Rooster Land, the residence of General Sima, the capital of the Western Han Dynasty.

Wang Mang led the Moon God to the main hall and sat down.

The two of them sit at the top, with Wang Mang on the left and the Moon God on the right.

On Wang Mang's side were a group of his cronies, on Moon God's side were Wang Yu, Chi Lian and others. After Wang Ying took his mother's seat, she took the Phoenix Scepter and stood behind her.

"Master, this is"Wang Mang saw that Wang Ying's hair was the same color as the Moon Goddess, and there were some similarities between his eyebrows and eyes, so he felt curious and asked

"It's Wang Ying, the dog son." Moon God didn't hide it and directly revealed Wang Ying's identity.

"It turns out he is the young master." Wang Mang responded

"Bo Heng, you haven’t paid homage to the general yet." The Moon God nodded slightly and then ordered Wang Ying to

"The foreign minister is here to see the general, please forgive me for not being able to show my courtesy because I am wearing armor." Wang Ying responded to Wang Mang with clasped fists.

""Young Master is really a handsome man." Wang Mang also praised Wang Ying.

(PS: What a handsome man, but nothing.)

(Wang Yu: I feel that you are slandering my son, but there is no evidence.


"If Quanzi is not good at literature or martial arts, he will not be praised by the general." Yueshen looked at his son and responded to Wang Mang

""Haha, Grand Master is too modest," Wang Mang said with a smile.

"General, we are here on the orders of the Emperor to marry His Highness the Princess of your country. To be honest, the Emperor only has one son, the Prince, so he loves the Prince very much. He hopes that the Prince’s future wife will be virtuous and virtuous."Moon God blah blah blah blah blah.

As soon as this statement came out, Wang Mang was very happy. The emperor of the Great Zhou Empire had only one son, wouldn't it be certain that he would succeed to the throne and become emperor in the future? Then if his daughter marries him, he will definitely be the next queen of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Moreover, Wang Mang thought that if something big happened in the future and he crossed the sea to escape to Zhou Dynasty, he would probably be protected by the other party. Wang Mang's plan was pretty good, and things seemed to be going in the direction he wanted.

"General, is there anything wrong?" Moon Goddess saw that Wang Mang was distracted, and she asked with a little dissatisfaction.

"Um, Grand Master, forgive me, there is nothing wrong with it. This is a very good thing. The princess will marry into the royal family of your country and she will have to rely on the Grand Master’s blessing in the future." Wang Mang said

"The princess will soon become the crown princess of our country, and in the future she will be the queen, and I will take care of her," said the Moon God. Although she said this very politely, she did not hide her power at all.

Wang Yu listened to the Moon God When talking to Wang Mang, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. There is nothing to be modest about the Western Han Empire on the land of the rooster. We Moon God are just stating the facts.

"In this way, our kings and ministers can feel at ease," Wang Mang said.

Because the identity of the Moon God was too noble for Wang Mang, he did not dare to neglect it, so he arranged for the Moon God to live in a palace in the palace. Wang Yu and other accompanying personnel and Five hundred Pegasus cavalry also lived in the palace.

At night, Wang Yu sneaked into the Moon God's chamber in an attempt to do evil.

"What to do!"The Moon God hit Wang Yu's hand and scolded

"Hey, Luna, give me another son"

"No.. Well"

Wang Yu and Yue Shen started discussing with each other there.

Since he had to visit the Western Han Empire and meet with the emperor's relatives and important ministers the next day, Wang Yu didn't go too far and almost ended the discussion.

"who! stop!"

"There is an assassin!"

"Escort! Escort! Protect the Grand Master!"

In the middle of the night, there was a lot of noise outside the palace.

"Father! Mother! There is an assassin!"Wang Ying shouted outside the palace

"Bethany, how's the situation outside?"Wang Yu and Yueshen each put on their clothes and called Wang Ying into the palace to ask questions.

""Father, there are assassins raiding the palace, and the Pegasus cavalry are clearing them out," Wang Ying said.

"Clearance? So there's more than one assassin?"Wang Yu asked

"It was reported that at least a dozen assassins appeared," Wang Ying said.

"sure?"Wang Yu asked again

"The soldiers all said so," Wang Ying said.

"Stop the purge and withdraw your troops immediately," Wang Yu ordered.

"Father, why? Wang Ying asked

"Go and deliver the order quickly." Wang Yu did not give a reason.

""Yes." Wang Ying ran out of the palace.

After a while, Chi Lian came to the bedroom cursing, and she yawned and complained about tonight's situation.

"Forget it, the assassin is not here for you." Wang Yu waved his hand.

"I'm going to set a fire and let these country bumpkins know how powerful we are." Yan Lingji also came to the Moon God with a curse.

"Okay, okay, I will negotiate this matter with Wang Mang after dawn," Yueshen said. This was a rare time for her to calm down and persuade Chi Lian and Yan Lingji.

