In the space-time question and answer space.

The chosen ones took their seats one after another.

"This prince is indeed a man of profound blessings. This time he came to the abode of the immortal, and he was envious of him." Liu Bei took the initiative to say hello to Wang Yu.

"General Liu has been praised too much. I didn’t want to come here. Besides, General Liu is lucky enough to come here to answer questions." Wang Yu seemed to be responding to Liu Bei, but in fact he was making fun of the Q&A space.

"cough! snort!"A very arrogant voice sounded.

This was not the voice of a group of destined people. It was undoubtedly the system prompt. It responded to Wang Yu's teasing.

"Hiss, what is this sound?"Yuan Shu asked

"Could it be the immortal voice? Lu Bu said, scratching his head.

"Haha, General Liu, I congratulate the general on getting the reward from the immortal and restoring the Han Dynasty." Wang Yu said to Liu Bei

"Thank you very much, Mr. Wang." Liu Bei cupped his fists to express his thanks.

"Xuande, since we are destined to be immortals, we should work together to win rewards for the coalition," Gongsun Zan said, speaking with awe-inspiring justice. After speaking, he also glanced at Lu Bu

"Wang Situ, Wang Situ is very knowledgeable, Bu will rely on Wang Situ this time." Lu Bu also wanted to form a clique.

"Um, this.. I have little knowledge and cannot deserve such praise from General Lu." Wang Yun was very embarrassed. He belonged to the ranks of loyal officials of the Han Dynasty who secretly opposed Dong. Before Lu Bu defected, he and Lu Bu openly belonged to the same camp of Dong Zhuo's court. Now that Lu Bu has defected, he neither In order to show off Lu Bu's face, he could not openly collude with Yuan Shu, Liu Bei and others, and his position was very embarrassing.

However, this was the second time that the mysterious Prince Huainan entered the space to answer questions. The last time the Prince answered all the questions correctly, it was definitely not luck. This time There must be something inside. After Wang Yun responded to Lu Bu, he looked at Wang Yu at the far end again, wondering if he could test it.

【Please listen to the first question: Who originally planned to kill Dong Zhuo?

1. Yuan Shao; 2. Cao Cao; 3. Wang Yun; 4. Liu Xie】

【Please answer if you are lucky enough] The system prompts.

"Didn't it mean that Dong Zhuo would die at the hands of Lu Bu in the future? Why did someone murder Dong Zhuo again?"

"There is something fishy about this matter, maybe Lu Bu is just a pawn being used."

Outside the question and answer space, people from all walks of life were talking about it.

Wang Yun in the space felt a little bit in his heart. He did have the idea of ​​​​eliminating thieves for the country, but it was just a little idea.

【This Q&A adopts a new answering mechanism. You can press the red button in front of you to answer the question. The first person to press the button will be qualified to answer the question. If the first person answers incorrectly, the second answerer will answer. If no one answers, the text space will be One person is selected to answer, and one point is added for correct answers, and no points are added for wrong answers.

The system prompts sounded again.

Luoyang Prime Minister's Mansion. Seeing that there was another topic about his own murder, Dong Zhuo felt nervous and angry. How could he want to kill me as an individual?

""Please see, Prime Minister, Lu Bu is not among the options," Li Ru said. Of the four answers, two were the coalition forces, one was a minister of one's own court, and one was the emperor. It is normal for the coalition forces and the emperor to kill Dong Zhuo, but Wang Yun What's going on with this old man? Dong Xiangguo treats him very well.

Li Ru frowned and thought.

"It must be those traitors Yuan Shao and Cao Cao who want to murder me." Dong Zhuo's first thought was that Cao Cao and Yuan Shao secretly colluded with Lu Bu to murder him in the future.

"I don't think so. Yuan and Cao are both outside the Sishui Pass. It is very difficult to exchange news. If we find out, all the previous efforts will be wasted. I am afraid that the person who will murder the prime minister in the future is in Luoyang City." Li Rubie said refers to

"He must be the little emperor. He is young and has a lot of thoughts. After answering this question, I will definitely teach him a lesson." Dong Zhuo then began to abuse Emperor Liu Xie.

"Prime Minister, please calm down, this matter still needs to be discussed further," Li Ru advised.

"That kid wants to kill me, but you still want to discuss it. What’s your intention?"Dong Zhuo scolded Li Ru.

Seeing Dong Zhuo's attitude, Li Ru did not respond, just shook his head and sighed. He was too impatient. Perhaps this is the characteristic of the generals in the Xiliang area.

