In the end, Yang Mi still met Bai Xingjian's request in a huff.

Well..... That is, give him his own toiletries or something.

It's just that this guy even has to use her toothbrush, which is a little too much.

Even if the toothbrush is new, it can't be like this~

Sitting on the small sofa outside, Yang Mi supported her head with two hands, listening to the sound of water in the bathroom, and felt that her heart was so messy.

Is the little liar really going to sleep here today?

Then does she want to take a bath today, in case Bai Xingjian suddenly breaks in when she is taking a bath, does she want to scream?

If he forces himself to do something...

Thinking about it, Yang Mi's face began to turn red unconsciously.

She was starting to lose a little bit of her ability to tell whether she was scared or expectant.

In this case, it's very much like the kind of couple who have just fallen in love and go to open a room together...... That nervous emotion~ It's hard to put into words.

Yang Mi felt that she couldn't think about it anymore and had to find something to distract herself.

Well..... Find the thickest set of pajamas first!

Or, she just slept in jeans at night!

Just when she was still thinking about this, Bai Xingjian had already finished taking a bath.

Man, the speed of the bath is called a fast.

"Hey, you put your clothes on!" Yang Mi was so frightened that she reached out to cover her eyes, but the gap between her fingers was wide open.

Bai Xingjian looked down at the bath towel on his waist, "I also tied it tightly, and I didn't show it." "

"You, you..... Upper body!"

"I haven't dried my body yet, you can wipe the water off my back for me. "

"What do you want?"

"Then I'll wait for it to do it by itself, I'll do the work first, you go wash it." "

Maybe it was Bai Xingjian's overly relaxed attitude and tone that made Yang Mi have a little illusion: Did she already sleep with him? This guy is too casual, right?

Then, she saw that Bai Xingjian, who had finished taking a bath, really found a piece of paper and began to write and draw......

Does this work?

Yang Mi blinked, always feeling.... I was the only one who was panicked and a little embarrassed in the whole process.

But this little liar is in good shape..... That piece of muscle.....

Ahem! Stop!

Yang Mi, who was blushing, rummaged in her suitcase, and after taking her clothes, she looked at Bai Xingjian.

"I'm going to take a shower, you are not allowed to peek!"

Bai Xingjian: .......

Peeping? He still needs to steal? He has always looked at it openly!

waved his hand helplessly, ignored her, and continued to do his own thing.

As a result, after Yang Mi entered the bathroom, she stuck her head out and shouted, "If you dare to come in, you will die!"

Bai Xingjian: ???

If this would be twenty-five-year-old Yang Mi, this would make him feel like the other party was inviting him.....

I said this so many times, and when I heard it, it became: If you don't come in!

No, really go in?

Not so good~

What's so nice about a girl taking a bath...... Bai Xingjian is really not good at this mouthful.

So, after thinking about it, let's forget it.

If he wanted to see it, he preferred the girl to take it off one by one in front of him.

Isn't that much more interesting than that?

Huh~ It's quite rhyming.



Feel the steaming water, Yang Mi's mood...... But he couldn't calm down.

I believe that everyone is very skilled in bathing.

But she didn't feel right anywhere when she washed it today.

Every now and then, I reach out to block the vital ....... It was as if someone had been standing next to her and staring.

Of course, the bathroom in this hotel is not the kind of transparent glass, and it is impossible for people outside to see it.

Mainly..... Yang Mi, she has someone in her heart~

She stood there and flushed for a long time, and she hadn't even started to apply the shampoo.

What do you say, I was afraid that when I closed my eyes, Bai Xingjian opened the door and came in......

She seemed to be able to imagine that scene.

Bai Xingjian naturally pushed the door in and went to the toilet.

In the middle of the toilet, I didn't shy away from looking her up and down, and maybe even gave her a thumbs up and a good review at the end.

That's right, good reviews.

In this regard, Yang Mi is still very confident.

On my own figure, there are still picks?! That's definitely a good review!

Wait a minute......


Yang Mi patted her cheek with her palm, and she thought of something.

Biting her lip, she shouted directly outside: "I'm going to wash my hair, you are not allowed to come in.!"

, what's so nice about washing your hair?

It's not her who washes her hair..... Bai Xingjian shook his head, this little girl is really a drama spirit.

As a result, I didn't have long to sigh when another voice came, "I used facial cleanser....."


Bai Xingjian is really happy this time.

Stood up and walked to the bathroom door, "I'm in~"

"Oh no! I'll kill you if you dare to come in!"