"Go back, you have been tossing for half the night, and you can rest for a while before dawn." Wang Yu persuaded Chi Lianyan Lingji to leave.

On the other side, Wang Mang was shocked and panicked when he learned that the Moon God was assassinated, and hurried to the palace to express his condolences. and investigate the situation

"I feel relieved that the Grand Master and King Xining are fine," Wang Mang said to Yueshen and Wang Yu

"General, we came with sincerity to marry your country, but we almost encountered an accident. I need a reasonable explanation, otherwise the soldiers I brought may not be able to abide by military discipline. If the news is spread back to our country, the situation will not be mine. It's controllable," Luna said with a dissatisfied and threatening tone.

"Grand Master, please give me a few days. I will definitely find out the murderer and give him an explanation." Wang Mang broke out in a cold sweat after hearing this and said quickly.

He must not let some assassins mess up his affairs. These assassins are Wang Mang. Sent by political opponents, their purpose was not to assassinate the Moon God. The political opponents believed that as long as the assassins sneaked into the palace and made enough noise, it would be enough to destroy the marriage between the two countries.

But the political opponents were obviously wrong. Wang Yu had already chosen Well, Wang Mang is a partner, and he will continue to invest in Wang Mang in the future.

"General, please take a moment to speak." Wang Yu smiled and said

"I wonder if King Xining has any advice?" Wang Mang asked

"What the Grand Master just said was an angry one, so you don’t need to take it to heart. Which country doesn’t have a few assassins? Do you think so?" Wang Yu said with a relaxed look.

"What King Xining said is absolutely true. What he said is absolutely true." Wang Mang couldn't help but nodded in agreement with Wang Yu's words.

"Xuan Ying, I think it is better to leave this matter here for the time being. It is more important to finish the important matter of the marriage between the two countries first." Then Wang Yu turned to the Moon God and said. Ji Xuanying is the name of the Moon God. Whenever she needs to deal with foreign affairs This name will be used when

"Well, this matter has been revealed for the time being, but I hope there won’t be another time." Yueshen turned his back to Wang Yu and Wang Mang and said in an indifferent tone.

""Thank you, Grand Master." Wang Mang hurriedly thanked him. He had already guessed 70-80% of the mastermind of this incident.

Due to the assassin's trouble, the meeting with the emperor originally scheduled for the morning had to be changed to the afternoon.

The Imperial Palace of the Western Han Dynasty The front hall of Weiyang Palace.

The young emperor Liu Qu sat on the throne, and the following civil and military ministers took their seats on both sides.

Wang Mang personally guided the Moon God and Wang Yu into the palace

"Your Majesty, I would like to introduce the Grand Master of Zhou and the King of Xining to meet with Your Majesty." Wang Mang came to the imperial steps and bowed to Liu Qu.

"The foreign minister pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. May His Majesty the Emperor have endless happiness." Moon God and Wang Yu bowed down to pay homage.

"Please excuse me." Liu Kun stretched out his hand and raised it slightly. Then he kept looking at the Moon God

"Your Majesty, the Grand Master of the State of Zhou went to our country in person to escort the princess to the State of Zhou to marry the prince of that country and to conclude a peace treaty of alliance between the two countries," Wang Mang said

"Oh, can the general arrange this properly?"Liu Jin nodded, and then asked Wang Mang

"Your Majesty, everything has been arranged. Princess Ancheng can get married at any time," Wang Mang said. Princess

Ancheng is the title Wang Mang asked for for his daughter Wang Ye. At this time, Wang Ye is also living in the palace until all the"procedures" are completed. , Wang Ye married from Wuyang Palace and returned to the Zhou Empire with the Moon God and his party.

"Well, General Sima is worthy of being a talented person in my country." Liu Qu praised Wang Mang.

"I am frightened. It is my duty to serve His Majesty the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. I really don’t dare to have the reputation of being a talented person in the country." Wang Mang quickly knelt down and responded to the emperor in a pretentious manner.

The Moon God looked at Wang Mang and couldn't help but feel a little funny. Wang Mang, you want to usurp the throne. Just be direct, is it interesting to do this?

"Huh, General Wang is just trying to flatter other countries with a shoddy good. He really deserves to be a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty." A minister mocked Wang Mang. This person was one of Wang Mang's political opponents.

"Doctor Liu's words are wrong. General Sima has been working hard for the good of the two countries' alliance, and now he has invited the Grand Master of Zhou to come to our country in person. He is a truly loyal minister, unlike some people who only do some shameful things in secret."Scam" Wang Mang's gang members responded to the minister just now

"Don't talk nonsense here, what I said is the truth," the political opponent shot back.

"Okay, okay, His Majesty the Emperor is here, what's the etiquette for you to argue like this?" Wang Mang scolded his henchman.

The henchman shrank his neck and stopped talking.

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