Over the capital of the Qin Empire, a giant white bird's eyes glowed with blood-red light, raging back and forth. Every time its huge wings flapped, it would create a small storm.

The people in the capital were tossed around by the sudden storm, and the vendors who set up stalls were also overturned along with their stalls.

Just look at the foodie Chi Lian holding a whip in his left hand and a soft chain snake sword in his right hand, constantly waving bursts of light, bringing death to the defenders of the capital.

Yan Lingji set fires everywhere to create greater chaos, and the entire capital fell into panic for a while.

Bai Feng relied on his outstanding lightness skills and the coordination of the teleportation technique. He was like a silver lightning that shuttled back and forth on the city wall, slaughtering the defending soldiers wantonly.

The three of them made a fuss in Qindu while shouting words such as"The Netherworld Reincarnation Sect is here."

When the news came back to Zhangtai, the First Emperor was shocked at first, and then became furious, so he mobilized troops to kill Chi Lian and the other three.

Zhao Gao led all the killers in the net to dispatch. Although they had many people, none of them could be Chi Lian's enemy. The six sword slaves in this world worked together to besiege Chi Lian, but they were repeatedly defeated by him.Chi Lian violently beat him up, and the Kyushu Six Sword Slave could still cope with it at first, but he was defeated in an instant and was seriously injured by Chi Lian and left the battlefield.

Since the other Tianzi killers are not in Qindu, only the Six Sword Slaves from this realm lead Luo Wang's minions to fight. Now the Nine Provinces Six Sword Slaves were dispersed by Chi Lian within a few rounds, and the others in Luo Wang are no longer opponents. In a matter of seconds, the Luowen organization's attack was defeated, and Zhao Gao was wounded and fled.

When Chi Lian fought, she saw Qin soldiers attacking them without saying a word, and she went wherever there were more Qin soldiers.

The armor-piercing soldiers formed a formation and fired arrows, but Yan Lingji was too fast, and the arrows flew past her as if they were slowing down.

Yan Lingji gathered her inner strength to control all these arrows and threw them back to the formation of the armor-piercing soldiers, almost destroying their formation.

Many Qin troops were either wiped out by Chi Lian and Yan Lingji, or repelled by the two women. The streets were in a mess, and many houses were burned down.

Bai Feng also collected the giant bird and returned to the ground. The three of them stood in a row, with Bai Feng in the middle, Chi Lian in his left hand, and Yan Ling Ji in his right hand.

"snort! You are really overestimating your capabilities by going against us." Chi Lian snorted coldly, with a very disdainful tone.

"So, what is Wang Chengfeng’s purpose in doing this?"Yan Lingji asked suddenly.

Bai Feng listened and shook his head to express that he didn't know.

"This guy Wang Chengfeng is living in a romantic place, but he allows us to eat dirt here. It's really unjust," said Chi Lian. She was very dissatisfied with Wang Yu trying to pick up a girl, but letting a few of her people work hard.

"Bai Feng, why don't you speak?" Seeing that Bai Feng didn't say anything for a long time, Chi Lian turned around and asked

"You have already said everything, what else can I say?"Bai Feng asked back

"Let’s go directly to him," Chi Lian said.

"Wait, why are you looking for Wang Chengfeng?"Bai Feng asked

"Of course I need to talk to him about it." Chi Lian said and walked towards Zhangtai Palace.

"Let's go." Yan Lingji followed closely.

Bai Feng also followed.

The capital of Qin was smashed, and the news that people from all walks of life went to encircle and suppress them but failed gradually spread to the palace.

"Your Majesty, three protectors from the Netherworld Reincarnation Sect suddenly appeared and made a big fuss in the capital. I'm afraid things are not that simple." After listening to the soldier's report, the Nine Provinces Moon God said to the First Emperor.

At this time, the First Emperor's face was extremely ugly. He did not expect that the other party would be so ugly. Da Qin is about to make trouble with him.

Before Ying Zheng can respond to Kyushu Moon God

"Your Majesty, something serious has happened. Someone broke into Zhangtai and came this way." Another person came running to report in a panic.

"What! Escort!"Ying Zheng heard the words and immediately shouted.

A large number of black armored soldiers guarding Zhangtai gathered in the front hall to escort him.

Now Wang Yu had sensed the identity of the visitor, and he cursed in his heart that the visitor had ruined his business.

Just At this moment, three streams of light rushed into the front hall of Zhangtai and transformed into a man and two women.

"I don’t know how many are"At this time, Wang Yu was still pretending

"Forget it, Wang Chengfeng, it’s already this time and you’re still acting here," Chi Lian said angrily.

