July of the sixth year of Xingning in the Great Zhou Empire (AD 2).

In the Huangji Hall of the Imperial Palace, Emperor Zhou Ji Ying sat lazily on the golden dragon chair with her head in one hand.

Below, the Moon God is reporting to him the specific details of his marriage to the Western Han Dynasty and the details of the royal family of the Western Han Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Concubine of the Han Kingdom has already joined the palace and will marry His Royal Highness the Crown Prince at an auspicious time. His Royal Highness the King of Xining is currently arranging relevant personnel," said the Moon God.

""Okay, thank you for your hard work, Grand Master." Ji Ying's tone was very calm.

"Your Majesty, this marriage with the Han Kingdom is the first time that the Zhou Empire has formed an alliance with a foreign country since its founding. It is of very important significance." Moon God said again

"To be honest with the Grand Master, I have been thinking about the origin of the Han Dynasty, so that the Grand Master and the King of Xining should pay so much attention to it that they want to make friends in person." Ji Ying nodded and said

"The history and customs of the Han Kingdom are very similar to those of our Great Zhou Empire, but they are still in a relatively primitive stage," said the Moon God

"So it is really a larger barbarian state, how does it compare with the five Xiongnu tribes?" Ji Ying said again

"I dare not deceive Your Majesty. Although the Han Kingdom is not very rich, it is better than our five Xiongnu tribes. But what is amazing is that there are barbarians like the Xiongnu in the north of the Han Kingdom. They are also invading the Han Kingdom. At the northern border," Luna said

"oh? This is quite interesting," Ji Ying said, stroking his long beard.

"Your Majesty, there are also some ministers who voluntarily surrendered to our country in the procession of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, and there are even the brothers of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. I would like to ask Your Majesty to decide how to arrange them," said the Moon God.

"This kind of thing.. Just let the grand master decide," Ji Ying said.

""Yes." Luna lowered her head slightly and responded.

"Master, please step aside first, I'm a little tired." Ji Ying waved her hand.

"I retire, Your Majesty, rest in peace." After the Moon Goddess said that, he turned and walked out of the palace. The sound of high-heeled sandals hitting the ground was very clear.

Chengqing Palace is a smaller palace in the imperial palace, but the decoration is not bad at all. This place was the residence of a certain empress a hundred years ago. Later, after that empress got married, the place became vacant. No other empress has lived here for a hundred years, but the daily maintenance and cleaning here have not been neglected at all..

Now that Princess Wang Ye of Ancheng is getting married, she will temporarily stay in Chengqing Palace.

"Princess, this is the Chengqing Palace. You can stay here for the time being. If necessary, you can ask them to do it." Concubine Yan and Wang Yu led Wang Ye to the Chengqing Palace. Concubine Yan pointed to the row of palace maids next to her and said to Wang Ye.

"Thank you Doctor Wufang and His Highness the King of Xining." Wang Ye finally took a look at the clean and bright Chengqing Hall, and then thanked them.

"Princess, you don’t have to be like this, it’s only right for us and the ministers to share your worries," Wang Yu said.

"You all listen up, the emperor of the Han Dynasty is about to become our crown princess. If you slaves don't take good care of you, be careful with your skin." Wang Yu then threatened the maids of the Chengqing Palace.

"Yes, the slaves will obey the order of His Highness King Xining." The maids hurriedly knelt down and responded.

"I'll take my leave while the princess rests in peace." Wang Yu and Concubine Yan left the Chengqing Palace.

"Please let this matter finally settle down." Wang Yu muttered as he walked. I don't know why this guy likes Wang Mang so much.

"You have worked hard, take a good rest after you go back," Concubine Yan said.

"Feiyan, I have discussed with the Moon God, and we are going to take out sixteen counties and merge them into three states, and appoint a governor for each state." Wang Yu shook his head and said

"That's fine, there are fifty-nine counties in the country, and it takes a lot of time for Yue Shen to meet with those county guards every year. Having a governor to take charge of those county guards for Yue Shen also saves a lot of work," Concubine Yan said.

Fifty-nine The governors of each county take turns going to Luoyi to report on their duties. The governors in remote areas have to spend a lot of time on the road. Now it is easier to set up the governor's meeting, which not only saves the moon god's time, but also saves the governors from the bumpy and tiring work. After all, Some county governors are very old, and may suddenly fall ill or even die on the way due to the long journey. This has happened before. In the future, when there is a governor, the county governors will not need to go to Luoyi to meet with them if necessary. The moon god has reported his duties. They only need to report the affairs in the county to the governor, and then the governor will send Pegasus cavalry to report to the moon god.

