"How about fifty-fifty points? After all, we in the Jade Pavilion want to publicize your strength. In addition, he is also responsible for the manpower of the dart board. "

"We also have to contribute a lot. Fifty-fifty is appropriate. "

Ningguang also unceremoniously bargained with Ye Chen.

And at first glance, it sounds very reasonable!

After all, the Jade Pavilion didn't say that it was just a step forward to allow the establishment of such an institution.

He was also responsible for publicity, as well as the allocation of manpower in the game.

So Ningguang felt that although in general they were not responsible for the security work.

But the share of so much money is also deserved.

Ye Chen couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

You guys are too dark!

"Just the simple propaganda and the person in charge of the manpower, you have to take away 50% of the profits? Don't you think this is a bit too dark?"

"And you don't have to be responsible for the manpower. I naturally have my team. "

Ye Chen immediately refused.

Ningguang was also shocked when he heard this.


Ye Chen, a traveler from outside the world, still has a strong team in his hands?!

"So what kind of price do you think is more appropriate.... Even if you leave aside the arrangement of security personnel. We increase our publicity efforts, and the money is always collected'. "

Ningguang's brow furrowed slightly.

It seems that Ye Chen, this man, is not easy to deal with.

I thought he was very young, and his city government would have absolutely no problem dealing with him.

But I didn't expect Ye Chen to refuse so decisively directly?

It's so much better than those people at Northland Bank!

"Ninety-one is divided. Actually, you don't have to do it. "

"I have my own means. "

Ye Chen also decisively broke out a very low price.

Ninety-one is divided?!You play me?!

This is Ningguang's idea.

Originally, if they were in charge of the publicity in Liyue...

As an excuse, you can naturally ask for more dividends.

But I didn't expect Ye Chen to even let them earn this money?!

It's really hard to do!(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"The other chambers of commerce are divided according to this, but you are different...... There are many caravans in Liyue. If your reputation is raised, your game's monthly income will be at least 10 billion Mora!As a location bonus, it makes sense for us to earn a little more in Liyue. Four or six points, which we can accept. "

Ningguang still doesn't give up.

"Twenty-eight, otherwise forget it. "

Ye Chen didn't bargain with Ningguang.

directly exposed the bottom line.

If it works, it will be fine, and if it doesn't, forget it.

Anyway, it's not a big deal.

Change places.

Ningguang had no choice but to nod.

Damn, I actually lost in this bargain?!

However, Ye Chen spoke so decisively.

She's also really worried....

After all, in a month, the total trade volume of Liyue's major chambers of commerce combined is at least hundreds of billions of Morachor.

It's not just the Glass (good) moon mainland, but also the trade team from the other six countries.

Therefore, if the business of the dart game is good, it is possible to even tens of billions of Mora a month!

Such a big oil and water .... Ningguang is really afraid that Ye Chen won't do it!

Therefore, for the bottom line of eighty-two points, Ningguang had no choice but to accept it.

But think about it.

She was also very curious.

Don't need Liyue's official publicity?

So how exactly does he plan to prove the strength of the game?!。

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