"That's right!"

Ye Chen also looked at Ning Guang in surprise, as well as the rest of the bigwigs of the Jade Pavilion.

I have to say that I was able to sit in this position at a young age.

Something is indeed something.

Quite a quick mind!

"Could it be that we have governed during this time.... Let the emperor and his old man down?!"

After Ningguang got the news from Ye Chen about the emperor's intention to die at this Immortal Ceremony.

Although he nodded, indicating that he understood.

But soon he also showed an expression of self-reproach.

For no reason, why would the emperor want to retire?

Could it be that they didn't do well in this 04 time.....

The old man thinks that a few of them are dragging their feet and can't take them anymore?!

Ye Chen's face darkened... How can you think so?!

It's too much to look down on yourself.

"That's not it... It's simply because of the work of a few of you that he is very satisfied. Plus the Heart of God and the deal with the Fatui what......"

"That's why I'm going to delegate power to you to manage. "

Hearing this, Ningguang breathed a sigh of relief.


Emperor Yao was really disappointed in their work, so he said it directly.

Then it would be good to remove from office and investigate.

It's really unnecessary to create an accident of fake death for no reason!

"No.... Liyue has been inseparable from emperors since ancient times. How can you just let him retire like this....."

Ningguang frowned.

Although his old man status is very high.

But if it's too willful, that's obviously not going to work.

"So Mr. Ye Chen, is there any good way?"

Ningguang looked at Ye Chen's eyes, and couldn't help but ask with a puzzled attitude.

Ye Chen clapped his hands.


Pit money.... Oh no, it's time for advice again!

"Of course, there is a way.... But this matter has a lot to stake. And, I guess if I really told you the solution..... You might be delighted. "

"What if the emperor comes to me?"

Ye Chen also pretended to be distressed.

Ningguang thought about it....

That's really the truth!

What's the matter?!

"It's simple.... If you can pay enough for me to betray Zhongli's Mora, perhaps I can tell you where his avatar might be. "

"When the time comes, you just make an excuse and talk face-to-face. Maybe that's the way to go. "

Ye Chen also smiled faintly.

Although it is uncertain if this o'clock departure will appear frequently in the Hall of the Dead.

But, at least before and after the Immortal Ceremony, this guy will definitely show up!

So, money to ship!

As long as Mora got his hands on it, then Ye Chen would tell Ningguang where Zhongli was working!927

The next thing, how to persuade Zhongli to change his mind.

It depends on Ningguang's methods, and it has nothing to do with themselves!

Ningguang thought about it.... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Isn't it money?!

This is easy to do!

The last thing they lack in the Jade Pavilion is money!

"How many do you want? 10 million, 100 million?!"

Ningguang also said quite generously.

This attitude also made Ye Chen speechless.....

I didn't see you so generous when I talked about dart dividends before.

As a result, in terms of getting Zhongli's intelligence.

You're making a big deal instead.

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