Guangdong and Guangdong to go north. More than 200,000 troops and artillery were walking on the way north in a mighty manner. Along the way, the officials watched the formation Many lookouts pretended to be dead.

What does this mean? It means that these officials did not resist or escape, and allowed Wang Yu's troops to pass through the city.

But there were also officials who wanted to resist. When the heavy artillery roared, the city turned into rubble. After the defeat of Jifen, all resistance was in vain.

Wang Yu encountered no trouble along the way, and soon the new Jiuzhou army surrounded Jiangning. At this time, the 100,000 Qing troops from the north had arrived at the north bank of the Yangtze River and were arriving at the north bank of the Yangtze River. Collecting ships and preparing to cross the river.

Jiangning, outside the south gate. The forward position of the Kyushu New Army.

Chi Lian stood in the headquarters, holding up binoculars and looking at Jiangning City in the distance.

Hundreds of steps behind her, three artillery regiments were already Spread out and arrange the position.

There are two machine guns on both sides of Chilian. There are tables, chairs and maps in the headquarters. The simple ceiling of the headquarters is also covered with camouflage nets. It all looks like that. On the south bank of the Yangtze River, In the Jiangyin area, four artillery regiments have also set up positions, preparing to bombard the Qing troops on the other side.

"Commander, a large number of enemies on the other side are crossing the river." A soldier reported to his commander

""Okay, pass my order and prepare for artillery attack," the regiment leader ordered. At the same time, the other three artillery regiments near Jiangyin also did similar things.

Wang Yu told them when he arranged these four artillery regiments here As long as you feel the time has come, you can fire freely. As for the unified deployment of four artillery regiments, it is completely unnecessary. Nearly four hundred 105 heavy artillery bombarded the Qing army on the other side, which only had spears, bird guns, oxtail knives, and at most a few red cannons. It's easy to catch. Not to mention four artillery regiments, even one artillery regiment can blow up at least half of the Qing army on the opposite side.

(PS: Isn't this kind of firepower a waste of shells to blow up the Qing army?

Wang Yu: I have a lot of money.

PS: Oh, you are amazing

Wang Yu:)

From the beginning of this war, Wang Yu's Kyushu New Army officially entered the era of accumulating firepower on the battlefield. In the future Wogo War, World War I, World War II, and even the Peninsular War, the powerful artillery firepower of the Kyushu New Army made Westerners who were superstitious about firepower They were all shocked.

(Van Fleet: I suddenly realized that I am the poor guy.

PS: You came early. Go back and be reincarnated!

Van Fleet:)

Jiangbei, the Qing army found ships and began to cross the river in batches.

But suddenly, a terrifying scream pierced the air and reached the ears of the Qing army who were crossing the river.

The subsequent 105 shells fell into the crossing point where the Qing troops gathered in the north of the Yangtze River. Amidst the continuous loud explosions, the Qing soldiers were sent into the sky in batches and then fell heavily to the ground.

Many Qing soldiers were partially or even completely destroyed by the intensive artillery fire.

The shelling lasted for about half an hour before gradually stopping.

As far as the eye could see, the river was covered with the wreckage of wooden boats and the mutilated corpses of Qing soldiers, and blood even stained a piece of the river red.

The Qing troops at the crossing point in the north of the Yangtze River died tragically. This scene cannot be described in words.

Of the 100,000 Qing troops, only more than 300 survived the half-hour bombardment, and the rest were all killed.

After the shelling in the Jiangyin area ended, Wang Yu ordered an attack on Jiangning.

In the forward headquarters, Chi Lian put down his binoculars and picked up a sniper rifle. The city in the distance was completely flooded by artillery fire. In just a quarter of an hour, the southern city wall of Jiangning was destroyed.

"Stop the bombardment, the infantry of the 13th and 14th Divisions fix their bayonets and prepare to attack," the commander of the Fourth Army ordered.

""Yes" the messenger went to deliver the order.

As the order was passed to the two divisions, the infantry immediately prepared to charge.

"I'll go too." Chi Lian held her sniper rifle and wanted to follow suit.

"General, wait a minute." The commander of the Fourth Army stopped her.

"what are you doing?! Chi Lian asked

"big.. Your Highness has an order, you are not allowed to leave the trenches," said the commander of the Fourth Army.

"What did you say?! he? Wang Chengfeng won't let me leave?"Chi Lian was shocked.

"Yes, come." The commander of the Fourth Army nodded, and then called a group of soldiers to surround Chi Lian.

"I'm going to find Wang Chengfeng." Chi Lianqi went to find Wang Yu.

The soldiers also followed Chi Lian.

The horn sounded, and more than 10,000 infantrymen of the 13th Division of the Fourth Army jumped out of the trenches and began to move forward. Advance.

Two quarters of an hour later, more than 10,000 infantrymen from the 14th Division of the Fourth Army also began to advance.

The infantry of the two divisions advanced slowly with rifles in hand.

At this time, the city of Jiangning had fallen into chaos. Liangjiang, who was originally supposed to defend the city, The governor and a group of officials were so frightened by the bombardment that they immediately packed up their belongings and ran away with their wives after the bombardment. Seeing that all the officials had fled, the Qing troops guarding the city immediately dispersed.

The common people saw the soldiers fleeing. , they also ran away, there was no order in Jiangning City.

In a tent at the rear, Wang Yu was listening to a report from a team-level officer.

"Very good, half of the Qing Dynasty is almost in my hands." After the report, Wang Yu dismissed the team-level officer and said with a smile.

"Your Highness, it seems that you are right. Under the powerful attack of our army, Emperor Jiaqing will soon bow his head, and the Yangtze River will be a chasm that he will never be able to cross," Chu Bufan said.

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