Of course, the stream didn't say anything either. Emily continued, "It's not unusual to know that Rochester is a special router, and it's not difficult to know that Rochester is a relative of the royal family. The humanoid's tone suddenly became stern, "But with the Three Princes, and with a good understanding of the identity of the Three Princes, and bringing this one to the Capital Star, it is not reasonable to say anything." "

"As far as we know, the Third Prince is not aware of the fact that he is a humanoid with an identity, although it is true that some photos of Rochester will be transmitted every year, but the face of the Third Prince is almost never seen, only once or twice occasionally. "

"Isn't it a strange thing to think about it like this, so that there will be humanoids who take those photos, and they also say by name that this is the matter of the three princes. Obviously, my dear self-proclaimed human race, you are not a qualified so-called weak human race. "

"I don't really have much to say about that, but if you really think that I did all this, you can go and investigate and do all the proofs, and it's not a difficult thing. "The flow is still in that comfortable position, and nothing has changed. For this human race, there didn't seem to be any threat to the humanoid race in front of him, not even the guy he didn't care about.

Liu's gaze was not focused on Emily, but farther away. He was a little nostalgic, and he didn't know why, it had been a long time since he had felt so condescendingly questioned by other humans. He did need to get used to it, after all, there were many places where he might have to accept such a condescending tone after the matter was over.

"However, you still chose to come, which proves that in fact, you can't prove that I did these things, of course, I can admit now that these public opinions were created by me, and I came to slander the royal family through these things. Stream admitted very calmly, "But the only thing I did was to take a candid photo, and the rest was extremely reasonable content, even if it affected you, I couldn't be sentenced to death." "

Turning his head to confirm with Mia, Mia listened intently, and then answered the question. "One year in prison, combined punishment for two crimes, the unauthorized uploading of the royal family's portrait rights, and the negative impact on the reputation of the royal family. "These are all things that Mia has already negotiated with Emily, and on the way to it, Emily has already thought of the crimes that can be convicted, and some of the sentences that have already passed the unanimous agreement of the two.

In this case, the stream accepted these punishments very calmly, and then the live broadcast ended. And then there is the reading of the manuscript that has been prepared for a long time, there is something about the interpretation of different TV stations and the like, and at the same time, the royal family also sent another draft nonsensically, with preparations for this live broadcast and the like to highlight the importance of the entire royal family to this matter, in order to express the importance of the royal family to the three princes.

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