In the space

"Xuande, do you think this question is"

【Ding! Wang Yu grabbed this question, please answer]

Just when Gongsun Zan was about to discuss with Liu Bei, the system prompt sounded

"Wang Situ, I am offended, I choose the third one, Wang Yun." Wang Yu first bowed his hand towards Wang Yun, and then made his choice.

"ah? It's actually Wang Situ." Lu Bu was stunned.

"Wang Situ?"Yuan Shu was also shocked.

【Ding! correct answer! Wang Yu adds one point; analysis of this question: In the third year of Chuping, that is, two years later, Wang Yun betrothed his adopted daughter to Lu Bu. During this period, he ordered the daughter to confuse Dong Zhuo, so as to increase the relationship between Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu, and then secretly win over him. Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo]

As soon as the answer came out, everyone inside and outside the space was shocked

"Wang Situ, Lu has never offended me, why did you harm me? Lu Bu was furious and scolded Wang Yun.

"I.. me"Wang Yun was so frightened that he could not speak happily.

"Lu Bu! Don't make any mistakes in this land of immortals!"Yuan Shu immediately hit back at Lu Bu.

After hearing this, Lu Bu did not dare to yell any more.

Wang Yun was exposed to his thoughts, and he broke into a cold sweat. Once Dong Zhuo outside learned about it, his family would have no way out. But Wang Yun was puzzled. There was only one idea about the murder of Dong Zhuo, and no specific details of the plan, so why was it exposed by the immortal. It seems that there are gods three feet above the head. It is not a lie.

Outside the space, the Prime Minister's Mansion

"ah! Wang Yun is a common man! Someone come! Capture Wang Yun’s family and punish them all with death! I want them to die miserably!"Dong Zhuo was furious and ordered people to be killed.

"yes!"The two generals clasped their fists in response, and then led their troops to arrest the person.

But just when they surrounded Wang Yun's mansion to arrest the person, a white light knocked the two generals away, and at the same time, a message came from the air

【Dong Zhuo must not kill innocent people indiscriminately! Otherwise I will take your life immediately! 】This time the system prompt sounded with a supreme majesty.

Hearing the warning from the question and answer space, Dong Zhuo was so frightened that he quickly ordered Wang Yun's family gifts to be sent out of Luoyang.

Wang Yun in the space heard the warning to Dong Zhuo from the space just now, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

【Please listen to the second question: In the world of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, who was the first to proclaim himself emperor?

1. Dong Zhuo; 2. Yuan Shu; 3. Sun Jian; 4. Liu Yan】

【Anyone who is lucky enough to answer the question please] The system prompts the question again.

This topic caused an uproar

"Thief Dong must be the emperor! This thief poisoned the queen mother and deposed the emperor. He had long planned to rebel and become emperor."

"Yes, yes, it must be Dong Zhuo"

"Leader, why is General Yuan Gongli among the options?"

"How do I know that you can't just talk nonsense and frame good people?"

"Um? Why is there still an old man! Something bad happened!"

"It is unheard of for Yizhou Mu Liu Yan to actually have the ambition to become emperor."

"There have long been rumors that Liu Yan secretly created the emperor Luan Yu. It seems that what he said is not true."

"Rebel! They are all traitors!"

"Brother Wentai, this is"

""It's nonsense. How could someone who is loyal to the Han Dynasty do such a thing of tampering?" People from all walks of life outside the space were talking about it, with very exciting expressions.

At this time, in the space, except Wang Yu, everyone else was shocked, including Yuan Shu.Although

Yuan Shu is arrogant, he doesn’t seem to have the ambition to become emperor yet.

"Xuande, I didn’t expect the old thief Dong Zhuo to dare to proclaim himself emperor." Gongsun Zan also believed that Dong Zhuo was the first to proclaim himself emperor.

"I don’t think so. The previous question mentioned that Dong Zhuo was murdered two years later. Would it be too hasty for him to proclaim himself emperor?" Liu Bei waved his hand.

"Besides the old thief Dong Zhuo, who else dares to do this?" Sun Ce said

"Perhaps Dong Zhuo was killed soon after he proclaimed himself emperor.. Get rid of it." Yuan Shu said and glanced at Wang Yun and Lu Bu.

"Foster father.. Oh no, Dong Zhuo actually dared to proclaim himself emperor, it must have been instigated by Li Ru," Lu Bu muttered.

"Ahem, this prince, I wonder what you think about this issue?" Liu Bei asked.

"this.. It involves major secrets, so it's hard to guess." Wang Yu hesitated and shook his head.

Everyone was shocked by Wang Yu's words. It involves major secrets? What kind of major secrets are they?

"Dare I ask this immortal, can I give up the opportunity to answer this question?" Wang Yu asked loudly

【No! 】Q&A flatly rejected Wang Yu.

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