"Um?"After listening to her words, Jiuzhou Moon God frowned and thought.

"What does this girl mean by this?"

"Guanzhu Wang, is it really okay for you to tease others like this?"

Before Wang Yu could finish his words, Yan Lingji stabbed him in the back again.

At this time, Wang Yu wanted to tie up Chi Lian and Yan Lingji and beat them to death. These two foodies are so hateful. I, Wang, will kill myself I don’t think much of you, why did you stab me in the back at this critical moment?

"Guanzhu Wang, what's going on?"Ying Zheng spoke. After all, he is the First Emperor, and his basic ability is not to be afraid of danger.

"Emperor Qin, this matter"

"Wang Guanzhu is acquainted with the protector of the Netherworld Reincarnation Sect. Can you give us an explanation for what happened today?"

Wang Yu was about to respond, but the Nine Provinces Moon God attacked him.

"Leader Lu Ya will soon reveal his true form." Then Chi Lian came to cause trouble again.

"When you get back, see how I deal with you." Wang Yu stopped pestering and threatened Chi Lian.

"Okay, I'll wait." Chi Lian replied nonchalantly.

Then."Hey, I won't pretend anymore, I am Lu Ya!"After saying that, a powerful momentum swept across the audience, and Wang Yu returned to his original appearance.

"It turns out you have been deceiving me all along." Jiuzhou Moon Goddess saw"Lu Ya" appearing. She felt that she had been fooled and pointed at Wang Yu tremblingly.

"Lord Luna, I will give you a reasonable explanation for this matter in the future." Wang Yu responded to Luna

"shut up! Shameless villain!"The Kyushu Moon God denounced Wang Yu

"excuse me!"Wang Yu ignored him and took the Kyushu Moon God and disappeared in Zhangtai in full view. After

Wang Yu left."Let's go." Chi Lian and others turned into streamers and evacuated Zhangtai.

At this point, this farce caused a stir in Qindu. It also ended hastily because of Chi Lian's backstab.

Outside the capital of Daliao, in the camp.

Several streams of light appeared in a remote place near the camp.

"let me go!"Jiuzhou Moon God pulled Wang Yu's hand away.

"Listen to me, I intend to conquer Kyushu, but I need help. Are you willing to help me? I will never treat you badly." Wang Yu once again bewitched the Kyushu Moon God

""I don't want to" Jiuzhou Moon God flatly refused. She can't tolerate others fooling her

"Okay, then I need the help of the entire Yin Yang family. I think the leader of Donghuang Taiyi will be very interested. I hope you can mediate to achieve cooperation, but don't worry, I will meet all your requirements, even if you want You can also be a female emperor." Wang Yu then hoped to win over the entire Yin and Yang family through the Kyushu Moon God.

"do not talk! I'm not interested." Kyushu Luna firmly refused again.

"Don't be like this. After all, we have known each other for a long time. I think"

"Go to hell!"

Wang Yu continued to bewitch the Jiuzhou Moon God, but the latter directly wanted him to die.

"Haha, this is not impossible, as long as you agree to cooperate with us, I will let you do what you want, and you can even kill me with your own hands," Wang Yu said with a playful smile.

""No" Kyushu Luna refused for the third time

"this.. I'm afraid you can't help it." Wang Yu wants to forcibly conquer the Nine Provinces Moon God.

"What are you going to do?"Jiuzhou Moon God asked

"We just want Lord Luna to cooperate with us"

"Wang Chengfeng, conquering Kyushu is not our plan. Isn't this matter too big?"

Just when Wang Yu replied to Kyushu Moon God, Chi Lian interrupted.

"If it weren't for you, how could this matter be like this? I will tell King Qi when I get back and let him deal with you." Wang Yu responded to Chi Lian.

Chi Lian stuck out his tongue and made a face after hearing this.

"So, should the Netherworld Reincarnation Sect continue to maintain its reputation? Yan Lingji asked

"You say this to the outside world, but since we are all our own people here, there is no need to hide it, right Lord Moon God?" After Wang Yu finished speaking, he asked Kyushu Moon God

"I don’t know." Kyushu Moon God’s mind was in a state of confusion.

"Well, your highness, can you tell me the specific plan? Our 100,000 troops are right there." Yan Lingji pointed to the camp and the big banner not far away.

"This matter is not urgent, let’s talk about it after I think about it." Wang Yu waved his hand.

"Where shall we go now?"Bai Feng asked

"Go back to camp and have a showdown with Shulu Ping." After Wang Yu said that, he asked Chi Lian to take Jiuzhou Moon God hostage and return to the camp.

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