""Your Majesty" Fan Ju returned to the palace and paid homage to Ying Ji.

""Free" Ying Ji raised his hand slightly

""Yes." Fan Ju stood up straight.

"The Qin Dynasty is suddenly in danger, and all the ministers are helpless. What can I do? I wonder if the Prime Minister can teach me any good advice at this time," Ying Ji said.

"Your Majesty, I think the current plan is to collect grain and grass from the nobles to deal with the immediate crisis, and then return the grain and grass to the nobles when the grain and grass from other counties arrive in Xianyang," Fan Ju said.

This method is exactly the same as Wei Zhuang's statement, except that the trap is changed. Just an object

"you mean"Ying Ji asked

"Marquis Rang, Lord Huayang and others occupy large areas of fiefdom and are bound to be richest in the world. Now that the Qin Dynasty is in trouble, shouldn't they generously donate their money to share the worries of our king?" Fan Ju said

"Well, it's just that the queen mother needs a good explanation." Ying Ji frowned and said

"The Queen Mother will definitely know the king's painstaking efforts, but if this matter is to be implemented smoothly, the king needs to make a generous donation first. When all the officials see the king acting like this, they naturally have nothing to say," Fan Ju said

""Okay, you go down first, I will go visit my mother." Ying Ji waved away Fan Ju.

""Yes, I retire." Fan Ju went out.

In Ganquan Palace, Ying Ji came to visit Empress Dowager Xuan Mi Bazi. Coincidentally, Wei Ran and Mi Rong were also here.

""Sister, Fan Ju's son has humiliated me many times, and I want to send people to kill him. Except for this dog." Wei Ran was here to explain Fan Ju's crimes, and he also wanted to send assassins to kill him.

"Confused! He is the prime minister of Qin and a person trusted by the king. If you dare to touch him, let the king do what you want to do with him." After hearing what his brother said, Mi Bazi immediately scolded him.

"Sister, that little Fan Ju is also arrogant and domineering. He relies on the king's trust to criticize his younger brother and others. No matter what, he must be taught a lesson to let him know who has the final say in the state of Qin." Although Mi Rong has a different temper. Peaceful, but faced with Fan Ju's constant attacks, he was also indignant and said to Mi Bazi

"The king of Qin has the final say." Mi Bazi replied calmly to Mi Rong

"I"Wei Ran and Mi Rong were immediately speechless.

"I tell you, if anyone has bad thoughts again, don’t blame me for not showing affection between flesh and blood," Mi Bazi said sternly. This was tantamount to a warning to his two younger brothers. In this year (266 BC), Mi Bazi was already seventy. At the age of four, she was unable to do anything. She was also stimulated by the destruction of King Huiwen's tomb and fell ill. Although she was rescued, her energy and energy were not as good as before. She had the idea of ​​​​retreating, but she just continued. I didn't tell my two brothers and sons about this.

"Sister, we are not plotting rebellion, we are just"

"Queen Mother, the king has arrived."

Wei Ran was unwilling to give up, but before he finished speaking, Mi Bazi's male favorite Wei Choufu came in to inform him.

"Please come here, your Majesty," Mi Bazi ordered.

After a while, Wei Choufu led Ying Ji in.

"The son saw his mother, and his two uncles were also there. Ying Ji entered and bowed to Mi Bazi, and then greeted Wei Ran and Mi Rong.

""Your Majesty" Wei Ran and Mi Rong stood up and greeted Ying Ji.

Ying Ji nodded towards them.

"Your Majesty, you don’t need to be polite, just sit down." Mi Bazi smiled and gestured.

"Is the queen mother in better health? Ying Ji sat down and asked.

"Much better, but still a little dizzy. Why is the king here? Mi Bazi responded and asked again

"The son is here to visit his mother," Ying Ji said.

"If Ji'er has something to say, just say it directly, haha." Mi Bazi knew Ying Ji too well, so she said kindly

"Well this"After looking at Wei Ran and Mi Rong, Ying Ji felt a little embarrassed.

"It's because the grain depot and arsenal in Xianyang were stolen," Mi Bazi said clearly.

"Does the queen mother also know about this?"Ying Ji asked. He didn't send anyone to tell Mi Bazi about it, but considering that Wei Ran was here, it's not surprising that Mi Bazi knew about it.

"It’s true. Overnight, Xianyang’s grain depot and arsenal were all gone, and the thieves’ methods are all-powerful. My son has sent extra manpower to investigate the matter," Ying Ji said.

"Any clues? Mi Bazi asked

"Only a wooden board inscribed with the visit of King Xinling of the Kingdom of Wei remains at the site," Ying Ji said.