"Well, I plan to set up Qingzhou, Yangzhou, and Jingzhou, and appoint three governors to give it a try. If it doesn't work, I will cancel it soon. Qian Peng, the governor of Donglai County I brought back this time, will be appointed as the governor of Yangzhou and govern the five subordinate counties."Wang Yu said.

Concubine Yan nodded after hearing this.

After returning to Taishi's Mansion, Wang Yu told Yueshen to ask Ayan to go to Chengqing Hall to teach Wang Ye how to speak Luoyi Mandarin and learn the writing of the Zhou Empire. The

Zhou Empire was unified The characters did not use Xiaozhuan uniformly like the Qin Dynasty in reality. At that time, Wang Yu collected all the characters of various vassal states and selected the ones with the fewest strokes among different writing methods to keep. The consequence of this was that some characters of various countries appeared one after another. In the new"Zhou Ti", in order to enrich the"Zhou Ti", Wang Yu also created some characters.

However, the eliminated characters were not lost in the long river of history. Wang Yu summoned people to copy them down and then engraved and preserved them.

Wang Yu's work of unifying the writing system began in the first year of the Zhou Empire (the first year of Taiyuan, 236 BC) and lasted intermittently for more than forty years before it was completed. In the Chengqing Palace, Wang Ye called his personal maid Xiao Tao to help her Change your clothes. After all, that dress has some weight.

""Princess, it's so hot outside, but it's so cool inside this palace, I think a lot of ice must have been used." Xiao Tao felt the cool air emanating from Xuan Bing and said to Wang Ye

"Yes, I heard that this palace has not been inhabited for many years. I don’t expect it to be so luxurious and spacious." Wang Ye then carefully looked at the decorations in the palace.

While the master and servant were talking in the palace, the maids of Chengqing Palace were there. Gossip, they felt that although Wang Ye was called Emperor Ji, she was really just that. The dress she wore was of average workmanship, and the dowry she brought looked glamorous and probably didn’t have anything good in it. The palace ladies heard

Wang Ye speak with a Western Han accent again, They disliked the"princess" for not being elegant enough and more like the daughter of a rich country man.

Although these palace ladies were slaves of the Zhou Empire, they still felt that only Luoyi Mandarin was the most beautiful language in the world.

Wang Ye said this Shi Fang didn't know that she had been despised by a group of female slaves.

In the Grand Master's Mansion. After Wang Ying came back, he didn't care that it was broad daylight, and even took Ji Ru Qianlong to"spar" the skills in the dormitory, which made Ji Ru Qianlong Very embarrassed, the maids quickly blocked their ears when they heard the princess's screams coming from the bedroom. It was really scary.

"Prince, please spare me.. I can not make it.."Uh-huh." Ji Ruqianlong couldn't hold on any longer, so she begged for mercy.

"During these days in Han, I think about you every day.. You and I must have fun today." Wang Ying naturally cannot let Ji Ruqianlong off easily.

Poor Ji Ruqianlong was punished by her husband for more than two hours, and her whole body was on the verge of falling apart.

""The Cruel Crusade" was finally over. Ji Ruqianlong lay with tears in her eyes. Her chest was heaving and she was panting. She opened her arms and Wang Ying hugged her tightly.

"What about Bethany?"After the Moon God came back, she came to the main hall of Jianjia Palace and wanted to say a few words to her son. She asked the maid

"Grand Master, the Crown Prince said he was a little tired after he came back, so he went to rest first." The maid replied

"You should serve the prince well and don't be lazy," the Moon God ordered and left Jianjia Palace. In fact, she probably guessed what Wang Ying was doing now.

"In the corridor of"Seeing the Grand Master", the snow girl came towards me.

The moon god stretched out his hand and raised it to signal her to excuse herself.

""Thank you for your hard work, Grand Master, on your mission to a foreign country," Xue Nu said, and then helped the Moon God to walk back.

"What have you been doing during this time?" Luna asked

"Oh, I am practicing singing and dancing. Before leaving, the Crown Prince said that he would like to see me dance when he comes back," said the snow girl

""Yeah." Luna nodded.

When she came to an opening in the corridor, four strong male servants had been waiting for a long time carrying a walking chariot.

Luna got on the walking chariot and returned to the Taiyin Temple. Compared to"scooter" , Luna prefers this traditional chariot.

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