Lin Moyu disappeared into the whirlpool.

After entering the vortex, a huge suction force fell on him, dragging him deep into the vortex.

Throughout the process, my perception was blinded, I didn’t know the direction, distance, or speed, and even time seemed to have stopped.

Lin Moyu counted silently in his heart, trying to figure out how much time had passed and how much distance had passed.

However, under the interference of invisible forces, time seemed to be disrupted, and his thinking also experienced stagnation and interruption.

Counting also becomes useless.

Most of the feelings are blocked, but with the soul of the fourth grade peak, some abnormalities can still be felt.

Lin Moyu felt as if he had passed through layers of barriers, and the atmosphere around him seemed to have changed. It became different from the battlefield and the big world.

"He has left the battlefield and is no longer in the big world!" Lin Moyu secretly thought in his heart.

This feeling is different from entering the loess desert before.

Although the loess desert and ancient tombs have their own rules, they are more or less connected with the battlefield and the big world. 07

But now, Lin Moyu couldn't feel the atmosphere of the battlefield or the big world at all.

From this, he judged that he had entered an independent world. He didn't know how long it took, and finally he was down to earth.

It was like a long teleportation At the end, the picture in front of me rippled like water, from blurry to clear, and my vision returned to normal two seconds later.

This is a dim world, with dark clouds in the sky, and occasionally light shines through, bringing some brightness to the world.

Through. The light passing through the clouds had a deep red color, as if there was a raging flame burning behind the thick clouds.

But the surroundings were very cold, and there was no temperature that a flame should have.

Lin Moyu instinctively wanted to fly up and have a look, but There was a powerful force rising from the earth, grabbing him tightly.

Lin Moyu suddenly exerted his strength, and golden light erupted from his body, trying to get rid of this force.

In the confrontation between the two, Lin Moyu gained the upper hand, and his body slowly rose into the air.

But when he flew a hundred meters above the ground, the suction coming from the ground became stronger, making it impossible for him to continue rising.

At this time, he was still far away from the clouds.

Lin Moyu tried this several times, but he had no choice but to land.

Then he was still far away from the clouds. He jumped up with all his strength, his body ejected like a cannonball, and instantly exceeded the height of 100 meters.

At the height of 200 meters, the pulling force on the earth became stronger again, but at this moment, he still could not stop Lin Moyu.

At the height of 300 meters, the pulling force He has become much stronger, and now he has lost all his strength and has no choice but to fall back to the ground.

He jumped up like a cannonball and fell like a meteor, but there was not a trace left on the earth.

If it were replaced by ordinary stars, the earth would have been It will crack, or the stars will collapse.

It is not difficult for the body of the God King to explode the stars with one punch.

Immediately afterwards, gray flames burned blazingly, and the huge Skeleton Throne emerged from the sky.

The Skeleton King has not yet emerged from the sky. Standing up in the Skeleton Throne, an invisible force fell on him.

The Skeleton King was too tall, a hundred thousand meters high. Just standing there, he could surpass the clouds in the sky.

This power came from the earth, as if there were Countless hands pulled the Skeleton King to the ground.

The Skeleton King was suppressed to the ground.

The Skeleton King, who had reached the realm of the Little God, was obviously stronger than Lin Moyu. He tried his best to resist the pull of the earth.

The Skeleton King When he raised his head, he could only lift his head.

At this time, his head was about a kilometer above the ground, and he could no longer move.

The height of one kilometer was the limit of Skeleton King.

Then Skeleton King's head gradually lowered, and the lower his head was, the more damage he received. The pulling force will become smaller.

After some attempts, Lin Moyu finally understood that every 100 meters here, the pulling force will suddenly become larger.

And within this 100-meter interval, the pulling force will remain unchanged.

With his level, It can only fly to about 100 meters.

If you switch to the second level of the God King, you probably won't be able to fly even 100 meters. If you are the first level of the God King, you can only stand on the ground and can't even take off. (Read Baoshuang novels and fly. Lu Novel Network!)

If he relies on the God King Realm body, although he cannot fly, he can jump to an area of ​​about 300 meters.

And the closer to the limit, affected by the pulling force, the whole person's movements will slow down and become difficult. , the combat power will be significantly reduced.

In other words, the strongest combat power can be exerted in the area below 100 meters.

The Skeleton King could only lie on the ground because he was too tall.

If you insist on getting up, your body may collapse due to the pulling force.

Looking towards the sky, I seem to see layers of invisible barriers, covering the whole world.

"It seems that the way to leave is not to fly upward. Lin

Moyu murmured to himself. The reason why he did this was to find a way to leave and leave an escape route for himself.

Obviously, the way to leave was not to take off, but to have another way.

After a short test, He has determined that this place has similarities and differences with the loess desert and ancient tombs. The similarity is that they all have a vast atmosphere and have experienced countless years, and they should be related to the ancient times.

The difference is that there is no trace of the big world here. The aura is not in the battlefield, it is an independent world.

Even the laws have changed. The laws here are extremely thin. As long as the laws are used, one's own consumption will be greatly increased and it will be difficult to replenish it.

But this is very important to Lin Mo. It doesn't matter in terms of language. The giant tree of talent is the largest supply warehouse.

With a thought, the Skeleton King lying on the ground raised his bone sword with one hand and smashed it on the ground with all his strength.

Although he did not use any spells and his posture was wrong, he could not It exerted all its strength.

It was as strong as the Skeleton King. This sword was stronger than the ninth level of the God King. The earth shook slightly, and a small crack appeared.

The crack was only as thick as a finger, and the length was no more than a month. meters, and the depth is only about ten centimeters.

The Skeleton King's sword, which is enough to kill 380 stars, can only leave such a crack in the earth.

The Skeleton King's own power is not limited, all because this land is really It was too solid.

Lin Moyu felt that the solidity of the earth was comparable to the materials of the Divine Realm, second only to the black materials in ancient tombs and mysterious manors.

"It can be judged from the strength of the earth that the level here is very high. If you encounter an enemy, I am afraid that the strength will be very strong."

"In the same way, if there is a curse here, then the power of the curse will be extremely strong. I don’t know if my passive spell can withstand it."

Lin Moyu knew very well that although passive spells are magical, they also have limits.

If the attack encountered is too strong, they will also lose their effect.

He put away the useless Skeleton King and summoned a large number of Skeleton God warriors.

Here, the Skeleton King It has lost its function.

It cannot be said to be completely useless. If necessary, it can be summoned to suppress the enemy.

It is true suppression, relying on a huge body to suppress the enemy.

More than a million Skeleton God warriors spread out, with Lin Moyu as the center , running in all directions.

When the way to go was unknown, Lin Moyu still used the oldest and most practical routine, letting the skeletons find the way for him. The light-speed lich sat on Lin Moyu's shoulders, working for the Skeleton God The warriors provided spell support.

The Skeleton God warriors turned into streams of light one after another, but the speed was far not as fast as in the big world.

The ability of the light speed lich here was greatly suppressed, and the speed was only one percent of the normal speed.

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