Hearing this, the shocked gaze on the face of the long buttocks was even worse!

The first time you come to know the location of Dadaupa Valley?!

Coincidence or...

"Coincidence~? no, no, no...."

"I'm familiar with every place in Mondstadt. "

Ye Chen also smiled faintly.

Qin Hip Chang didn't even speak, but Ye Chen answered directly.

"That's amazing....."

Even Paimon, who came along, had a shocked expression on his face.

Is there really such a person in this world?!

"Paimon.... Aren't you my guide, familiar with everything here?"

"Why is there something you don't know?"

Yingmei on the side seemed to have found an opportunity, and immediately flirted with Paimon.


For a moment, Paimon also had an embarrassed expression on his face.

The vicious gaze fell on Yingmei.

Damn, don't demolish her in this place!

With so many people, can't emergency food have face?

"Can we begin?"

The various discussions of the crowd seem to be a little off topic.

Did you forget what you were doing here?

Hearing this, Diluc, Ying, and Paimon also came back to their senses immediately.

This time I came to witness Ye Chen's strength, not to sigh at Ye Chen's familiarity with the Teyvat Continent.

Since it is to verify the strength, it is naturally the sword to see the real chapter!

"This place should be big enough, right?"

"Kaiya, why don't you go up and fight Ye Chen to see the situation?"

While thinking about it, Qin Hip Chang also arranged for Kaeya to prepare to fight Ye Chen.

Lucy and the others were also very surprised when they heard this.

Is that how you test your strength?

They also thought that they were discussing strength and weakness based on terrain destruction.

"This is, after all, the realm of Mondstadt. Although I don't really believe that Ye Chen really has this kind of power, it is safe to be safe. "

"It's better to check the strength by fighting, which is safer. "

The length of the hip eventually gives this reason.

"Let me be your opponent!"

The Ice Vision on Kaeya's body slowly glowed.

However, Ye Chen frowned disdainfully.

"He's not my opponent, he's not my match. "

"And how bad is it if you kill someone?"

"Let's go with the original plan. "

Ye Chen was very skeptical, Kaeya's small body could really withstand gravity and meteorites?

Moreover, if Ye Chen threw a meteorite with all his might, the power would at least be at the level of Morax.

The sky is moving.

If it is smashed down, the entire Dadaupa Valley may really be gone.

However, Ye Chen didn't have any psychological burden.

Anyway, there are very few people here, and it's good to ruin the hilichurl camp. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Are you underestimating me?!"

When Ye Chen said this, Kaeya was also angry.

The ice ridge was wrapped around his body, and then a sword rushed towards Ye Chen.

However, the next second.

Kaeya only felt as if his entire body was being suppressed by an inexplicable force.

The body was unsteady on its feet, and in the end, the whole thing knelt down directly.

Gritting his teeth and being quite embarrassed.

And during this period, Ye Chen hasn't even made a move?!

Seeing this scene, the people present, except for Lucy, who knew Ye Chen's ability, were not surprised.

Everyone else was stunned.

A bewildered face.....

If you don't make a move, you can make Kaeya kneel directly and defeat the factory on the spot.

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