"Whatever you want to do to my mother, or use her for any purpose, I won't allow it. One more act like this, and I'll kill you. "

Our conversation didn't shy away from the mother.

Of course, in this little safe house, there is very little room for private conversation

"Donnie, you seem to have misunderstood ......


"Mother!" I interrupted, "you know how dangerous you are. "

"If it's

dangerous, then why am I the only one to protect this so-called safe house?" said Liu, completely ignoring the sheer power of the girl opposite, "You see, this is not a safe place, the deepest part of the black market is only two blocks from here, and this is a place where almost all humanoids will not come as long as they are not criminals, smugglers, and mafias. "

His tone began to rise, with an unconsciously mocking tone, "Or Miss Donnie, do you believe that the so-called most dangerous place is the safest?"

"Yes, there's always going to be a stupid person among the three of us, isn't it, Ms. Grant?" The smile on Liu's face didn't change, but Donnie somehow felt a kind of arrogance, a kind of extremely offensive disdain.

The last thing an adolescent girl should do is to mock her idol, at least her father at this time, and to laugh at her own judgment, which is what she identifies.

Stream laughed at her father's decision and ridiculed her, which was intolerable to her at the time. Without hesitation, she slashed her wrist with the knife she was guarding, and began to sketch the lines in her heart with great skill, while muttering words in her mouth.

As a result, the process of casting her spell was interrupted before she could finish her spell. It's not the mother, it's the human being.

"When facing someone who is not clear about his strength, you must judge the strength before deciding on the use of magic," Liu clasped Donnie's arm from a condescending perspective, although he was not very tall, but still took out the silk handkerchief from the pocket of his clothes, "The haute couture handmade silk handkerchief from Hill Company was originally intended for your mother, and I am really lucky to have this, my dear miss." "

Mother walked over, "Donnie, you don't have to worry too much, I can still rest assured that your father arranged the person." "

When she saw her mother coming over to persuade her, she didn't say anything anymore but whistled meaninglessly, which was a wonderful tone that sounded very sad.

"Lady Donnie, you need to know that I am sent by your father, and although it is not an important errand, it is enough to put the lives of you two at stake, so be kind to me. I'm just an insignificant human race, and I don't have any big pursuits if I want to make a fool's errand. "

Donnie is not gullible about the stream, just as she has always had a crush on people around her other than those who are related by blood, and in this environment, the Wu clan is always under the scrutiny.

As a fleeing ethnic group, they are almost less than one percent of the former heyday, and the leader of the Wu clan is very calm in handing over her mother in the name of national survival under such circumstances. This led to the fate of their mother and daughter being only the product of marriage from birth, which also led to the lukewarm treatment of the entire Kuroshio organization, except for a part of their own clan.

The young girl realizes the injustice of fate to her so early that she has an extraordinary trust and desire to protect her biological parents.

What changed Donny's attitude was a very painful thing in her life, along with her mother's weakness and lack of attention, some people finally set their sights on this powerful but weak race, but in fact, due to the cautious style of the witch race, the first choice for most people who were eyeing the witch race was the mother and daughter who were not noticed and were given away as sacrifices.

Donnie didn't know which side of the group had used magic when they were attacked, or why their father hadn't moved when they were attacked, but in the end, her mother and the others who had come died and sent her and Stream away.

The attack was so sudden that for a long time Donnie had a certain paranoia of being killed, and after this incident, he gradually began to get busy, and at that time he also began to gradually have a formed idea.

There are thoughts about what to do next, his reward for Donnie's mother for saving him, and some of his guilt for the witches.

"What have you done to the shamans that even people like you feel guilty?"

"Ah, that's a long story, I'll tell you when I have a chance. "

He then began to show his identity as a human race, constantly handling all kinds of social content for the organization, which won the appreciation of Donnie's father, and his identity as a human race, and soon, in various large group meetings, he had his own position.

And all this happened in only half a year, during which Donnie was still in charge of Liu's care, but Liu barely communicated with her, ensuring that her place was safe and well fed. Every time he went home, he was just silent, and he didn't say much.

Until, when he really had a say in the organization, he came back and told Donnie.

"I already know the truth, and I think you should have guessed a little bit about it. He pulled out a dozen papers from his bag and handed them to Donnie casually, as before, as before her mother died. "Let's see, maybe it will be inspiring?"

Things were more sinister than Donnie could have imagined, and this level of malice almost made Donnie collapse.

"So what did you show her?" I couldn't help but ask Stream.

"Some," he hesitated for a moment, "I don't know how to describe it, traces of magic, anyway, the scene I recreated with magic. "

"So what's going on?".

Donnie's father sat right behind the attacker, in the process of wiping out most of the evidence after making sure it was all over. "

"How do you do it in such detail?" I always wondered, since the description is so careful, a person should not leave such a big flaw.

"It's very simple, by simply reproducing the positioning between the three characters in time and space, and completing the information with a certain amount of memories I had at that time, I had a lot of contact with her father in those six months, and I could get a little bit of the items that could be used as a character medium. "

He looked at me as if I was very interested in magic, and added: "The most basic magic courses are all to the adult courses of the race, except for some inheritance magic, such as "Principles of Magic", "Fundamentals of Occultism" and the like are things that you can't see now, I can teach you a little earlier, but it's too early." "

"So, is magic a thing that can be learned by the general public?" mentioned my blind spots, which was not pleasant, because the regret of not receiving a basic education was highlighted.

"Well, you can find basic magic-related books in any of the larger libraries in the starfield," he paused, "but only if you are willing to learn. You don't have to worry about basic education, according to the total statistics of federal data, the basic education penetration of the entire participating races in the federal territory is only about 15%. "

"Is it so low?" I was shocked, "but it doesn't seem incomprehensible to think about my living environment. "

"yes, that's pretty understandable. In addition, in fact, it is said that it is basic education, but in fact, it is very simple to live without this, but it is better to say that compared to the so-called "basic education", everyone still believes in the money in hand. "

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