Yang Mi, who immediately washed the cleanser foam away, scolded loudly.

"You're still killing me, with your little arms and legs?"

"I ...... You're not allowed to come in anyway!"

"Then you call me a nice one. "

"Little liar!"

"Hey, if you shout that, I'll come in. "

"Don't, don't..... You, what do you want to listen to?"

"Well, you call husband. "


"Hmm..... Well, you say wait a minute. "

"Wait a minute?"

Forget it, Bai Xingjian's stomach hurt a little.

I feel that she is a bit too much in such a routine~

"You better shout brother~"


This time, Yang Mi was very neat.

After she finished shouting, there was no movement at the bathroom door.

This made her breathe a sigh of relief...... But seems a little disappointed?

After all, Bai Xing really came in, and she really couldn't do anything to him.

And the lonely man and the widow, in the hotel room...... At first, I brought him in by myself.

"Are you still at the door?" Yang Mi asked in a low voice.

However, no one responded.

At this time, she frowned and continued to wash the unwashed parts of herself.......

After a few more minutes, when she dried herself and put on her underwear, she was worried about the bath towel and outer garment.

Do you go out wrapped in a bath towel, or do you put on your clothes before you go out?

Will the former's words make Bai Xingjian feel that he is hard-mouthed, and then hint at him?

Latter..... Whoever dresses up in the room at night, looks like a psychopath.

Yang Mi hesitated in the bathroom for a long time, and finally made her choice.

Hearing the sound of the bathroom door opening, Bai Xingjian didn't look back at all.

Because it's time for the end of his work.

That's right, just when Yang Mi took a bath, he had already changed the style of his clothes.

Well..... I don't know if Sister Gong Li will be satisfied.

"Mimi, I'll go out for a clam ride, you..... Huh?"

Halfway through speaking, Bai Xingjian paused suddenly.

And Yang Mi's expression at this time was also extremely unnatural, her face was flushed, and she didn't know if it was caused by taking a bath for too long.

Anyway, her whole face would be flushed, and she would look like a ripe apple.

And the bath towel she was wrapped in..... It was wrapped too tightly, but it outlined her figure.

"How... What's wrong?"

"Ah, no, it seems that you are not so protective of me~ Didn't you just wrap a bath towel?"

"It's too hot.... I'm also going to blow my hair. Yang Mi tried to argue.

At the same time, she clutched the towel tightly in both hands, as if she was afraid that it would suddenly fall.

"Okay, you blow your hair first, and I'll go out for a while. Bai Xingjian said while getting dressed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"At this time, what are you going to do?"

"Go find the old man and make a set of samples and come out to see. "

"Okay~ Then you just go back to your own room, don't come over. "

"Where am I going to get my room?"

"I've seen that the life producer gave you a room card!

"You're wrong, wait a minute, open the door for me~"

After saying this, Bai Xingjian reached out and picked Yang Mi's chin, and after feeling a trace of slipperyness, he turned around and left.

"Hey you...."

Looking at the closed door, Yang Mi's heart was indescribable for a while.

Don't open the door for him!

"Knock knock~"


"Director Zhang, me. "

Bai Xingjian felt as if there was something strange..... Zhang Yimou's voice, why does it sound a little nervous?

This made him a little discouraged when he knocked on the door outside.

Wouldn't Gong Li be in there at this time?

Then he couldn't have come at the right time.

But before he could think about it, Zhang Yimou had already opened the door.

After seeing that it was Bai Xingjian, he seemed to be relieved.

"Come in, what's the matter with me all this night?"

"Oh, my clothes have been changed, Director Zhang, you can find someone to do it and see the effect. "

"So fast?"

Zhang Yimou was still sighing, and the other person in the room had already taken over Bai Xingjian's design drawings one step ahead of him.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Weipin, and I'm the producer of this movie. "

Damn, no wonder!

No wonder the old man's voice was a little nervous just now.

Bai Xingjian found that he was thinking about it, he thought that Gong Li was in the room, but it turned out that the old man was worried that Gong Li was knocking on the door.......

After all, Gong Li was annoyed when she saw Zhang Weipin, and she might scold people directly.

The producer has actually been there all along.

It's just that the crew has never been to a meeting.

At this time, regardless of whether it was Lao Mouzi or Zhang Weipin, they were very interested in Bai Xingjian's plan to change so quickly.

Especially Zhang Weipin, he was actually quite worried that Bai Xingjian would really change his clothes very conservatively according to Gong Li's ideas.

