
What do you say?

You stole your dad's loyalty card?

And then I changed the class sublimation scroll?

Lin Chuxue!

Can you be so brave?

Hearing Lin Chuxue's hurried voice, Qin Feng was directly stunned.

With a shocked look and surprise on his face, he opened the door and invited Lin Chuxue in.

After entering the door, Lin Chuxue closed the door directly, and then locked the door.

"Qin Feng, don't talk, time is too tight, once my dad finds out that his scorecard has been stolen by me, he will immediately arrest me back!".

Lin Chuxue pulled Qin Feng and quickly walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

Then, Lin Chuxue said while taking out her backpack:

"A few minutes ago, as soon as I came out of the dungeon, Lord Shadow Nine found me and sent me a batch of treasures. "

Then, Shadow Nine said to me. "

"Four days later, the Binhai City military exercise was canceled, and the 52 fortress cities, 847 fortress cities, and 2,756 advance base cities under the jurisdiction of the 13 provinces in the south of the Yangtze River all canceled the local military exercises and replaced them with the unified 13 provinces joint military exercises!"

"This big show is extraordinary!".

"The official took out the only remaining super kryptonite item - [Job Transfer Mission Exemption Scroll]!".

"All the Zhenguo Pillar Stone-level powerhouses have given rewards, the Red Apothecary will customize the Legendary-level potions for the outstanding players, and the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow will create a set of Legendary-level equipment for the outstanding players!".

"Even the elusive military god will appear in this big martial arts exercise, and choose the shadow guards directly under him among the winners!".

Listening to Lin Chuxue's words.

Qin Feng's expression gradually became solemn.

Great Xia is bounded by the Yangtze River.

It is divided into two distinct functional areas

North of the Yangtze River.

It is a red Great Wall consisting of 72 fortresses and 1,200 fortresses.

The Watchmen of the Great Wall were stationed here, blocking the Great Xia, occupying all of Siberia and the Far East, killing the endless Frost and Fire Demons.

South of the Yangtze River.

It is the relatively safe thirteen provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, and it is the hinterland of Bactria today.

Young students study and exercise here, new professionals fight monsters and upgrade here, and ordinary people all work and live here.

In this case.

The thirteen provinces in the south of the Yangtze River jointly conducted a military exercise.

In fact, it is equivalent to a nationwide military exercise after the elimination of the army!

In the past 300 years, there have only been three military exercises of this standard.

Every time there is a big martial arts of this specification, it means that a new SS-level professional is about to rise.

The protagonist of this year's big martial arts show is naturally Lin Chuxue, an SS-level profession who shines all over the world and rises like the sun.

The official wants to push Lin Chuxue in front of the people of Daxia and pave the way for her.

Let it grow step by step under the common gaze of the people of the whole Great Xia, and finally become the pillar of the town and country that shelters Great Xia.

When Qin Feng thought of this.

Lin Chuxue had already finished talking about the rich rewards of the big martial arts, and she continued:

"The qualifiers for the big show will start tomorrow morning. "

"This news will be announced at noon today. "

"When the time comes, the price of all extraordinary items that can increase combat effectiveness in a short period of time will skyrocket. "

"I have a little money, and I've bought everything I can buy. "

"But with the little things I bought, and the treasures given to me by Lord War, it is impossible to raise your combat effectiveness to the top level in the country. "

"I have no choice but to steal my father's point card and go to the official to exchange it for a career sublimation scroll for you. "

After Lin Chuxue finished digging out the treasures of heaven and earth.

He took out another 1,100 sublimation scrolls and stacked them on the coffee table.

Then, full of apologies, she spoke:

"Qin Feng, I'm sorry, after I went home last night, I ate all the treasures given to me by the guests at the celebration banquet, and I was thinking about quickly swiping copies to earn points. "

"I was stupid, I didn't realize that the result of my job change would cause a big show in the thirteen provinces. "

"If I had thought of this earlier, those treasures would have been saved, and you would have become stronger, and you would have been able to get a higher ranking in the Thirteen Provinces Joint Great Performing Arts. "

Qin Feng looked at Lin Chuxue blankly.

He knew that Lin Chuxue liked him.

I have also seen Lin Chuxue risk her life and stand side by side with him.

But he didn't expect it.

In order to gain more exposure for him in the joint military exercises of the thirteen provinces.

The tutor is excellent, and Lin Chuxue, who has never made mistakes in her life, actually stole her father's point card.

In exchange for a career sublimation scroll for him.

And spent all his own money.

Bought him three epic heavenly treasures without any drug resistance

even replaced the treasure given to her by Ying Jiu instead of the god of war Ye Nantian.

None of them were left, and all of them were brought to him.

When Qin Feng was stunned.

Lin Chuxue pursed her lips and picked up an epic gentian fruit.

This fruit is an extremely rare treasure material that can directly increase the strength of attributes.

The price is 6200w, and there is no market, which Lin Chuxue bought for Qin Feng through the face of the family and his shares in the family business.

"Qin Feng, I know, you are a strong person. "

"You never accept my dedication to you, I knit you a scarf, and you will buy me a glove. "

"But this time is different, people only have one chance to stand on the big stage once in their lives, and the joint martial arts performance of the thirteen provinces may not appear once in a hundred years. "

"Qin Feng, you can accommodate me this time, when Xue'er begs you. "

"I want to see you standing tall, and I want you to go far. "

"I hope that one day when others mention you, they will say, that's Qin Feng, great hero, my idol. "

Lin Chuxue said as she handed the gentian fruit to Qin Feng's lips.

Qin Feng opened his mouth in a daze, Lin Chuxue's pitiful expression, his instinct, and his heartfelt love and respect for Lin Chuxue, so that at this moment, he couldn't refuse Lin Chuxue's kindness.

Very smoothly, the gentian fruit was stuffed into Qin Feng's mouth.

Lin Chuxue laughed brightly, and tears of joy unconsciously seeped out of her star-like pure and beautiful eyes, soaking the tears in the corners of her eyes.

Gentian fruit was imported, and Qin Feng suddenly remembered something.

For him who has endless plunder, the power of all phases, talent forging, and skill reconstruction.

Attributes are the most important thing he lacks, and he can get almost as much as he wants.

But Lin Chuxue is different.

Treasures below Epic level have built-in potion resistance, and the stats that can be increased are limited.

Epic and above treasures are rare items second only to kryptonite items and sublimation scrolls.

Even if Lin Chuxue is an SS-level professional.

It is the pillar stone of the future town of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Lin Chuxue can obtain epic and above heaven and earth treasures in his life, and there are also a number, and it cannot be endless.

Compared to him.

Lin Chuxue needs these treasures even more.

As soon as he thought of this, Qin Feng stopped his subconscious biting movements.

He took Lin Chuxue into his arms and kissed him tightly.

The gentian fruit gently and resolutely crossed into Lin Chuxue's mouth.

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