In fact, the changes brought about by such a subtle influence are actually huge, but due to the technical research of their own scientific and technological level and magic, they have not been sought-after in the past two years, and they have been set by the upper echelons everywhere, and no matter how interested scientists are, they will not bet their fate and time on this.


lack of success is the most obvious problem in the current magic laboratory, and Hal has been working this as the leader of the magic laboratory. First, he himself is already more than two hundred, and second, there is no need for the entire laboratory to continue like this.

But it was clear that they had little success on such matters, especially since the different factions of the entire academy of magic, including the labs, were researching and expanding on things that were of no practical sense, and of course the meaninglessness here was defined by the councils, and their funding was almost always derived from a small part of the so-called royal expenses.

Even so, the people of the Council were not satisfied, and although they were well aware that magic still played an important role in such times, this did not change their present trading and circulation of money, and through the development of almost never-ending different tools that were not actually created but could be conjured like a miracle, which they often called financial means.

This kind of monetary statistics can reach 30% of the total income of the entire star field every year, and how much does the so-called dedication to God and the apostles of thunder spend on the church every year?

Of course, there are those boring guys, who have made very meaningless statistics, that is, money, and he used some time and means to count, and finally found that there is a proper term for such offerings - divine offerings, which generally only account for three percent of the total income, that is, the income by financial means can be almost ten times more than the divine offerings.

Of course Ray didn't care, it was just a string of numbers, and no humanoid would really see these apostles and wouldn't care.

But this does show to a certain extent that the level of money in the parliament itself is not of the ordinary standard. An organization created by the knights of the slave era who cut off the entire Thunder Star Domain with the power of devastating and decaying is naturally very strong, even if it is already defeated on the inside, it can still be the pride of the entire era on the outside, and the royal family is a thing of the past for them.

"Hello, I'm Councilor Edken, and you're Mr. Liu. The sentence of question, but the tone of the affirmative, the humanoid race in front of him was obviously already somewhat prepared. "I'm here to win you over. "Straight to the point, it's more in line with Liu's appetite, either I've done my homework, or that's what the strategy is.

"I just, what's wrong Mr. Edken, you have come here so much, and you must be in front of Emily, won't it," the flow suddenly paused, making Edken hesitate a little whether to explain directly or let the human race in front of him guess, although he has made countless psychological hints, he can't be underestimated, but after really seeing it, Edken found that he still couldn't overcome his long-term prejudices.

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