Is there anything wrong with the big murderer?

That's right!

Why can't beautiful things be shown generously for the audience to see~

Hypocrites who say they don't like to see it.

Zhang Weipin felt that he must not make concessions in this regard.

Even if Bai Xingjian is a big name in the fashion circle, and he himself doesn't know what the so-called fashion ...... You can't let Bai Xingjian change blindly.

When he watched it, he began to sort out the words of Bai Xingjian in his heart.

Young man, the crew is deep, you can't grasp it...... ?!

In less than a minute, regardless of whether it was Zhang Weipin or Zhang Yimou, the eyes of the two were already very wrong.

This is the style of clothing you made?

Looking at Bai Xingjian in front of him, even an old rascal like Zhang Weipin was a little nervous.....

I can't help but sigh in my heart: the young people who step on the horse still know more!

He's a little old man, what fashion does he know?!

This is the master!

The real "peerless master"!

"Teacher Bai, sure enough, inviting you is the most correct decision for our crew!"

Zhang Weipin's eyes were "full of tears", and he grabbed Bai Xingjian's hand tightly, and the excitement was beyond words.

Looking at his posture, he simply wanted to cut the chicken head and burn yellow paper with Bai Xingjian in the next second, and pulled the old man next to him, and he came to the hotel to tie the knot today.

If you don't worship a handle, I'm sorry for this enthusiasm.

It's embarrassing to give Bai Xing a neat and tidy look.

He didn't like to be in contact with old men like that..... I had already experienced that strange feeling in the backstage dressing room in Europe.

Silently withdrawing his hand, Bai Xingjian said modestly, "I just change it casually." "

Zhang Weipin still wanted to praise him, but at this time, the old man couldn't help it, "That..... Are you going to show this to Gong Li?"

His eyes were different from Zhang Weipin's, looking at Bai Xingjian, as if full of pity.

Show it to Gong Li, the other party feels that he will directly kill Bai Xingjian.......

What Gong Li wants is to be more conservative.

As a result, good guy, Bai Xingjian didn't say that he made this dress less fierce, and he even split it.

It was only half exposed before, and now this design, two-thirds?

Tsk, it's okay to open up in the middle.

"Actually, I think it's really not suitable for the palace maid's clothes to show so much. "

"How do you say this?" Zhang Weipin said a little puzzled.

From Bai Xingjian's design, he could see that the other party thought the same as himself.

How can there be a turning point in the results?

"There are so many dews, how can you support the starring role?"

In front of the old man, Bai Xingjian was not too embarrassed to say it too obviously. (Deli Hao)

To take the simplest example, there have been astringent pictures in the skirt, right?

Is the astringent picture of an ordinary beautiful girl more eye-catching, or is the astringent picture of those celebrities more feedback?

The latter is undoubtedly the case.

Are the people watching the movie going to those palace maids, or to Gong Li?

The answer is already obvious.

Otherwise, the wave of photos of Port City in a few years ..... It won't be that big.

Fame bonus this thing,It's really powerful.。

Although what Bai Xingjian said was relatively vague, Zhang Weipin and Lao Mouzi both understood.

This trick..... It's a bit of a stunner.

If the screen is full of big wave girls, it will indeed give people some vulgar feelings.

Bai Xingjian means, concentrate a little...... Get to the top of the ladder!

Let the sexy and revealing elements of this movie be piled up on Gong Li.

Cow Pie!

You kid, you're so fat!

Zhang Weipin gave Bai Xingjian a thumbs up in his heart.

So, this kid will definitely be hacked to death by Gong Li tomorrow, right?

When you are young, you will die young......

And Zhang Yimou shook his head helplessly, in fact, from the director's point of view, if there is a choice, he would rather choose Bai Xingjian's plan.

Who wants to shoot a big wave girl on the screen.

He's an artist.

I don't want to make this kind of vulgar picture to attract the audience.

But, will Gong Li accept it?

How to convince her is the biggest problem.

Originally, Zhang Yimou wanted Bai Xingjian to come up with a slightly more conservative look.

Just modify the original plan.

He was responsible for negotiating with Zhang Weipin, so that Gong Li would be more satisfied, so as not to affect the follow-up shooting.

Outcome...... Bai Xingjian directly came up with another problem.

This is simply jumping on Gong Li's minefield, for fear that she won't blow up.

Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!Ask for rewards!Ask for monthly tickets!Ask for reminder tickets!Ask for customization!

The second five thousand words.

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