"Hmm..... All right. "

After agreeing to Ningguang's request, Ye Chen naturally collected a certain amount of Mora as a deposit.

Then he crossed directly through the portal.

Come to Night City.

After Ningguang and Ganyu looked at it in shock for a while, Ganyu was responsible for informing Liuyun Zhenjun.

After all, no matter what, Ganyu is not a normal person's body, but the bloodline of the Xianlin clan.

In addition, Liuyun is the time of "683" Ganyu.

So this operation is not too simple for Ganyu.

And the other side.

Since Ye Chen left, he was forced to become famous.

Instead, Mann and his gang have gained a foothold in Night City.

Though.... The means of collecting money are not as good as Ye Chen.

But there is still no problem in leading the whole of the new America.

But occasionally, V. David still thinks of Ye Chen.

After all, this guy usually deducts a little more from their winnings.

But it's still a lot better than other companies.

At the very least, the fake is the real one.

The bonus is also really given!

"I don't know what about the world this guy took Lucy to. "

However, it didn't take long for Mann and the others to feel as if there was an inexplicable power condensation behind them...

It's exactly like when Ye Chen opened the portal!

"Hmm?!Ye Chen, this is back?"

Looking at it with a shocked gaze, he really found Ye Chen and the figure of the silver wolf!

"Lucy, what about Sasha?"

Ye Chen's face froze....

You came up and asked this?

"They're living very well now.... Don't talk nonsense. An opportunity to make money, do you want to do it?"

Briefly and concisely explained the agreement reached with Ningguang.

Then I saw that everyone's eyes were also full of curiosity and eagerness.....

"This sounds like a job to make money lying down!"

Mann felt his prosthetic body creak. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Ye Chen left, Mann also became the boss again.

However, due to the collapse of Arasaka Company and the direct and unconditional support of military technology.

Therefore, Mann originally had no chance to take on the role of force.

If you don't fight for a long time, the parts of the body will rust.

Hmm? You ask Arasaka Yoritomo again?

"That guy is nominally an executive now, but usually doesn't do anything. "

"But what is the strength of the people in the world over there, we won't be abused in the past, right?!"

The long period of peace has led to Mann's personality being less aggressive......

Even got used to Ansei, and began to worry about whether his strength was enough.

"Probably.... After all, that world still needs superpowers. "

Vision .... Elemental power?

Is it a superpower?

Ye Chen felt, count!

"So I have to strengthen your strength. "

"Divide all of the fruits. "

In order for this wave of gangs to be strong enough to deal with the vast majority of Teyvat's situation.

Of course, those Treasure Hoarders don't have to care.....

But the Fatui don't care who you are.

So the strength is naturally the stronger the better1.3.

"When you come to Teyvat, your salary will naturally rise. Words per month..... 50,000,000 Mora ..... each"


That price sounds great!

"But these fruits are worth hundreds of millions of dollars..... So you have to work for nothing for two months. "

Mann and the others couldn't help but turn dark when they heard this.....

Why does this operation sound so familiar?

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