Obviously, this theory of the latter is untenable, otherwise they would not be here to play this obvious farce as if they were idle and doing nothing together, and without participating in the internal politics of the Thunder Star Domain, Mia is very sure that if he does not participate in the internal politics of the Thunder Star Domain, he will definitely not be able to use such a standard appearance to face every group that may react.

It can even be said that to a certain extent, Mia even thinks that maybe the party in which the stream participates is the old party, and in this case, it is obvious that it can also explain the quietness of the whole old party.

"As long as the leader of the old party is persuaded, then the whole old party is leveraged. "


origin of this sentence is also the reason why Mia received the dual support of the royal family and the conservative party when she came to power, and of course, part of it is that her own merits and the liquidity of the cosmic market at that time was so large, allowing the human race to appreciate as cheap labor and also providing opportunities for the human race in some positions that are neither high nor low.

Obviously, this is what Stream himself said to Mia, and then the lady made the opportunity to change her choice in her life, which was to meet Malatty. With the double endorsement of the royal family and the conservative party, to be honest, anyone can really take the throne at this time.

"I don't know what kind of force is behind you, but no matter what, your efforts make me feel ridiculous, Mr. Liu, as a human race, should understand the role of the human race in a pure battlefield when facing an enemy with huge strength, so it is important to make a wise decision as soon as possible. Emily's rhetoric obviously didn't move the stream.

"Well, then, if that's the case, what does our dear Highness suggest? Stream still smiled kindly, "You should also understand that the so-called wise choice itself is irreparable, and the path I am walking on from the beginning is not a path that can be chosen." In terms of dying and dedicating ourselves to our ideals, we are an extremely gifted race. "

"That's not the point of our discussion, the important point is that the trial of the case you committed, like the murder of Rochester, is intolerable in every sense of the word. Emily's tone changed and began to change to a stern tone.

However, for Stream, this tone does not have a great influence on him, and it is not the first time that he has faced these things like this, isn't it, the live broadcast is a double-edged sword, and it not only affects Stream's own defense, but also ensures Emily's fair performance in this trial.

"I killed Rochester?" Stream finally let go of the mocking smile on his lips when he heard this, "Rochester was really killed by me?" do you have any evidence that your suspicion of a human species can reach the point that you can already accuse a human species of killing any non-human species at will. One thing that any race of universal reason in this world should understand is the poor physical lifespan and magical abilities of the human race. "

"But here's the truth, after you were the only one in that room, Rochester died. Mia added, "This is after a thorough investigation, both from the traces of magic and from the actual evidence of the current investigation, and the testimony of eyewitnesses is the same." "

"You can still find eyewitnesses in that place. Once again, Stream put on a cynical look, "You ignore the fact that I am the only humanoid in the entire room, and there is another humanoid present at the time." "

Emily suddenly looked a little uneasy, and it was clear that she had learned of the holes in her narrative.

"I don't have any connection with Rochester, if anything, at most I want to use his profession. Stream paused and looked at the camera equipment, "I don't know if the royal side has added, Rochester has its own official route between the wandering area and the casino, and this route tends to carry the most humanoids in each god feast." "

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