"This matter was definitely not done by Lord Xinling, there must be others who are my enemies," Mi Bazi said.

"My son also feels the same way. Lord Xinling and the State of Wei will never have such means." Ying Ji nodded.

"There is no food in Xianyang at the moment. We need to arrange food from other counties. I am afraid that the relocation will be delayed and another accident will occur. Therefore, I want to ask hundreds of officials and nobles to provide food to temporarily relieve Xianyang's urgent needs. When the food and grass arrive from other counties, I will return the full amount," Ying Ji said

"King! This must be Fan Ju's dog thief who is plotting against us. Please ask the king to punish Fan Ju." Before Mi Bazi could reply, Wei Ran was shocked and hurriedly interrupted.

"shut up! The older you get, the less disciplined you become! Your Majesty is here, how can you be so rude and not retreat quickly! Mi Bazi immediately scolded Wei Ran.


"Back off!"

Wei Ran wanted to say more, but was scolded by Mi Bazi again.

"My brother resigned." Wei Ran held back his anger and left Ganquan Palace.

Mi Rong also followed Wei Ran and left.

"This matter is really strange. How could such a large amount of food and grass disappear overnight? Who is hiding in the dark and making me my enemy?" Mi Bazi stood up with Ying Ji's help and said while pacing.

"My son is also puzzled by this matter," Ying Ji said.

"I think this matter involves too much, so why don’t we take the lead in donating money and food, and then ask the ministers to donate money, and they will not be able to say anything else." Mi Bazi said exactly the same as Fan Sui

""Yes" Yingji responded

"I heard that Hedong County is undergoing a large-scale construction project. Do you know why?"Mi Bazi suddenly remembered that Wei Ran mentioned something about Hedong County a few days ago, and she said

"At this time, my son has asked Prime Minister Fan Sui to investigate, and I think there will be a reply soon," Ying Ji said.

Since the tomb of King Huiwen was destroyed and supplies in Xianyang were stolen, Qin Ting's attention was focused on these two things. , if no one mentions the incident in Hedong County, I’m afraid they will really forget it.

"Well, there can be no more trouble in the land of Da Qin," Mi Bazi said.

""Son, wake up." After Ying Ji finished speaking, he helped his mother go out for a run.

In the end, Mi Bazi and Ying Ji ordered all the concubines in the harem, as well as the adult princes and grandsons to provide a considerable amount of food and money to enrich the treasury.

It was rumored that The government and the public were shocked. Although some ministers were reluctant, they had no choice but to give in, but this little money and food could only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

Wei Ran, who was bleeding heavily, knew that this must be Fan Ju's bad idea, so he secretly made up his mind to do it. Trying to find a way to get rid of Fan Ju to relieve the hatred in his heart.

The camera came to Fencheng, the seat of Hedong County. Wang Yu issued an order that all civilians at the construction site should eat three meals a day, and have meat for lunch or dinner every day. As soon as this order came out, the civilians Cheers and cheers.

Therefore, more and more people have joined the project to build Fencheng’s defense facilities, and the progress of the project has accelerated.

If a civilian is injured or dies during the project, doctors will treat them free of charge, and the family members of the deceased can also He received a lot of food as compensation.

Of course, Wang Yu paid for all this with stolen food. If he could pay for it out of his own pocket, he didn't care about this small amount of money and food.

In order to reduce the casualty rate of civilians, Wang Yu will The two large Yanjia men who had just completed the work were sent to the construction site to do dangerous work. Seeing the two giants digging earth and beating the boulders, the civilian workers and the supervising soldiers could not help but be surprised. They had never seen such giants.

At this time, Zheng Anping and his party finally arrived in FenFrom afar, he saw a large Yanjia man installing parts of the suspension bridge. He was also surprised and wondered what on earth this was. Where did it come from?

So he sent one of his men to find out the news. It happened that the sun was hiding and he was supervising the work at the construction site. He found someone sneaking around, so he ordered the soldiers to capture the person.

"Who are you! Where did it come from?"Covering the sun to interrogate Zheng Anping's spies

"I'm a passing merchant," the spy said.

"No, you are a member of the military!"Zhan Ri saw the calluses on the secret agent's hands at a glance, and immediately shouted

"I am a merchant, not a member of the army. The general must never wrong a good person." The spy felt guilty, but he still argued a few words.

"Your hand is the hand that holds a weapon, and how could the passing merchants appear here sneakily, so you must be a spy, who sent you here!"Recruit from the truth" Zhenri put the sword on the secret agent's neck.

Looking at Zhenri's different clothes and the mask that exuded waves of chills, the secret agent was horrified.

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