"The chip belongs to me? wait....."

Rogge reached out and just wanted to take the chip.

Think about it.

Groove, I paid for it!

Obviously asked Ye Chen to resurrect Johnny.

This condition is well discussed, why shouldn't the chip fall into your own hands, right?!

Rogge felt that he had to find Ye Chen to understand.

It's just too much, don't bring such a trick.


Ye Chen waved his hand very innocently.

"How can I fool people..... Because the resurrection method of the RELIC chip is very cruel. "

"First you have to find a suitable container. Living ....."

"Then plug the chip in. Wait until the man is dying...... The Jonny 767 consciousness stored in the RELIC chip will take over that body ......"

Ye Chen told the story.

The process of speaking is also very clear.

This is not surprising, after all, Ye Chen is also a veteran of cyberpunk.

This set of processes, including stealing chips from the Kambi Building, T-BUG being killed in seconds, Lai Xuan killing San Lang and then blaming the blame, and finally Jack hung up miserably.

In order to save the chip inserted into the body.....

In short, this is a set of processes.

even follows the plot trend after the exchange between Ember and Huazi.

Two options for the Mikoshi......

All in all, Ye Chen almost came to the process of this trip.

You don't have to say it casually.

Hearing this, Rogge's whole person froze directly....

I sighed in my heart.

From Ye Chen, it is impossible for you to hear a word of truth.

One second he may refuse your request because he doesn't understand.

But if you can pay, he'll be able to tell you how to do it very easily.

What the hell.... Rogge felt that Ye Chen must have gotten into the eyes of money.

It is said that the wealth in his hands will never be used up in his life.

Companies alone receive billions of euros every day.

As a result, he had to pay to hire him to do something.

"It is said that the system of the Dragon Kingdom is not the same as here..... Since the company war, it has been found that the people of the Dragon Kingdom have only one set of capitalists. "

This is the conclusion (abeh) Rogge came to after negotiating with Ye Chen.

"Okay, okay...... The chip was put here for me first. "

"I'll come to you when I find the right person. "

"Hopefully, you will deliver on your promises. Happy trading. "

Rogge didn't want to shake hands with Ye Chen.

Because he was in a bad mood, he was put on a table by Ye Chen.

Still, as a courtesy, Rogge did so.

As a result, Ye Chen didn't bird her at all, so he let her stretch out her hand, and then turned her head and walked away. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Leaving Rogge alone in front of the counter......

"Ye Chen, what were you communicating with Rogge just now? Let's come over and have a drink!"

I talked to Rogge for about ten minutes.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that Mann had already drunk it.


Ye Chen also found that when negotiating with Rogge, Lucy, Rebecca, and even V Sasha looked at him with an inexplicable gaze.

How many meanings?!

It can't be a misunderstanding, right?

Ye Chen felt that he should explain a little.

At least in Sasha's eyes, Ye Chen's image is tall.

And Sasha has a good appearance, in front of the beauty, even Ye Chen has to think about his image.

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